Chuck's Home Page |
Updated: June 11th, 2004
Welcome to my humble spot on the Internet where I can post my genealogy info and other various hobbies & stuff. I hope you enjoy this page and if you're a genealogy researcher, I hope you find some useful information. Please drop me a line if you'd like any amplifying information on anything you find here.
Oh yeah... Sorry about the annoying Geocities add that keeps popping up to the right of the screen. Unfortunately, that's what comes with a "free" web host.
For more about me, read my bio here.
Quick Links
Dean History File | Hunt History File | Studebaker History File | Leise History File | Loveall History File |
Additional Genealogy Links
All the names in my database as of 16 July 2001. I've removed birthdays in consideration of my living relatives. For further information on any names you may see, please email me.
* I'm a member of the 3rd MD (US) Reenactor unit. Please visit our site!
U. S. Navy Welcome Aboard | The "Goat Locker" |
CTOSea Dogs | US Naval Crytologic Vets |
NAVSECGRU History | |
Debunk the liberal myths about the 80's |
Broadsheet |
Great Quotes! |
One of my biggest pet peeves are all the email hoaxes that go around the internet. One of the best rules I've heard that if/when you see "send this to everybody you know," then it's probably a hoax. For a list of good anti-hoax resources, check out my hoax site.
One of the things I really enjoyed doing growning up was showing dairy cows (Guernseys, specifically) at the local county fairs. Thanks to the internet, I've been able to keep up on breed news & shows. Check out my dairy page for some interesting links. For a great looking Guernsey, check out the "Cow of the Week."
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