Welcome to the first Boris Cabrera Fan Page
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Last Updated: 4/11/99

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ICQ me: 24319771

Yahoo Page Me: AniCat12
Wow! I just realised that i havn't updated in a really, really, really, really long time. One reason is that there hasn't been much to add. The second reason is because my other web page got deleted, and I'm working on trying to get that back up. My parents haven't been letting my on the computer as much because of my grades, and they think that it's the computer doing it. The last reason I haven't updated much is I am working on a fan fiction. Yes, I'm actually writing one that isn't going to be really bad. Right now I only have the first chapter done, so I'll try and get that posted really soon. Hopefully I will be updating this page a little more than I have been. I'll try and update at least once a week.

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(1/23/99)If you buy books, cd's, or videos online, could you buy them through the links for either Amazon.com, or cdnow.com on this page. I am trying to save up to buy a graphic maker, so that this page is better. After I get that, I'm going to try to save up enough money to get a domain name for this page. Thank you.
since 10/18/98
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Do you have any info about Boris? Do you have a fan fic that is focused either on him or his character Marco? Do you have an address to write to him? Do you just want to say how much you like him? E-mail me and I might use it.


I am in no way assosiated with Boris Cabrera. Most images are property of The Official Scholastic Page. Those images that aren't are property of bc-girl. If you would like to use one of my images, please state that you got it here.