Thanks for coming to check out my story.  I am going to try stating all the facts but not go into all of the medical terms.  If there is something you would like to know more about, just send me an e-mail and I will get back to you.

I was so excited to find out that I was pregnant!  My husband and I had been trying for a couple of months and in November I finally saw the first positive of many home pregnancy test I had taken...  I could not wait to tell everyone I was going to have a baby.

Well it was a good thing I had most of my Christmas shopping done because by the first of December I was so sick, I could barely get up and go to work each day.  My doctor said it was just common old morning sickness and it would all end in a few months.  I had no idea where the term "MORNING" came from because my sickness was all day every day.

I went to all of my monthly appointments as scheduled and I was losing a lot of weight, but what else was expected, I wasn't keeping anything down.  I remember the day the doctor said, "Next month is going to be better, I expect you to gain weight and start feeling better before I see you next month."

Next month I go in for my appointment thinking does he really know what he is talking about I am still sick.  But when I got on the scales I had gained some weight.  I remember the doctor walking in looking at the chart saying see I told you, you would start feeling better.  I had to tell him I have no idea how I gained the 10 pounds because nothing was staying down.  He looks back down at the chart and asked the nurse to retake my blood pressure.  I can see the concern in his face.

Well the blood pressure is a little high and with the weight gain we have reasons to be a little concerned, he says.  My next appointment is scheduled for two weeks instead of the normal month.

I remember going in on a Tuesday in two weeks and the doctor is out delivering a baby, so the nurse weighs me and takes my blood pressure.  She charts this and says the doctor will probably be giving me a call.  I am think, oh no I am going to have to stay home for the next couple of months in the bed!

On Thursday morning I get up to go to work and I am feeling my worst ever.  I still had not heard from the doctor so I figure he thought things were ok.  I plan on going to work for a short time and then coming back home.  I pick up my wedding rings and walk out the door,  I try putting the rings on and they will not go down even half way on my finger.  I am thinking something is definitely wrong.

After I got to work a couple of people kept asking was I ok so I am guessing I do not look normal.  We had one of those do it yourself blood pressure machines in the lobby and I was going to go over and see what it said, I could not get anything.  I couple of my co-workers try and theirs comes out just fine.  Well finally I get a reading 180/110!  Everyone just looked at each other and I said well I think I will go to the doctor now, I'll be back later.

Little did I know!

When I walked into the office the nurse weighed me, checked my urine (twice), checked my blood pressure ( twice), and then put an immediate call in to the doctor, who was at the hospital making rounds.

I could tell something was terribly wrong by the way they were all whispering and running around the office.  The doctor comes in and he personally checks my blood pressure and a couple of other things and then ask me to come into his office.

I was not prepared for what I was about to hear.

He says I have developed severe preeclampsia, and I will have to be admitted to the hospital.  I called my husband and told him and after he gets to the hospital they start running some test on the baby.  I am only 23 weeks along in my pregnancy and all I keep hearing is that the baby is just too small.

The next morning the doctor comes in and says he wants to transfer me to Little Rock, Arkansas, UMAS.  They are a high risk facility and I would have better luck there, but don't expect any miracles because the baby is just too small.

As I arrive at UMAS the doctors are preparing for the worse, with my blood pressure so high and so much protein in my urine they say the only cure is to deliver the baby, and a baby before 24 weeks gestations as no chance of survival.

Well it just so happens that with a lot of prayer my blood pressure starts to come down and the amount of protein in my urine is so high that it is unbelievable so they decide to run another 24 hour test.  This gives my baby a little more time to grow.
Well on Sunday night all the results are in and they are bad.  I really do have that much protein and it is time to do something.  I do not know but plans are made for delivery first thing Monday morning.

Little did I know that my life was about the be changed - FOREVER!

As I was taking down to labor and delivery the neonatoligist came in to talk to my husband and I.  He says that they are expecting the baby to be about 1 1/2 pounds and if that is the case then it would have about a 50% chance of survival.

While the plans are being made for the epideruaral so I would be awake during the C-section and so that by husband could be in there with me more blood test came back and this time they should we could wait no longer.  My kidneys and liver was beginning to shut down from the protein.  I was wheeled into the delivery room for an emergency C-section immediately. 

Less than 15 minutes later my son Dylon was born weighing only 1 pound and 2 ounces, his chance of survival was cut in half he now only has a 25% chance at life.

For the Story of Dylon's stay in the hospital and the life he lives at home four years later go to Dylon's Story

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