Julia's Shamu Homepage

Hello and welcome to my Shamu Homepage,
my name is Julia I am 9 yrs. old,
my favorite person in the whole wide world is my Daddy,
we take lot's of trip's.My second favorite is my MeMa,she spends lot's of time with me.
And my favorite animal is my little dog Trevy.
I love playing and jumping on my trampoline,
I also just finished cheerleading classes,and I take gymnastics
and love swimming,so as you can see I am a very active nine year old,and keep my Daddy very busy *smile*
Dad and MeMa are so very proud I got second Honor Roll for the year,I really like school and have lot's of nice teachers and friends.

Well I have grown some as you can see from my latest picture. Dad and I moved into a bigger house over the summer,it is so roomy,wasn't sure I would like it as I had lived in our old home since I was born.But I really love our new home and so does Trevy.
I am now in my second year of dancing and really enjoy it.The recital's are a lot of fun.I get to dress in 50's costum's and different ones.
I also love working on my computer,so much to do and to see on the Internet.I let my Dad use it sometime *smile*
Well I have some great news too,my Dad is getting married next year,she is a great lady,her name is Cindy,and I will have a younger sister also,her name is Rhonda.So the year 2000 will be as great as this year.

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