Retired Beanies

Retired Beanies 1997 Teddy Birthday - December 25, 1996
Ally the alligator

Birthday - March 14, 1994
Baldy the Eagle

Birthday - February 17, 1996
Bernie the St. Bernard

Birthday - October 3, 1996
Bessie the cow

Birthday - June 27, 1995
Blackie the bear

Birthday - July 15, 1994 
Blizzard the white tiger

Birthday - December 12, 1996 
Bones the dog

Birthday - January 18, 1994
Bronty the brontosaurus

Birthday UNKNOWN-
Bruno the terrier

Birthday - September 9, 1997
Bubbles the fish

Birthday - July 2, 1995
Bucky the beaver

Birthday - June 8, 1995
Bumble the bee

Birthday UNKNOWN-
Caw the crow

Birthday UNKNOWN-
Chilly the bear

Birthday UNKNOWN-
Chops the lamb

Birthday - May 3, 1996
Coral the fish

Birthday - March 2, 1995
Crunch the shark

Birthday - January 13, 1996
Cubbie the bear

Birthday - November 14, 1993
Daisy the cow

Birthday - May 10, 1994
Digger the crab

Birthday - August 23, 1995
Digger (orange) the crab

Birthday - August 23, 1995
Doodle the rooster

Birthday - March 8, 1996
Ears the bunny

Birthday - April 18, 1995 
Echo the dolphin

Birthday - December 21, 1996
Flash the dolphin

Birthday - May 13, 1993
Flip the cat

Birthday - February 28, 1995
Floppity the bunny

Birthday - May 28, 1996
Flutter the butterfly

Birthday UNKNOWN-
Garcia the bear

Birthday - August 1, 1995
Lefty the donkey

Birthday - July 4, 1996
Legs the frog

Birthday - April 25, 1993
Libearty the bear

Birthday - Summer 1996,
Atlanta, Georgia, USA Lizzy the Lizard

Birthday - May 11, 1995
Lizzy (tie-dyed) the lizard

Birthday - May 11, 1995
Lucky the ladybug

Birthday - May 1, 1995
Magic the dragon

Birthday - September 5, 1995
Manny the manatee

Birthday - June 8, 1995
Nip the cat

Birthday - March 6, 1994
Patti the platypus

Birthday - January 6, 1993
Peanut the elephant

Birthday - January 25, 1995
Peanut (royal) the elephant

Birthday - January 25,
1995 Peking the bear

Birthday UNKNOWN-
Pinchers the lobster

Birthday - June 19, 1993
Puffer the puffin

Birthday - November 3, 1997
Quackers the duck

Birthday - April 19, 1994
Quackers (wingless) the duck

Birthday - April 19, 1994
Radar the bat

Birthday - October 30, 1995
Rex the Tyrannosaurus

Birthday UNKNOWN-
Righty the elephant

Birthday - July 4, 1996
Ringo the raccoon

Birthday - July 14, 1995
Rover the dog

Birthday - May 30, 1996
Scottie the terrier

Birthday - June 15, 1996
Seamore the seal

Birthday - December 14, 1996
Seaweed the otter

Birthday - March 19, 1996
Slither the snake

Birthday UNKNOWN-
Sly the fox

Birthday - September 12, 1996
Snort the bull

Birthday - May 15, 1995
Snowball the snowman

Birthday - December 22, 1996
Sparky the Dalmatian

Birthday - February 27, 1996
Speedy the turtle

Birthday - August 14, 1994
Spinner the spider

Birthday - October 28, 1996
Splash the orca whale

Birthday - July 8, 1993
Spooky the ghost

Birthday - October 31, 1995
Spot the dog

Birthday - January 3, 1993
Squealer the pig

Birthday - April 23, 1993
Steg the stegosaurus

Birthday UNKNOWN-
Sting the ray

Birthday - August 27, 1995
Stripes the tiger

Birthday - June 11, 1995
Tabasco the bull

Birthday - May 15, 1995
Tank (with shell) the armadillo

Birthday - February 22, 1995
Tank (without shell) the armadillo

Birthday - February 22, 1995
Teddy the bear

Birthday - November 28, 1995
Teddy the bear All the teddy colors, except brown, are retired. Including cranberry, jade, magenta, teal, and violet.

Birthday UNKNOWN-
Trap the mouse

Birthday UNKNOWN-
Tusk the walrus

Birthday - September 18, 1995
Twigs the giraffe

Birthday - May 19, 1995
Velvet the panther

Birthday - December 16, 1995
Waddle the penguin

Birthday - December 19, 1995
Waves the orca whale

Birthday - December 8, 1996
Weenie the dog

Birthday - July 20, 1995
Web the Spider

Birthday UNKNOWN-
Wrinkles the dog

Birthday - May 1, 1996
Ziggy the zebra

Birthday - December 24, 1995
Zip the cat

Birthday - March 28, 1994
Zip (white face) the cat

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