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FROM Wendy G:
There is Keys for kids located at Keys for Kids
This may be a little young for her. So there is Campus Journal Campus Journal that may be a little old for her
Or you can go to Gosple communications network's Web Pages Dedicated to Devotionals at Devotionals
they have a WHOLE LIST for the whole family!
Daily Devotions by Sammy Tippit
A Little Daily Wisdom
Campus Journal
Christian Quotation of the Day
Today's Thought by John Stott
Discovering Ancient Wisdom
Early in the Morning Devotional
God's Got A Better Idea
Keys For Kids
The NIV Quiet Time Bible
Oswald Chambers' My Utmost for His Highest
Our Daily Bread
Tabletalk Online
Words of Hope
A Word With You - by Ron Hutchcraft
Luis Palau's "Healthy Habits"
FROM Cinda:
[kid-missionfriends] E-mail List
WHAT KID-MISSIONFRIENDS IS ABOUT: Kid-Missionfriends is a way for children and teens to write e-mail to each other between home and several mission fields. There are no adults on the mailing list except for the moderators, Robin and Suzie Arnaud. This list is just for kids! Missionary kids can use it to keep in touch with folks from "back home," and kids at home can use it to make friends with kids their own age far from home in other lands. It's particularly well suited for homeschooled kids (and many missionary children are schooled at home), because they can use it to learn about geography, language, history, and culture, as well as what life is like on various mission fields. To subscribe write to :
FROM Lisa T.:
FROM Debbie B:
Old and New
Testament Quizzes
Bible Study Questions for Kids
FROM Jane:
posters. They are black
and white (designed for the children to color/decorate).
We got them at
the book fair at Calvary Church a few months ago. I've
heard quite a bit
from mothers in our homeschool group who use them. IF-THEN
is $4.50.
BLESSING is $5. I think I forgot to mention that they also
have pictures
so non-readers (like mine) and look at it and know which
one it is.
Oh yes, while I'm thinking about it. They come from a
company called
P.O. Box 1610 #372
Clackamas, OR 97015
Phone (503) 698-7973
Anyway, they sell lots of stuff that all looks good. The
man we bought
rom said that if he could only sell us one thing it would
be the book
Reference Guide for
Biblical Child Training. We did buy that, too. It's like
a topical
Bible. Cost $25. Spiral bound, about an inch thick.
About 300 page
FROM Bev AKA KittenKrew:
FROM Donna:
Parables - This is a great site and has more like this. Since we are talking about tithing I though I would send to your kids about it....
Daniel Foods - From the Book of Daniel. Part One: Taken Captive. They have quite a few books on line...all kinds
54 Bible stories, pages to color, Bible verse, prayer - They tell you how to print them out. A good resource for Bible Lessons for younger children and SS.
Bible Trivia Memory Match - Java applet
The Children's Bible Drill Verses Page
ABC's of the Flood,coloring pages also
Child Evangelism Fellowship
FREE correspondence Bible Study for kids.
ChildTel Ministries
Click on a topic from the
following list to learn more about what the Bible has to say about that
particular subject. Some of the topics will be helpful in dealing with
certain problems that you may have.
ChildTel - Fun Things
Fun things for kids
The Christian
Children's Page
Come in and enjoy our facts and fun centered around God's
Word, His creation, and Christian family values.
Under the Apple Tree - Fun for kids!!!
Psalm 23 - Colorful book for kids on Psalm 23
The Children's Bible Drill Verses Page
for primary and junior students (Bible Lessons)
Songs, activities, and projects that help students review, remember, and
understand lessons from God's word. This list is great what wonderful ideas
I got!!!
A very cute idea from the
Teachers of a Sunday School class of 3 - 5 year olds.
Sonrise Sowing-Bible Story Lessons
To view and print of our lessons, you can download the free Adobe Acrobat
Reader. The Acrobat Reader gives consistent printing across different
computers and different printers.
Kid's on the Rock
Here's the place to find
just the right gospel object lesson or skit for children's church. You can
download free scripts from this christian comedian's website to use in your
children's service.
Puppet Power
--14 styles of large 28" puppets to assist in teaching your kids
Fishers of Children
"Leading Children to Christ....Hook, Line, & Sinker"
The Commandments of Christ
A good study for our kids!!!
Bible Studies for Children
Snowflake Mailbox Club
PO Box 781
Jamestown, ND 58402
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Greater Indianapolis
PO Box 111
Indianapolis, Indiana 46206
I sent each one a postcard with the names and ages of my children and requested age appropriate studies. The Snowflake Mailbox Club sent each one a different study while the other only had studies for the older two.
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