This site was updated 5/5/99

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Welcome to the

Site Owner/Manager: Joe Vaughn is proud to be a

This is a huge site. Currently at over seventy pages and growing constantly. This site will chronicle Cable's complete history, from beginning to present day.
We are currently up to just before "Onslaught" with a tale titled "The Long Way Home"
Regular updates are being posted, usually 3 or more each week. If you would like to be added to the list of people that I e-mail with the latest updates Click Here and let me know. You'll be added to the update list within a few hours.

Check out Rob Liefeld's Preview Art for Cable

I'm proud to announce this sites newest affiliate, Jean, aka Ceres, the manager of the best Domino site on the net,


April 1, 1999, was my birthday. Why is this important to you, you ask? Well, my dear friend Jean aka Ceres has given me the most wonderful present, one that can be forever shared with all of you. Jean has created the most beautiful rendition of Nathan's life interwoven with the words to Frank Sinatra's (Cable's favorite singer), "My Way"
It is very evident that Jean put a lot of time and effort into this. I don't think I have ever received such a nice gift. In return for this, and so much more, I dedicate this entire site to you, Jean. Thank You, not even The Askani'Son himself could appreciate this more than I.
This page will take a bit to load, but take my word for it, it is worth every second. So, without further ado, I give you Jean's Do It Cable's Way

Jean and I are going to be giving an award each month for the best site submitted to us. To see April's winner, or if you would like to nominate a site for the "Double J Award for X-Cellence" Click Here.

This site also includes a ton of Graphics (Updated 5/5/99), Sound Bytes of all your favorite X-Men (Now with 16 different sound clips of Cable from the animated series. Special Thanks to Ceres for providing these), The Books of Askani, new issues reviews done each month by The Mighty Juggernaut, Rainer Ho Ten Soeng, Cerebro files on Cable and the whole Summers family, and a link to a fantastic forum for anything "X" related.

Alvaro's X-Universe Message Board

Alvaro's excellent "X-Universe Message Board" can actually be subscribed to, like a mailing list, and each new post will be e-mailed to you. Enjoy.

For a complete mapping out of this site, go to the "Site Index" from here you may jump to any point in the Askani'Son's history that you wish and also to any of the other many interesting pages included in this site.

I put a lot into this site and I truly hope that it is enjoyed by everyone. If you have any suggestion as to how I might improve this site, E-Mail Me and let me know how I can make this site better for you.

The above image and many of the images on all the following pages of this site were scanned and or customized by

Yvon Dumais, who also designed the beautiful backgrounds you see on this and the vast majority of my other pages on this site. I tried to think of words to describe the esteem I hold for his work but I think the images speak volumes more then I could ever say.

Thanks Yvon

About the Author For those of you who would like to know a little about man behind the page.

Before we venture deep into the Ebonshire Forest, I want to take a moment to thank David Downie, Adam Wolfs, and Jason Deshayes all of "Blood and Metal" the Nathan Summers Home Page. Many of the images you will see here came from their fantastic website and in the beginning all of the images I had came from this site if not for these guys I never would have started this page. Thanks Again Guys

New issue reviews will be posted every month. The reviews will be done by "The Mighty Juggernaut" himself, Rainer Ho Ten Soeng. Past issue reviews can be reached by going to the "Site Index" and the newest issue reviews can be reached each month by this link as well as a link in the "Site Index"

Cable #68 Review

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