1999 Signature Bear - retired
1999 Holiday Bear
Almond the Beige Bear
Amber the Gold Tabby Cat
Ants the Anteater - retired
Baldy the Eagle - retired
Batty the Bat- retired
Batty the Tie-Dyed Bat - retired
*B. B. Bear
*Beak the Kiwi Bird
Bernie the St. Bernard -
Blackie the Circus Bear - retired
Blizzard the White Tiger - retired
Bongo the Monkey - retired
Bruno the Bull Terrior - retired
Butch the Bull Terrier
Canyon the Cougar - retired
Cheecks the Baboon
Chip the Calico Cat- retired
Chocolate the Moose - retired
Chops the Lamb - retired
Chipper the Chipmunk
Claude the Tie-Dyed Crab -
Clubby the Bear - retired
ClubbyII the Bear
Congo the Gorilla - retired
Curly the Napped Bear - retired
Crunch the Shark - retired
Daisy the Black & White Cow - retired
Derby the Horse w/star - retired
Derby the Horse w/star and fluffy mane - retired
Doby the Doberman - retired
Dotty the Dalmation - retired
Early the Robin
*Eggbert the Chick - retired
*Erin the St. Patrick's Bear -
Eucalyptus the Koala - retired
Ewey the Lamb - retired
*Fetch the Golden Retriever - retired
Fleece the Lamb - retired
*Flitter the Butterfly
*Floppity the Lilac Bunny -
Fortune the Panda Bear - retired
Freckles the Leopard - retired
Fuzz the Bear
*Gigi the Poodle
Glory the Bear - retired
Goatee the Mountain Goat
Gobbles the Turkey - retired
*Goochy the Jellyfish
Gracie the Swan - retired
Groovy the Bear
*Halo the Angel - retired
Happy the Hippopotamus -
Hippie the Ty- Dye Bunny - retired
Hissy the Snake - retired
Hope the Praying Bear
Honks the Goose
Iggy the Iguana tye-dyed with tounge - retired
Iggy the Iguana blue with no tounge - retired
Inch the Inchworm - retired
*Inky the Octopus - retired
Jabber the Parrot
Jake the Drake
Kicks the Bear
*Knuckles the Pig
*Kuku the Cockatoo
*Lips the Fish
Loosy the Goose - retired
Lucky the Lady Bug - retired
Luke the Lab Dog
Mac the Cardinal
Mel the Koala - retired
*Millennium the Bear w/ Millenium Tush Tag - retired
*Millennium the Bear _ retired
Mooch the Spider Monkey
Mystic the Unicorn w/
iridescent horn - retired
Mystic the Unicorn w/ rainbow mane - retired
Nanook the Husky - retired
Neon the Seahorse
Nibbler the White Rabbit -
Nibbly the Brown Rabbit - retired
Nuts the Squirrel - retired
Osito the Mexican Bear - retired
* Paul the Walrus
Peace the Tie-Dyed Bear -
Peanut the Elephant (obviously the Lt. Blue) -
Pecan the Gold Bear
Pinky the Flamingo - retired
Pouch the Kangaroo - retired
Pounce the Brown Cat - retired
Prance the Tabby Cat - retired
*Prickles the Hedgehog
*Princess the Bear - retired
Puffer the Puffin - retired
Pugsley the Pug - retired
Rainbow the Chameleon tye-dyed - retired
Rainbow the Chameleon Blue no tongue - retired
Ringo the Raccoon - retired
Roam the Buffalo
Roary the Lion - retired
*Rocket the Blue Jay
Rover the Red Dog - retired
Sammy the Ty-Dye Bear Cub
Scaly the Lizard
Scat the Cat
Schweetheart the Orangutan
*Scoop the Pelican - retired
*Scorch the Dragon
*Seaweed the Otter - retired
Sheets the Ghost
Silver the Grey Tabby
Slippery the Seal
*Sly the Fox (white belly) -
Slowpoke the Sloth
Smoochy the Frog - retired
*Snip the Siamese Cat - retired
Snort the Bull - retired
** Spangle the American Bear
( one pink, one white, and one blue)
Spike the Rhinoceros -
*Spinner the Spider - retired
Spunky the Cocker Spaniel - retired
Stilts the Stork - retired
Stinger the Scorpion - retired
Stinky the Skunk - retired
*Stretch the Ostrich - retired
Stripes the Tiger - retired
Strut the Rooster - retired
Swirly the Snail
Teddy the Brown Bear w/New
Face - retired
The End Bear
Tiptoe the Mouse - retired
Tiny the Chihuahua
*Tracker the Basset Hound - retired
Tuffy the Terrier - retired
Twigs the Giraffe - retired
Ty 2k Bear
Valentina the Red Teddy
w/White Heart
*Valentino the White Teddy
w/Red Heart - retired
Waddle the Penguin - retired
Wallace the Bear
*Whisper the Deer (Fawn)
Wise the Owl - retired
Wiser the Owl -retired
Wrinkles the Bulldog - retired
*I have two of these.
This is where I got some of
my animations from. Check it