=My webpage on my
FAVORITE artist of all time:Patrick Nagel. A few samples of
his work plus a link to his official website.
= Great site with links to fan sites dedicated
to Image Comics` characters.
sister`s(her name is Margarita!) new webpage with
personal info on our family. Check it
= : ) Check out my webpage on my husband and me! Info on our plans for our wedding, and pics,
too! Want to see who made this Witchblade site? Check out my wedding pics and see who`s talkin` to ya!
= I`m a waitress so I can relate to
stories on this site. It`s a great site with all kinds of
stories about the food service industry. Has links to other
related sites.Whether you`re a server, bartender, hostess,
or even a customer, you`ll crack up at the stories about
the stupidity some people show when going out to eat!