I love mummies, pyramids and pharaohs. My mom and I are learning a lot about ancient Egypt. I really want to learn how to read hieroglyphs. I am also making a notebook about ancient Egypt. I cut out some pictures and wrote some things about pharaohs. That notebook is going to take a long time to finish. I look up the different pharaohs on the internet every day.
Mark Millmore's Ancient Egypt http://eyelid.ukonline.co.uk/ancient/egypt.htm Guardian's Egypt--- When you get there, click on the KIDS SECTION. http://guardians.net/egypt/ Timeline of Ancient Egypt http://www.kv5.com/html/timeline.html History for Homeschoolers--Once you are there go to ANCIENT EGYPT links: http://www.cadvision.com/beaubiel/HISTORY.HTM#Ancient Egypt
These are the books I'm reading.Mummies in the Morning by Mary Pope OsborneTop of page
I, Tut: The Boy Who Became Pharaoh by Miriam Schlein
Tut Tut by Jon Scieszka
Eyewitness Anthologies: Ancient Egyptians Published by Dorling Kindersley
Mummies Made in Egypt by Aliki (great book-Reading Rainbow made a show about this book)
Growing Up in Ancient Egypt by Rosalie David
Tut's Mummy Lost ...and Found by Judy Donnelly (a Step Into Reading book)
Hieroglyphs For Fun: Your Own Secret Code by Joseph and Lenore Scott
Ancient Egypt by Daniel Cohen (great book, great pictures)My favorite pharaohs are King Tutankhamun and Ramses II. Tutankhamun got married at eight years old and became pharaoh at nine! Someone killed him though. That's not good. He was 18 when he died. Ramses II built a lot of things and we also liked to fight. Some people think that Ramses II was the pharaoh who was against Moses in the Bible. I've seen pictures of his mummy. I like Ahkenaten too. He is interesting. He believed that there was only one god. He liked to worship the sun.
My mom and I also made a model of an Egyptian mummy with the coffin. It turned out really good.
I really want to learn about hieroglyphics. Maybe one day I'll go to Egypt.
Here are the instructions on how to mummify an apple:This is from the book, Save It Egyptian StyleHave you ever seen pictures of an ancient Egyptian mummy? Long ago, the Egyptians preserved their pharaohs and other rich people by using a special chemical called natron, which dried the body's tissues after death and kept them from decaying.Just as you found salt crystals remaining after salt water evaporated [refers to another experiment], the ancient Egyptians collected natron as a crusty material left behind when inland seas evaporated. But you can mix up several familiar chemicals to create natron and see how this ancient embalming process works for yourself. The recipe for natron was supplied by the Denver Museum of Natural History.You'll need:
A small mixing bowlBackground by
1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup all-fabric dry powdered bleach whose main ingredient is sodium carbonate
1/4 cup salt
a spoon
1/4 of an appleMix the baking soda, bleach, and salt together in the bowl, stirring well. What you've created is the natron. Bury the quarter apple in the natron, making sure it's completely covered.
To completely mummify the apple will take about a week, but check the apple after two days. Check again after four days. Does it surprise you to see how much moisture the apple has lost? Of course, being buried in plain salt would remove moisture. Natron, though, will also break down fats and oils; plain salt can't do that.
According to an ancient Greek named Herodotus who visited Egypt and wrote about his discoveries, the process of embalming a body took about 70 days. The wrappings were added after the body was removed from the natron.
It's fun and easy.
Click HERE http://members.aol.com/neferkiki/hiero.html and it will explain how hieroglyphics work.Here is my name in Hieroglyphs:
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