HELLO!, OLA! & ¡HOLA! I would very much like to thank you for coming here. YES! you HAVE come to the right place, I am known by two names, my web domain name is NINJAWITCH but in online personals and chat rooms I am known as STARKNIGHT, but let me assure you that I am one and the same person. :->
So you desire to know more about me?
Well ... I have placed this profile up because of many reasons, but mainly because I seek to find a lady who, like myself, has been on her own personal journey to find that one "true & real" gentleman, one in which she can finally end her personal journey to find, and instead become involved with and settle down into a comfortable and secure long-term relationship or marriage with.
It is said that in these modern times the concept of marriage is under attack or at least the approach and understanding to what constitutes a relationship and commitment, and what liberties the pledges are twisted around in order to be deemed a "liquid or fluid justification" to abort or alter the honor of marriage and respect of the other.
There are those men (as well as women who I've met in my life travels) who feel that they have the right, the need, the tempting opportunity to "have one's cake and to eat it too", in marriage (maybe with children) or in a relationship and still have another partner in reserve, or feel the need to utterly control and dominate another, through an assortment of means, to the point of abuse or neglect.
It is not uncommon to hear of news that divorce rates are high, or that the most targeted threats to relationships and marriage are infidelity, deceit or mental confidence trickster games (i.e. mind games) followed up with assorted abuses, then with obsession over materialisms and finally finishing up with a lack of conversation and understanding between a couple.
Women and men these days feel so stressed they many resort to detectives or careful wording to ferret out their partner's honesty and loyality ... many men and women under the watchful eye of scrutiny fail under these investigations and the couples generally end up in messy break ups or divorces based upon momentary indiscretions or part of a pre-planned re-alignment upscaling of one's relationship lifestyle in private ... until they are exposed to the spotlight of infidelity, violation of trust and respect to the other.
Then there are some men and women who have to resort to infidelity, not because they are bad, but because they may feel neglected or lonely that they have no choice, and that they need comfort to keep them happy, needed and appreciated. Is this maybe you? Could this happen to you? Or worse ... Has this happened to you?
Maybe your a lady who has come here and who has never had a problem with any threats to your relationship and prior commitments or to your personal safety from a man.
It could be that your simply a single lady who seeks a companion to seriously love with all your heart and to be seriously be loved and respected in return, and you feel compelled to see WHO and WHAT I'm about. Should what is contained here on this page, or my website in general is favorable to you then you might even take another bolder step and get to know me? Well whatever your reasons are you are here and that is very good! For you to have the courage to come here is to be commended, you've made a positive first step!
I am very pleased that you came ... regardless! Again ... I thank you very much! It is wise that you investigate something so important so important in one's life as finding a compatible companion for yourself?... You are QUITE the daring one indeed (Smile). You took the risks to come here, so I should have the common courtesy to disclose something about who I am and what I'm about and in the process you might feel compelled to leave me e-mail and tell me equally about yourself, your likes and aspirations as well (Smile).
Alright, then, stay put while I weave a tale about myself, and if you STILL wish to learn more about me the other pages prior to your entering this one will sate your hunger in getting to even know much more about me. If you came directly here from a chat room link then please find a link at the bottom of this page that will take you to my main index page.
In tandem ... these additional pages ALL largely constitute, summarize and incorporate the sum essence of who I am! Once you get to know me in person your find out that I'm very much a gentle and sensitive soul at heart and a pussy cat in person ... and very much a "real & interesting" gentleman. :->
NAME :Terry
PLACE OF RESIDENCE :Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
PLACE OF BIRTH :Toronto, Ontario, Canada
DATE OF BIRTH :June 1st, 1962
( For those that can't count that makes me 42 years old [Smile] )
My zodiac star sign is Gemini
( In case you really, really need to know this esoteric part of me or else your whole world might collapse [hehehe] )
and my elemental sign is
Air (Site 2) (Site 3)
( HEIGHT / WEIGHT / BODY TYPE ) 6 foot, 2 inches / 1.899 meters / 188 cm
183 pounds / 83 kilograms
Slender to average frame, I look young ( Commonly guessed at 31 ) and don't act my actual age
( No! I don't googoo like a baby or scream like a tot plagued with the terrible twos [ hehehe ] )
I'm described with features which are that of an attractive Native American Indian
or Greek male, yet ... some have seen me as a tall, gothic male.
( Hey that makes me tall, maybe not dark! ... but handsome! [Grin] )
(At present I have a profile on "LongHairedMen.com"
(I'm under MEN of LHM (DUH!) then under CANADA (Again DUH!) then on CANADA PAGE 2)
HAIR COLOR / LENGTH :Dark Oak Brown / Long ... Running nearly half the length down my back
( NOW! Can you seriously say that you can resist a man with all that full, long hair,
and at my age! [Snicker] Told you I don't look that old! :-P [Grin] )
EYE COLOR :Dark Hazel Brown
( Look into my eyes! Come to me...HEY! Not all of you lovely ladies all at once! [Grin] )
SOCIAL STATUS : Single & Available
SEXUAL ALIGNMENT :Heterosexual ( Straight )
( Aren't you GLAD that I didn't say I prefer animals! )
( SMOKING & DRINKING )I'm a Non-smoker and an occasional light social drinker
( WHAT! You think I would be holding a cigar in my hand and pretending to be Fidel Castro
or getting up on tables drop dead drunk and barking like a dog! [LOL] )
ACTUALLY, I DO have an addiction, but its seriously one which manifests
ONLY WHEN I'm involved with a lady, and it's the intense need to stroke my companion's
legs at interesting times when out of the public eye. For example, be it watching television
or suddenly when washing and drying dishes.
But in public, I can be seen casually looking at ladies out and about outdoors
in short skirts and high heels, especially if they're wearing BOOTS!
( So, IF your SERIOUSLY interested in a man like me, PLEASE make sure
that you are well aware of this fact, and are fully secure and assured in knowing
that you can handle a person like me and that you don't hate being smothered
in kisses or stroked at anytime LOL!)
BODY ART :No tattoos or piercings
( Unless you include the tattoo of Margaret Thatcher dressed up as Bozo the Clown at Chippingdales! [Snicker] JOKING! NAH! I only have a few scars from an accident, but they're thin and hardly seen, besides most women feel they look sexy, so who am I to argue that point! ;-> I'm debating getting a tattoo on my left ankle of a mythical creature though )
MY ETHNICITY : Caucasian
1/4 German - 1/4 Irish ( These supposedly from my father's side, but not sure since this side is shrouded in mystery, I could very well be Native American too, I never did find out before he died ) & 1/4 Scottish - 1/4 Welsh ( These from my mother )
( Yup! White as a ghost, well not THAT white actually light pink! [Snicker]
Occasionally learning Spanish
I know a bit of Portuguese
Interested in learning Italian and French.
( And maybe if I'm lucky I can learn to Salsa dance with you instead of doing the Lambada with a disinterested dog! [HAHAHA] )
RELIGION : I'm not a practioner of any commonly well known church or faith, but I do have a religion/faith and belief ... it is considered belong under the umbrella of Wicca, but I'm more than just Wiccan, to be more accurate, I'm a Universalist Arthurian Wiccan.
Please be aware that Wicca is NOT to be confused with Satanism, which by far is NOT the one and the same and whom many that I have encountered over the space of my life have placed it arrogantly into that evil category, it is NOT a maleficent faith but instead one of nature peace loving and embracing the greater good not discord or malice in ANY WAY!. Many people today have become pseudo-Wiccans and may take to the wearing of Satanic upside pentacles (some even upright), might taunt Christians, have an angry or belligerent personality, or feign proper respect of the faith ... these are NOT true Wiccans but pretenders and wannabes, but these are few.
As I mentioned before, I am very spiritual and believe that actions and thoughts here in the present DO affect you after you pass on in death, this belief is called KDM "karmic destiny manifestation", and that means to live a good and virtuous life is my duel faith's centerpoint ... a sort of contemporary paladin of the rightous good and conduct myself, life and behavour while upholding Wiccan laws and principles. This isn't limited to those I associate with though, but just only to myself alone. I could essentually have friends that swear heavily, but if I don't do it then things are okay, or I can date or be involved with a lady that may make a living as a nightclub stripper, but as long as she has a value system that doesn't take her work home with her, keeps herself faithful and doesn't make me into something that I am not meant to be, then things are equally fine and I'm unaffected.
I did not feel comfortable originally listing this category for I feared maybe it would have SERIOUSLY jeopardized my chances at finding someone, for once it was known, based maybe upon people with badly out of date facts, centuries old misinformation & properganda about it, it might have destroyed any chances with me eventually finding a companion, largely because she MAY have judged me based upon that disinformation instead of on who I am and what I stand for. It was through advice and careful thought that I did post it, i.e. "honesty is the best policy".
I'm a good man, I break no laws, I have only the deepest respect for them, of people and justice. I would rather save a person and sacrifice myself so that that person would live instead, I'm realy THAT type of person.
To learn more about my faith you can check out the real facts and information about it on the same page where my HOROSCOPE NATAL CHART can be found, or if you wish to know more you can e-mail me.
( So you can settle down and NOT panic and stop running for the hills. I will not turn your aunt into Morris the Cat, your father into Richard Simmons and believe it or not I don't have a wart on my nose either, can you imagine THAT!? [Big snicker] )
PETS :None At Present
( I DID have a female Lutan cockatiel named Princess, but she died when I was recently in the hospital but I plan to replace her real soon )
EDUCATION :Completed Grade 12 ( Yearly average of 91%)
1/2 year ( Private technical college )
( So I CAN compose proper sentences, I DO know how to talk instead of grunt like a caveman, I DO know where China is, and CAN pronounce the word "dependable" and know it's NOT an adult diaper [Grin] )
- I do occasional repairing, cleaning & retrofitting of antique electrical lamps with modern rewiring and minor repairs to other electrical appliances.
- VCR cleaning.
- Occasional voice overs for people's video game user levels.
- The styles of music I have become especially fond of have been most of what came out of the 60's, 70's, 80's, and selectively out of the 90's (I'm NOT a fan of grundge, rap, funk, breakdance or reggie) along with pop, rock, new age, new wave, celtic, goth, wiccan/pagan some contemporary country, salsa, flamenco. I also like world music like Greek, Italian, Latin, French and even instrumentals like Harp to styles like JPop jazz, even soft and romantic.
As for singers and bands ... Well I like many bands and singers, way too many to list here but some are ABBA, The Corrs, Siouxsie & The Banshees/Creatures, The Cure, The Guess Who, Elton John, Gordon Lightfoot, Clannad, Enya, Mike & Sally Oldfield, Maggie Reilly, Jennifer Lopez, Garbage, Tori Amos, Kate Bush, Celine Dion, Carly Simon, Fleetwood Mac, Jewel, Fiona Apple, Aqua, Selena, Shakira, Enrique Iglesias, Pat Benetar, Sarah Brightman, The Bee Gees, Gowan, 10,000 Maniacs, The Doors, Kim Stockwood, Madonna, Spice Girls (Or any solo works), Shania Twain, The Bangles, Go-Go, Belinda Carlisle, Duran Duran, Blackmore's Night ... OH GOSH SO MANY MORE! I'm pretty eclectic and have very wide ranging tastes, ask me, most likely a few of what you like I also likewise do.
- Occasionally singing to music.
- Used to have a large comic magazine collection ( Around 22,000+ ), which I still have a few of my favourites left like important technical ones or personally signed ones.
- I love building model kits ( Largely science fiction i.e. Star Trek, Knight Rider, Airwolf, Captain Scarlett And The Mysterons, Gerry Anderson's U.F.O. or assorted japanimation ).
- I love going to science fiction/fantasy conventions.
- I also love playing computer games like RPG ( Role Playing Games ), FPS ( First Person Shooters ), adventure/action or thinking games.
- I like fabric painting, general drawing, drafting or sketching with pencil & paper occasionally ( Especially females in fashion, fantasy or high tech armour outfits, machines, gadgets, or anything with high technology as a backdrop.
- I love light sculptures like lava lamps, plasma and lightning globes, laser light shows, ect...
- I'm a big fan of magic and illusion ( i.e. stage magic ).
- I collect autograph photos of celebrities.
- I love movies, walks in the park/neighbourhood or occasionally going to street, park or festival events.
- Enjoying nature like looking up in the daytime at clouds or the evening sky with my telescope, hiking, feeling the wind blow across my face.
- Photography ( With camcorder or SLR camera ).
- Reading.
- Body sculpturing ( Using plaster of paris to copy a female's form, then being creative & placing extra arms, ridges on her nose, head or putting on pointed faerie ears ).
MY PERSONALITY : My personality trait can best be defined as a gentle, mild-mannered, kind, charming and quiet intellectual who's highly affectionate, passionately sensual and ever loving warm person in over all demeanor.
Quiet & Private (Not A Party Animal)
Unconventional & Eclectic
Mildly Eccentric
Intelligent & Brillant
Tinkerer (Can Fix A Toaster From Scratch)
Keen & Cunning (In Mentality And Personality; Troubleshooting Or Solving Problems)
Cleaver & Resourceful ("MacGyverian" - Mind Set Like The Main Title Character From The TV Series "MacGyver"; Creates Things On The Spot)
Deductive & Logical ("Sherlockian" - Like The Literary Detective Character "Sherlock Holmes" From The Mind Of Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle; If I Suspect An Error In Logic, Trickery Or Deception, I'm Quick To Pursue It)
Gentle, Non-Violent & Warm
Easy Going, Simple & Down-To-Earth
Trustworthy (I Do Not Steal; Don't Betray People's Respect)
Relationship Honest (Not A "Thief of Hearts" Type Of Man; Nor Lies Or Keeps Secrets From Companion; Nor Takes Advantage Of A Person For Personal Financial Gain)
Loyal (Will Not Betray Friends [Under NORMAL Circumstances] As Well As With Family, In A Relationship Or Vows; GUARANTEED Faithful)
Chivalric (Charming, Kind & Generous)
Charismatic & Courteous
Virtuous (Obeys Strictly The Rules Of Conduct And Respect Between People, Family And Relationship; Friendliness, Forgiveness, Moderation, Self-control, Mercy, Honesty, Hope, Tolerance, Patience, Humility, Kindness, Contentment, Compassion And Devotion)
Upholds Integrity & Is Honorable
Witty & Humorous (Not Idiotic Or Bizarre)
Playful & Teasing (Especially Shown In Romance, Affection & Intimacy)
Good Natured & Friendly (If You Ever Watched The 70's TV Series "Little House On The Prairie" And You Know Michael Landon's character Charles Ingles, WELL ... My Qualities And Personality Are VERY Much Like That Character)
Polite - Not Crude Nor Rude
Not Vain Or Shallow
Spiritual & Pleasant
Not Into Materialism
Good Conversationist & Listener
Non-Violent & Combative
Sensitive (Understanding Of Women's Concerns, Limitations & Emotional Needs; Able To Be Moved Emotionally)
Sexually Liberated & Open To New Things (Highly Sensual & Sexual; Loves Affection & Passion (Cuddling, Nuzzling, Kissing, Hugging, Stroking, ANYTHING, etc...); Moderately Aggressive In The Intimate Arts Of Lovemaking)
Responsible & Dependable (Pays His Portion Of Bills, Rent, Food, ect..Equally; Handles Portion Of Chores And Duties...Equally)
Socially Drinks (On A Rare Occasion; Does Not Tolerate Hard Alcoholics)
Non-Smoker & Not Into Drugs (But Tolerates Those That Take Marijuana Only)
Not Selfish (Shares Within Reason; Doesn't Like To Share Companion Intimately With Others; Does Prefer Spending Lots Of Time With His Lady)
Loves Many Styles Of Music (See above; Hobbies)
Loves Ethnic Cultures And Diversity
Loves Counter-Cultures (ect.. 60's Hippies, 90's+ Gothic, Vampyre & Star Trek Lovers, Medieval SCA-ers, ect...)
Somewhat Mysterious (But Not Sinister Or Evil), Somewhat Private (Not Into Crowds Of Friends)
Social Explorer (I Learn From Situations To Better Myself, Without Sacrificing Who I Am And What I Wish To Become)
Non-Controlling Or Physically Abusive To Women (I support the White Ribbon Campaign)
Very High Morals (Law & Order Minded; Never Broken The Law)
Controls Use Of Personal Profanity (Keeps To Minimium; Knows It Belongs Privately Between A Couple NOT Around Child(ren))
Not Into Megalomania [So PLEASE! No Women Who Feel That Their Child Will Be The World's Savor And Opens Up The 9th Gate Of Hell To Conquer The World! LOL]
Not Into Machismo Or Macho Behaviours (Very Against Crimes Which Involves That Sort Of Behavioral Display, As Well As Sex Crimes Like Honour Killing, Drowning Of Baby Girls Over Boys, Or Female Genital Mutilation, ect...)
Not Into Mind Games Or Playing Them (So If Your Interested PLEASE DON'T Or Your Be Very Sorry That You Made The Attempt; As A Good Female Friend Of Mine Is Fond Of Saying "Hearts Are Not Possessions To Be Crushed Or Used!", She Is Very Right)
Freely Gives Praise (Especially When I See Women Wear Lovely Or Sexy Clothing, Footwear, Hair Styles, Personality, Displays Of Kindness, ect...)
Likes His Space And Respectful Of A Lady's Space Or Of Others
STRONGLY Believes In Fidelity (As Devout As A Christian But Without The Religious Association)
Has Minor Disabilites (i.e. Marfan's Syndrome, Crohn's Disease And IBS)
Trusting (To A Degree; Trying Very Hard To Avoid The Opposite Type Of Lady Who May Have Problems With Relationship Commitments & Forthright Honesty)
Very Mature & Calm (Has Excellent Head On His Shoulders)
Somewhat Boyish (But Not Childish; I Can Pout Humorously If My Lady Love Has To Leave Me For Awhile For Instance, But That Is Only Just In Fun)
Caring, Concerning & Kind Spirited
Hopeless Romantic (Very Strong And Extremely Affectionate Lover; Likes To Give Companion Lots of Attention; Kissing, Hugging, Caressing, Cuddling Freak :-) )
Loves Outings & Trying New Things (i.e. Amusement Parks, Museums, Zoos, Movies, Social Gatherings, Boat Ride, Picnic, Shopping, ect...)
Would DEFINATELY Be Good Husband/Fatherly Material
I'm Not Wealthy (I Can Not Work Due To Disabilities; Not Against A Companion That Does, Makes More Than Myself, Can't Work Herself Due To Illness Or Is Simply Just Poor; Money Should Be Far From Being A Deciding Factor In A Relationship)
Willing To Make SERIOUS Commitment To Relationship/Marriage
( NOTE: Essentially and truthfully... I'm the one man, who if on the television series "Temptation Island", would most likely NOT cheat on my companion, or be tempted under any circumstances away from her )
AGE OF THE WOMAN THAT I SEEK :Between 29 to 41
( So please NO newborn babies need not apply or any 2,000 year old ancient female mummies [Snicker] )
There really are no restrictions as far as ethnicity, whether she is Caucasian, Asian, Hispanic/Latin, East Indian, Native American Indian, Arabic, Italian, Mediterranean, Portuguese, Brazilian, Greek, Hawaiian, Polynesian, British Isles, Australian or European nationalites it doesn't matter ALL are absolutely most welcome to apply.
I personally don't believe in racism, nor am I out to have a one night stand with a lady of each and every race. I'm strictly, and VERY sincerely searching for just ONE permanent long-term companion and if she is from another race or of a mixed nationality, and we are compatible then regardless of our race or age, it would not be a problem.
( But please if anyone has their cat e-mail me again talking notty, or someone sends
one more picture of a monkey in lingerie I swear I'll send the Humane Society after you! [LOL] )
Well ... it helps if she is into "courting" to begin with (BIG SMILE).
- BODY TYPE : Slim To Average
- HEIGHT : Not Important
- HAIR COLOR : I'm Attracted Towards Brunettes In Particular, BUT Any Woman With Other Hair Colors May Apply (YES! Even Raven Haired Ones Or Those That Dye Their Hair!)
- HAIR STYLE: I'm HIGHLY Attracted Towards Women Wearing The Cleopatra Egyptian Style Or Page Boy [ Coy Smile & Snicker :-) ], BUT PLEASE Don't Consider That An Absolute, Any Woman With Other Hair Styles Can Apply As Well! (Just Don't Surprise Me Showing Up With Your Hair Looking Like Actress Cameron Diaz's Character From The Movie "Something About Mary" hehehe)
- APPEARANCE : Not Important
- SOCIAL BACKGROUND : Somewhat Important (MUST Have Time For A Relationship Or Able To Make SOME Time; Can Manage Time With Friends And Companion Equally Well; Is NOT Involved With Anyone)
- HEALTH : Healthy Or With Minor Disabilities
- LOCATION : Important (She Should TRY To Be Within South/South-Western Ontario, Preferably The Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge Tri-Cities Area; Unless Your Enamored With Me, Or Has Searched Long And Hard For A Man Like Myself THEN If You Have A WAYS OR MEANS To Establish And Maintain A Long Distance Relationship, And Should It Evolve Into A Very Serious, Long Term Stable One That You Would Be Willing To Relocate, Or Willing To Support Me And Move Me There Where You Live)
- Understands What "True Love" And "Commitment" Really Means And Are Willing To Provide The Same In Return To Me
- Precise (Knows What She Wants In a Man And Goes After Him And Once Got --- Keeps Him)
- Traditional ... Yet Modernly Liberal
- Has Realistic Expectations (Doesn't Try To Seriously Change Me)
- Respectful & Understanding
- Non-Smoker, Non-Drinker/Socially (Except On Occasion) & Non-Drug User, Free From Sexually Transmitted Diseases Or AIDS
- Quiet, Private And/Or Shy (Not A Party Animal; Likes Quiet Times)
- Fairly Intelligent & Logical
- Gentle, Non-Violent & Warm
- Easy Going, Simple & Down-To-Earth
- Trustworthy (Doesn't Steal; Doesn't Betray Her Companions, Friends Or People)
- Relationship Honest (Not A "Thief of Hearts" Type Of Woman [NOTE: #6 MUST Because I Also Once Had An Asian Woman Take On The Appearance & Life Identity Of Her Boss, Using Her Office Computer Until She Was Eventually Caught By Her Boss And Fired - Very Messy Affair Let ME Tell You!]; That She Not Lie Or Keeps Secrets From Her Companion; Nor Takes Advantage Of A Person For Personal Financial Gain)
- Loyal (Will Not Betray Friends, Family, Relationship Or Vows; Will Be GUARANTEED Faithful)
- Polite (Not Rude, Obnoxous, Cold, Impassionate, Surly, Mean Spirited, Bossy Or Domineering)
- Virtuous (Obeys Strictly The Rules Of Conduct And Respect Between People, Family And Relationship; Friendliness, Forgiveness, Moderation, Self-control, Mercy, Honesty, Tolerance, Patience, Humility, Kindness, Contentment, Compassion And Devotion)
- Integrity & Honor
- Loves Humor Or Is Humorous (Doesn't Have To Be A Comedian)
- Playful & Teasing
- Good Natured, Friendly & Pleasant
- Not Vain Or Shallow (Not High On Her Looks; Or Co-Dependant Upon Allowing Herself To Love A Man If He Is Or Isn't Attractive)
- Spiritual (To A Point Helps)
- NOT Into Materialism (#2 MUST; Not A Gold Digger; Feels Strongly What A Man Has Or Makes Is NOT More Important Than Who He Is, His Personality And Values, ect...; Doesn't Care If He Is The Bread Winner In The Family Either)
- Good Conversationist & Listener (NOTE: #5 MUST, I Once Lost A Very Good Woman Due To Sparse Dialog & Communication Between Us)
- Non-Violent & Combative
- Sexually Liberated (Highly Sensual & Sexual; #3 MUST; Open To New Things (She Will Need To Be; Loves Affection & Passion (Cuddling, Nuzzling, Kissing, Hugging, Stroking, ANYTHING, ect...) A Perfect Blend Of "Good Girl, Bad Girl" Or Can Also Be Moderately Aggressive In The Sexual Arts Of Lovemaking Like Myself)
- Responsible & Dependable (Pays Her Portion Of Bills, Rent, Food, ect..Equally; Handles Portion Of Chores And Duties...Equally Or If She So Chooses She Can Take a Majority As Well If She Is Used To That & Prefers It)
- Has A Fairly Balanced Or Eclectic Taste In Music
- Non-Controlling Or Physically Abusive
- Controls Use Of Personal Profanity (Keeps To Minimium Publicly; Knows It Belongs Privately Between A Couple NOT Around Child(ren), And Who Would Have No Problems With It During Intimate Circumstances)
- Conscientious & Thoughful
- STRONGLY Believes In Fidelity (#1 MUST)
- Trusting & Can Be Trusted
- Caring, Concerning & Kind Spirited
- Hopeless Romantic And/Or Somewhat Needy Emotionally And Physically (Very Strong And Extremely Affectionate Lover; Likes To Give Companion Lots of Attention To The Man Of Her Life; Kissing, Hugging, Caressing, Cuddling Freak :-) )
- Would DEFINATELY Be Good Wife/Mother Material
- Willing To Make SERIOUS Commitment To Relationship/Marriage
- Not Into Mind Games Or Playing Them On Others (#4 MUST; See Reasons Given Under "GOOD CONVERSATIONIST & LISTENER"; If Your A Woman That Does This, "DON'T APPLY!"; If You Trick Yourself Into My Heart Using This Method, I Will Go For A Swift "Divorce", And If Involved Romantically Will "Immediately" Dissolve The Relationship!)
- Loves Sensual/Sexual Talk (Has No Problem In Returning It As Well)
- Can Take Praise & Compliments
- Understanding Of Her Companion's Needs & Limitations (Works Towards A Common Goal)
- Isn't A Serious Internet Chat Addict (Is Firmly In Control Of How Much Time She Spends Online Compared To That Spent With Child(ren), Companion & Work In Real Life; If Capable of Leaving Internet Life Behind Once Married Is A BIG BONUS)
- Considerate (When Away Or Busy, Gives Me Some Notice When She'll Be Back/Keeps Me Posted)
- Not At All Afraid To Wear Sexy Clothing, Beachwear, Heeled Footwear Or Cosmetics (Doesn't Have To Be Always, Just Occasionally From Time To Time)
- Those A Little Jealous Are Fine (I Actually Find This Somewhat Negative To Be A Positive, Cause It Shows That The Lady DOES Think Of Her Man Enough To Publically Show Her Intent And Desire Towards Him, As Long As It Isn't Taken To Extremes Or Over Possessiveness)
- Open To Compromising Halfway On Things
- Needs Stability (Not Constantly Shopping For New Companions)
- Women Who Are Homebodies, Inclined To Be Gothic (Mortisha Addams, Elvira Style), Pagan/Wiccan (Earthy/Magickal/Spiritual/Rennaissance-Medievalish/Gypsy/Hippie Bohemian Free-Spirited Or Fantasy Oriented Would Be An EXCEPTIONALLY PERFECT MATCH With Myself), Who Adore House Husbands (Look After Children When The Spouse Is Off At Work/When They Are Working From Out Of The Home Or Are Clean Freaks), Are Trekkies (Lovers Of The Realm Of Star Trek), Who Like Their Privacy But Need A Companion Or Tired Of Lifemates Cheating On Them And Desire A Real True Gentleman Are MORE Than Welcome As Well.
CHILDREN :I do not have any children presently.
Do I wish to have children? I'm not sure? ... It depends upon the lady actually. I'm easy to please, if she would prefer NOT having any children, or if she can't have them, if she already has had them or still yet wishes to start a family, that's fine by me, it isn't considered to be a limitation in any manner.
I do have concerns though about raising children from scratch these days. Even if parents, or the lady is great at raising a child, I do have fears that the child(ren) can have their values and behaviour modified by bullies through intimidation at school, or by other children whose upbringing is different and they don't share the same morals and values as those of the parents or single mother.
I can't really say for myself, for I don't have children of my own, I come to these conclusions through perspective observation of parents, of their children, of my family and of my childhood through the school system.
- Kind hearted or generous people
- Hot showers or saunas
- Nightime swimming
- Thunderstorms (I Adore them!)
- Starry nights and moon filled skies
- Sunsets & Sunrises
- Faeries, Phoenixes and other mythological creatures and beings
- Showing of HEAVY affection (Kisses, hugs and tactile caresses), romance and lovemaking
- Pizza, honey glazed, sugar, chocolate, maple coated donuts and cherry pie
- Cherry and chocolate ripple ice cream
- Women who wear cosmetics, high heels, boots and berets (Occasionally)
- Women who wear skirts or dresses (Particularly velvet, lace, leather, PVC, rubber, panné, lamé, silk, denim and satin fabrics)
- Women who tease their hair and like having it stroked or like to stroke
- Women who wear glasses
- Intelligent/Logical women
- Needy women (Affectionate wise)
- Women who are shy and coy, even in displaying affection
- Soft, sexy or sultry female voices, especially if they have an accent
- Sincere women, monogamy and fidelity, and women who believe in that concept and strive for relationship and mariage stability (I highly respect these types of women!)
- When time stands still when a couple looks into each others eyes
- Assisting women and seniors by opening doors, helping with groceries and baby carriages off buses
- Teachers that go beyond their duties in helping slower students or making extra time for them on an individual basis
- Women who make their passions well known about a man to others or to the man himself about her feelings and are not ashamed to admit it publicly or are not afraid to take the first step during a relationship and ask them out or claim them as their own
- Women who are truthful, honest and don't practice the art of duplicity or withholding of interpersonal relationship secrets in any manner or in anyway by the giving of excuses, alibis or unproven stories
- Courtship, positive virtues/values and chivalry
- Women who have an equally strong tolerance of interracial love, relationships and marriage as myself
- Women who fight to keep a good relationship/marriage going
- People who are honest with me, keep me briefed and not leave me in the dark
- People who have triumphed over amazing odds, especially with physical, mental, emotional disabilities or abuse of any type from a former spouse
- Women who are not love forsaken, and continue to try to find the man of their dreams despite relationship problems with other men or with the one they are currently involved with and work around snares and problems
- People who assume things, or about me without FIRST asking me (I can't begin to tell you how many times in internet chat rooms that this issue has reared it's ugly head, especially in relationships) :-)
- Extremely jealous or paranoid people (Now...As it applies to women, to a degree I do like if they are somewhat jealous or moderately possessive because it shows to me that they care about me, but as for me making them jealous by being unfaithful or to purposely make them jealous, NEVER! Not who and what I stand for. I can be prone to be jealous, but not to a verbally or physically aggressive way, instead I just go sad and silent)
- People or partners who refuse to believe that when I say and promise to them that I will never lie or betray them, they automatically subscribe to the fact that I WILL or DO before a friendship/relationship begins
- Impolite people
- Insecure women (At least without a good reason to be) or those that use their disability to neglict a relationship with a person
- Work-a-holics
- People that lead others on about quietly breaking up with them or in telling the truth
- Extremely conservatively dressed women (Excluding business attire - I sort of think a woman in a three piece suit is sexy (SMILE))
- Racist, religiously intolerant, homophobic or transphobic people (These persons are way too closed off from society and civilized evolution that they are lost souls and I tend to not develop friendships/relationships with them)
- Bossy, controlling or domineering people (Especially females)
- Cell phones/pagers in enclosed places like buses, restaurants, classrooms, ect...or people that bring them on dates!
- High maintenance people, women or dates (i.e. Gold diggers)
- The sentences "Whatever!" or "Nevermind" or the gesture "Talk to the hand!" put up to a person's face, or people who display that form of rude additude
- Large weddings or elaborate affairs
- People who like Canada's Ontario Provincial Premier - Mike Harris or his Tory party
- Government officials who abuse their power
- People who generally hate the Spice Girls for empty reasons (Smile)
- Malicous minded children (Brats, bullies or those inconsiderate of neighbours, ect...)
- People who crank call, send porno email spam, or pull fire alarms just to get into trouble, nor do I like the sound that the ringing makes
- Severe winters (Like those seen commonly in Winnipeg! Sorry Elaine! :->)
- Sourkraut & asparagus(Hate them)
- Violence (Shown towards me, my date/girl friend/wife, children, family, women, races, homosexuals, transsexuals, ect...)
- Poverty (I Despise it! No one should have to live under poverty, it is a crime against mankind and humanity. If you put yourself there by carelessness or arrogance, it is another matter, but not if you didn't have a choice!)
- Pretensious people (Arrogantly wealthy or high class social status persons that feel it is right to look down upon those beneath them as lower forms of life, without the wisdom to judge a person based on values and behavior not on mere social strata; this also applies to racists)
- People who outright lie (Some lies I can understand, should the reason be noble or if it fits into an understandable situation of desperation for the person to accomplish a final goal to better or protect their life that doesn't in effect harm me personally in an emotional, financial or physical way, to society or to others {i.e. justify the means to achieve the ends})
- People who play mind games and/or conduct several relationships on the side, i.e. "Playing The Field" (I don't do it, nor do I like to associate with those that are prone to doing it around me). Also those who pretend to be someone or something they are not - Especially women who illegally assume the identity of someone else, this is because I've been the victim of this all too often and far too recently. It is NOT fun and I would prefer to strongly avoid it, and to ask that those that do it to please avoid me, I've PERSONALLY lost a GREAT woman over this malicous act and another who I thought was a dream was in fact a grave nightmare, PLEASE NO MORE!)
- Females who wear tattoos, ESPECIALLY way too many (Now!...I'm NOT saying artistic tastefully done ones like nature or mythical faeries, simple celtic ones like on an arm, above the butt or nape of the neck. I mean those saying "Satan kicks ***", body art ads for "Harley Davison Motorcycles" or anything which displays violent, degrading, insulting or even simply stupid ones like the names of love ones on them then you end up getting stuck with them
- People who are perfectionists, self absorbed, egoists or eliteists
- Dishonorable persons, actions or words, ect...(I'm a person of honor, I don't do well paired with someone that isn't...Friends maybe, close companions or in relationships NOPE!)
- Slavery, child labor or forced marriages
- People who can't hold their alcohol, can't reasonably monitor their consumption or even get violent and punch holes in walls, kick doors or throw objects violently about
- People who flirt with other people WHILE they are on a date, with another dancing in a bar, or even online chatting
- Litterbugs & Litter
- People who engage in subjugating other people's wills, belittle them or dominate through means of force, guilt, emotions or words, or shallow people obsessed with their looks, wealth or bodies and might use it to be sarcastic without a good reason (Like those that use it to belittle, insult, be inconsiderate, degrading, lying, accusing, demoralizing or use it to make themselves feel good at the expense of the the victim as a form of personal self esteem or entertainment)
- Absentee people who leave me in a place or on the internet in a chat room online waiting for hours and not show up
- Love/Hate relationship with internet chat rooms. Love It : People can find a companion much more better from many around the world. Hate It : People can become easily addicted to it while seeking a "real" relationship and can be prone to developing a "stable" of suitors, or if already married, can threaten the commitment of marriage by the temptation of some people found in chat rooms to provoke a possible violation of "fidelity" vows or corrupt the integrity of respect of the couple by those trying to break them up, I also have a problem with those that can't commit to time spent to bond once they find each other. (See : PERSONAL REFLECTIONS OF MYSELF)
- Indecisive or "High Expectational Tease Hunting" women. Those that enter relationships, only to leave it a day/month later after they find and upgrade to another, seemingly better man, or develop multiple relationships, or even online cyber-relationships and can't regain control of who they are or manager the one they originally fell in love with, even if it is of no fault from the first person whom they originally fell in love with, they are instead a slave to their romantic emotions and hormones
- People who take drugs (This excludes marijuana)
- Backstabbers, cuthroats and confidence tricksters
- Materialism (Now I'm NOT into this in a physical sense of collecting it and possessing it, BUT, I do value what I have to live off in my life as far as financial support and the serious need that I rely upon it)
- Extremely loud music, loud voices or people that insist upon yelling and screaming for the sake of screaming (Like at concerts, from a house across the street with your windows closed, in movie theatres, on game shows, ect... Not a light yeah or WOO! I mean loud enough that you can't hear the movie, music or the person looks like a silly moron excessively doing it and tanked up on alcohol)
- Tomboys (I don't really hate them, just that as an adult it isn't very attractive hanging out in overalls always)
- Being introduced to lovelorn feelings and/or treatment
- I'm not very good at beginning or starting relationships in the flesh, for I can have my bouts of shyness or periods of unsureness over what varying signals the lady may or may not be sending my way, I see the dating game as very intimidating ... bar scenes meat markets, and women as very unpredictable in interaction with. But... When a woman comes along and understands my awkwardness or if the woman makes me feel comfortable and assuring, and I'm given the chance, patience and time, then soon enough I do warm up and recipercate fully in return.
- I tend to gravitate towards the old-fashioned values type of woman who hold values and honesty as paramount but also the modern liberated and assertive type in command of their sexuality and are comfortable wearing sexy clothing along with jeans and sweaters. To find a woman who can be both somewhat difficult. A woman independant, virtuous but at the same time be accomodating, sexual and understanding with me and makes room for me to develop an equal partnership with her, but all the while likes the concept of chivalry and me holding open doors for her like a gentleman, but if she stands by me and we are very close in personality and outlook even if she is more financially secure than myself BUT still loves me enough and considers me part of her world along with her family, despite my minor intestinal disabilities then I will find that I'm totally blessed!
- While growing up I have always been the target of bullies, hense why I took up martial arts, but yet I still stayed steadfast to my beliefs, ethics and personal tastes and loves, never allowing myself to be just like those that bullied me and in turn bully others. One day I feel it will pay off, of not being tough and violent with people or women, hoping that one day being good and kind will give me a priviledged gift of finding a good woman as opposed to being bad and violent and have consecutively failing marriages.
- I believe that femininity is extremely sexy, and passiveness is a virtue that is to be adored, cherished and praised. I've never been attracted to overly bossy or aggressive females, like for instance dominatrixes, unless they are considerate enough to leave their passion of the job at work or at least moderate it enough to accomodate my own nature without breaking me or drawing me into it without disrespecting me as a person. Now I do at times I might fantasize about a woman dominating me, but in general I prefer someone as passionate but passive as myself, but I'm not against a lady being in charge from time to time.
- In public I suppress my sexuality and sensuality, but in private I'm very wild and romantic, and I can only hope that in each new venture into the dating scene and with each new date I will eventually find someone who likes the same things in this area as myself.
- I'm leary of excessive internet chat room junkies, those addicted to daily periods of hours upon hours of internet chatting or those who also have a multitude of online friends, sisters, brothers ect.. more than you can count on both fingers and toes. People so obsessed with shopping for more friends online that I wonder if they have the ability to carry on friendships or relationships in real life and in the flesh. My greatest fear of this modern phenomenon, is one which I have run head long into, it is with ladies that develop and carry on several relationships at the same time, as one would collect stamps. In this manner, a relationship is impossible to maintain unless you both agree to take daily uninterupted time outs with her and communicate well, BUT!...if she gets edgy and finds it hard to stay with you alone for a time, it's a good indication that you have an internet chat room junkie on your hands! It's akin to waiting in line to see a queen and when you do see her, it's only for a few minutes. Your on for an uncertain amount of time not knowing when next she will be interupted and available, thus finding it difficult to carry a relationship with her. UNLESS you communicate, are serious, agree to a certain time, private place and identity nick known only to each other alone and stick to it..the relationship is DOOMED to fail! I'm NOT against internet relationships, as long as the lady can moderate her time spent with friends, but also can relegate private time with me and her alone in a private room, unable to be interupted by others as a serious gesture of respect for the integrity of the relationship. Eventually, if a lady IS to be serious with me she would have to understand that once married, there shouldn't be any need to have internet activities anymore because we would have each other for it would actually only be a loose end temptation that COULD threaten the many vows between us, for I have seen the internet help find love but also destroy them as well, even marriages.
- There are two ANOTHER reasons why I am leary of internet chat rooms...The first comes from a recent situation in which I was involved in a private relationship with a very adorable, very giving and very kind hearted woman who had a friend, who unknown to me was not in actually such to the woman that I was involved with, but she ended up befriending and taking advantage of me, during a world crisis situation, to not only use the fact that I WAS involved with the lady, whom I had plans to marry, but it ended up hurting her so much that it was her friend that became the catalyst to cause us to eventually split up --- against my wishes. The other incident happened several years ago, that had the lady I WAS involved with become too emotional with several gentlemen, and in that realization she left the chat room scene as well, and also left them and myself. So I'm indecisive over these benefital yet probamatic methods of meeting up with other ladies with.
- I'm the type of man that tries VERY, VERY hard to keep a relationship, marriage or handfasting together. I do make mistakes, not common male mistakes like infidelity or lying, but simple ones ... I'm NOT perfect ... But I DO learn from those mistakes once I'm aware of them and given the chance to makes things right, whole and proper again so they never rear their ugly heads again.
- I have one major vice, no it isn't anything illegal or bad, but simply that I have an extremely fond and serious weakness for ladies who wear Cleopatra/PageBoy hair styles and who wear heels, preferably those that wear boots or high heeled shoes (i.e. Black patent pumps, over the knee boots with black leather skirts or PVC minis I find very pleasing, even if it is just around the house occasionally). NOW ... I don't know exactly why I have this, it's a total mystery to me, but just that I have it, it exists and I have to deal with it, and it is hard on me living in a society where most women these days wear blocky heels, but there are those rare times that I may catch a daring lady outdoors in high heels or boots and that scene is enough to brighten up my day tremendously.
ICQ # :106923614 ( Ninjawitch )
PLEASE! --- No Seriously Obsessed Internet Chat Junkies, Party Animals, Dishonest Posers/Confidence Tricksters, Or Women Who Collect Multiple Boyfriends ( It's NOT Very Fun At All To Find Out That Others Are Courting The Same Lady At The Same Time, It's A Matter Of Respect And Honor. I Urge You To Please Respect My Feelings And Reasons On This Topic ).
If Your Unsure Of My Restrictions See Under "THE TYPE OF FEMALE THAT I SEEK" & "TURN OFFS / THINGS I HATE". THANK YOU! :-)

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Special thanks to the composer of this midi file, and to the original composer,
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for this song "Nobody Wants To Be Lonely"
which you are hearing to in the background
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by Terry Haehnel
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