The Time Right Now Is
In My City Of
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Tuesday, December 1st,1998
What started off as a temporary message inscription to a friend is now going to, from now on, become part of this page as a quazi-regular message from the web page author/creator (i.e. myself) to the viewers, visitors and friends that meander onto this site of mine. It will also double as an all general purpose web site progress report as well as provide updates to explain what new areas or changes have taken place and items of interest.
° MESSAGE OF THE WEEK has been added.
° The kiss icon at the bottom of this page, when clicked, has a new and more passionate kissing sound.
° The smiling face at the bottom of this page as been changed to a hershey kiss/smiling face.
° The area above BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH has been expanded a little to accomodate the new dedication links.
° Under MY DEDICATION LINKS the link to my sub-web page THE LADIES OF Michael Flatley's - THE LORD OF THE DANCE has been added the family of links while the link THE GODDESS MANUELA: Shrine Of Love, Shrine Of Devotion has been disabled and cloaked due to personal reason given by her at this time, hopefully this beautiful page which I have created for her will see the light of day so that all can see this wonderful and permanent sign of love I have for her, hense it being called a shrine. So if you wish to complain don't do it to me, tell her. hehehehe
° In BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH page I have added links to world sites of importance to all of the cities under "MY TOP 10 FAVOURITE PLACES THAT I WOULD LIKE TO LIVE MY LIFE IN" as well as under "PLACE OF BIRTH" and "PLACE THAT I RESIDE IN NOW".
° There is a new section just after "MY FAVOURITE SINGERS/GROUPS" that will take you to my personal radio station on ImagineRadio, allow you to see the Playlist ahead of time, or allow you to jump to the ImagineRadio web site directly.
° A few new singers/groups added to "MY FAVOURITE SINGERS/GROUPS".
° New font type faces added on this, my Main Homepage. Look for future new fonts to be added and even clip art fonts as well, on not only this but all other pages.
Monday, December 21st, 1998
° MESSAGE OF THE WEEK has been moved to a separate sub-web page of its own with a corresponding link button added to the Main Web Page.
° My photo has been moved to BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH sub-web page, a border placed around it, and header lines used to augment the look above and below it.
Thursday, December 31st, 1998
Hello again. I hope that your Christmas went well for you, mine started off pretty good but turned wickedly horrible when on Christmas Day my father passed away with a fatal heart attack. But, I am slowly recovering so bare with me in the weeks and months to come. I have loss both my mother and my father this year, and considering the chaos my life has been things are fairly stable, thanks to a special lady in my life (WINK), for without her I wouldn't have the strength to perservere.
º New non-functional title navigation sign post bars have been added to the top left hand side of every page on my home page web site and branch directories to keep the page looking formal and give it a Star Trekish graphic feel to it. All future sub-branch web pages will also incorporate these navigation sign post bars as well, so look from here on in to see them. (Smile)
Tuesday, January 19th, 1999
° The main title for my home page GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW for the browser listing has been changed to accurately reflect the true name of my home page, and to better aid you, the user, to find my site on Search Engines (i.e. Alta Vista, HotBot, Excite, etc..) more easily and directly, and which is why your here and found it alright (SMILE).
° Geoguides added to the bottom of each page of ALL dedication links, so as to spare the viewers of my home page (i.e. YOU) from those annoying pop up windows.
° Under MY FAVOURITE TYPES OF FEMALE FOOTWEAR, more text has been added at the beginning of the page, as well as a notice to Netscape users on the possibility that they may NOT be able to view all of the pictures under their browser.
° All secondary sounds were removed from ALL web pages, they maybe reinstated and implemented in the future when browser technology is improved upon to allow for wavs and midis to be played at the same time, allowing for duel sounds to be played over browsers.
° At the bottom of most of the dedication links, on their last page, there is what is known as my "Trademark and Registered" line, they have been formated to a standard font size now, except for BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH because of the background color of the picture and the color of the font and it's size makes it hard to read.
Tuesday, February 9th, 1999
° Fixed all of the personal e-mail links to properly allow the visitor to send me email that was not engaging properly and sending them a Geocities "Page Not Found" error. Also since I have gone to another more dependable ISP (Internet Service Provider) the email has changed from to to better reflect my persona on here as well.
Wednesday, February 10th, 1999
° Added a link on BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH to my favourite tri-cities (Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge) area radio station MAGIC 106.1 originating out of the city of Guelph as well
as a link to a sample of the songs and artists heard on the station which I listen to often.
Thursday, February 11th, 1999
° Altered the cursor on ALL web pages, both main and its branch suburbs to reflect the new style with a new java script sub-program called LIVECURSOR, and also placed their web banner advert on both GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW-Main Page in the area of appreciations and on the last page, near the bottom of THE EIFFEL TOWER: Paris's Monument Of Splendor.
Tuesday, February 23rd, 1999
° Started the process of linking items of interest that I have listed in BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH and directly linked them to my favourite related sites (This will be an on going sub project over an extended time so please be patient as much research will be going into making sure your get the most bang for your browsing [hehehehe]).
Wednesday, February 24th, 1999
° Due to the inability to get some sleep I have decided to do a little work on my webpage site this morning, and I have started with first removing a few outdated links to two remote webpages in THE EIFFEL TOWER: Paris's Monument Of Splendor under GALLERY PAGE 5. I have also added a direct WebCam link that is now directly related to a boxed area in a map that I have been meaning to do for awhile now that takes my webpage guest to a live feed of The Eiffel Tower and the river Siene. I have also put in, on the same page, a direct link to a similar website of a WebCam overlooking the Arc de Triomphe and the Champs Elysees. If you find any outdated links on any of my main or sub branch websites that don't take you where they should, then please feel free to alert me to this problem so that I can either rectify it or remove the no longer existing site. THANK YOU!
Monday, March 1st, 1999
° Under BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH I added two other actresses which, at the time, had slipped my mind to originally include under "MY FAVOURITE ACTRESSES" I also added a new topic, one called "FAVOURITE ANCIENT HISTORICAL FIGURES" that features two majorly important people that I honour throughout my life and highly admire and respect greatly, they are Cleopatra VII and Hypatia.
Friday, March 5th, 1999
° Under my home page GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW after the section MESSAGE OF THE WEEK I have begun to add a new feature (Not yet operational [Stay tuned to this page to find out when it is] at this time) called NINJAWITCH - WebCAM which, when I'm online will feature an assortment of images from rarely seeing me in person, to seeing my pets (Like my gerbils or budgie) or even pointing outside my window overlooking my home city, beautiful downtown Kitchener. HEY! I managed to pick this camera up for nearly nothing, and well, it is better to use it than let it just waste away in the box. Please be patient with me as I figure out how to get the images properly uploaded to my homepage (THANKS!).
° Added more links of interest off and on this week under BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH.
Saturday, March 6th, 1999
° Under my home page GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW, just before a visitor/guest logs on to the website page, I added in a little bit of JAVA Script in a small intro banner (This is my first successful foray into JAVA programming language).
° Also added as well is a combination welcome/time/date line (Also in JAVA programming script language), seen either around the top of the page or immediately below the title on the first page of both the main and ALL of the sub branch web sites steming off of the main web page. This so as to give the visitor/guest a comfortable and kind message, and gives them the time and date at their disposal.
° I finally got around and changed the font size and style of the web page titles for the sites BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH, THE GODDESS MANUELA: Shrine Of Love, Shrine Of Devotion (Changed also the color of the title header), THE EIFFEL TOWER : Paris's Monument Of Splendor and MY FAVOURITE TYPES OF FEMALE FOOTWEAR, so now all are reflective of the new direction in style I'm taking my home page, as well as ALL adjacent cyber suburb websites that branch off from it in.
Sunday, March 7th, 1999 / Monday, March 8th, 1999
° I've been quite busy today! I'm finding out that what little JAVA programing that I learned in the past few months, and had THOUGHT that I failed with on all past endevours with JAVA code WAS indeed correct and the coding right! It was just that I missed a vital part to make the coding work, it being the applet driver known as a "class" subprogram was missing when the JAVA code searches the stored files on the host home pager server directory where all the home page files are stored, and once the "class" file was uploaded things worked smoothly. But I doubt this means that JAVA script will work for me in the future just as smoothly as these "class applets" do!!!
° Anyways, I added on the first page of both my main home page as well as ALL inter connecting cyber webpages a welcome JAVA applet that gives a short description or welcome as too what that page they flipped to is about. Also added a few JAVA bits of eye candy to spruce up my pages as well.
Friday, March 12th, 1999
° I added another Internet radio station that I have grew QUITE fond of over time, but couldn't add it before because I failed to Bookmark it as a favourite, WELL HERE IT IS, I re-found it AND this time posted it under BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH just below the IMAGINERADIO section. IF you visit there make sure you have RealPlayer G2 (Which I recommend this software, for it is a vast improvement over the standard RealPlayer) installed, have good quality speakers and a good quality sound card.
Wednesday, March 17th, 1999
° Under BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH I refined the subsections of radio stations and points of interest after the section "MY FAVOURITE SINGERS/GROUPS" and added highlight ruler dividers, as well as added a new link, the ROLLING STONE NETWORK - Music Artist Omnipedia Archieves. I think your enjoy it if your into light resource contempory music searches and studies. I also added a few more of my favourite singers.
Thursday, March 18th, 1999
° Under my home page GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW, I added under the log in time and date a JAVA Script Roman numeral analog clock, that tells the actual on air time, I will try to endevour to do the same to all the other first pages too and incorporate a similar real time clock.
Sunday, March 28th, 1999
° I added on ALL main and subsequent sub-web pages a JAVA Script, which I call an "Alert Bar" that tells you, in plain text, what page you are on, no matter where on the page you have scrolled to.
° I added a fuchsia/violet border on GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW around my webcam picture area under NINJAWITCH - WebCAM.
Saturday, May 15th, 1999
° I added several television web site links to both official and non-official dedicated homepages on the selected series topic under the section "FAVOURITE TELEVISION PROGRAMS". Also did minor updates under "PETS" as well.
° I replaced ALL older less graphically pleasing Canadian animated flags to better ones matching the Ontario ones already present on the first page of ALL branched off sub-web pages. I am working on a way of using JAVA applets to animate the other static ones, like the ethnic flags of present and future sites to be posted on here.
° I replaced the static webcam picture of myself on GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW (Sorry, I'm STILL trying to figure out how to send webcam pictures in real time straight from my webcam and the accompanying ISPY software to this Geocities website. I'm also NOT having a fun time waiting for both Geocities and the makers of both the ISPY software and Creative, the makers of the webcam itself to write back to me via e-mail).
Wednesday, June 16th, 1999
° I know, I know not much has been done on my Web Page and related sites, but soon I might have work to do on it, it MIGHT have to undergo extensive renovations, yet again, hey it is always under construction, what can I say. There are some changes on BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH under "PETS" and that section might see much more revisions too, I recently lost my gerbil Caesar due to the recently bout we had with humidity here and heat, and now I might soon lose my Cleopatra of my heart as well, hell the life of a true to life Goth huh, not been a pretty good year for me, going into year two and still the pressure descends on me.
Monday, June 28th, 1999
° Finally started back working on my home page again, ever slowly (Smile). Sorry, these weeks has seen me suffer from dilemmas ranging from hot and humid weather, to going through an emotional roller coaster with my heart in my personal matters, testing for allergies, to several bouts with illnesses, a cold as well as a stomach flu, and even three trips to the hospital, one from a bad rash on my back (Due to the chalking chemcials), another on my face (Why the allergy testing) and the other for cutting my thumb while removing bathroom tub chaulking and sucking in chemicals that week, for nearly a week, really didn't help me much either GERRR! Plain drove me cookoo with everything happening nearly all at once, and it took it's toll on my relationship (MASSIVE SNIFF). Oh well the story of this goth's life huh? But anyways I'm back!!!! I have been working on new improved and radically cool titles for the first pages of the main home page and the branching off cyber subburbs too, they will be up real soon!!!
° Just finished up adding in the YAHOO! new corporatate signifier in front of all links refering to GeoCities which is now known to as YAHOO!GeoCities, when I find an updated icon it will replace the spinning globe graphic. Also all links have been changed to reflect new linkage to the combined corporate site. I know the old link still takes you there automatically, but I want to be progressive and just in case the old link suddenly becomes obsolete I wanted to be ahead of the game here.
Tuesday, June 29th, 1999
° Found and replaced ALL of the old links to the new integrated YAHOO!GeoCities
, also found the icon I was looking for, modified it, and replaced the old spinning Geocities spinning ball and arrow with the new homestead icon. That task is completed and done with.
° Added an additional French portion to the combination welcome/time/date line (Written in JAVA programming script language) to join the English and Portuguese ones already there, these are seen on the first page of the main home page and ALL of the subburban web pages just either below the titles of the prospective pages or above them nearer to the top of the page, also reset the time stamping from saying Good Evening at 5 in the afternoon up an hour to 6 o'clock p.m which is the general terminator of time phasing period by most of the populous of the world that transends day's light into the cloak of night. I've been meaning to do THAT for a long while, that is completed and done.
° Replaced the titles on the main home page and the first page of ALL the subburban web pages, they look so grand, I worked hard on them for several days. They are now completed and done, all future subburban web pages will also incorporate the same titles too, look forward to them in the months to come.
° Added a line on my main home page GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW under NINJAWITCH - WebCAM that shows when I'm LIVE or offline (It is NOT working yet), and sorry, but I'm STILL trying to figure out just how to get my webcam pictures sent to and put up under YAHOO!GeoCities
and the ISPY software which I have that came with my CREATIVE Video WebCamII hardware combo, if anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate your assistance, since the old staff at Geocities have not returned my email querry sent in to them yet.
Wednesday, June 30th, 1999
° FINALLY started work that I have been very badly meaning to do on my subburban web page THE EIFFEL TOWER: Paris's Monument Of Splendor, work in which I mean to fully transform ALL text on the site to bilingual English/French. At this point in time it is about 1/4 finished, I will work on it again maybe later tonight and the following few days, for I really want to get it finished and completed so I can then start and tackle much needed work on the other web sites offline still to make their brand spanking new appearance on here, it is a shame though that the one site THE GODDESS MANUELA: Shrine Of Love, Shrine Of Devotion that was created and finished but never publically shown was NEVER given the chance to be seen by the viewers to this page. The overviewed logic in that one from what I was told then to what I know now defies and baffles my logic and senses to why I wasn't allowed to show it, but oh well what can I say but a heartfelt sorry, but regardless, I will keep it up where it is for now SHOULD this lovely lady reconsider her options and future goals, and I hope comes back to my loving and forgiving arms. OH, before I forget, I also transformed the link to THE EIFFEL TOWER: Paris's Monument Of Splendor on my main home page GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW, but just that sectional link only, is also sporting bilingual linkage to the same site.
Thursday, July 1st, 1999
° I did more translation work on my subburban web page THE EIFFEL TOWER: Paris's Monument Of Splendor converting the English text, sentences and miscellanous lines on there into French and then adding them into the body of the page along with the English text, sentences and lines already present, I am about 3/4 done I guessimate, but with YAHOO!GeoCities acting up and me periodically getting into my online web page File Manager and at times denied my page even exists, or all of the entire YAHOO!GeoCities system denied to me due to being overloaded and busy, these figures might change, but they are estimates remember. I also added a new sample teaser picture off of the TF1 web site on GALLERY PAGE 5, below the geographical Paris city core map, that demostrates the region in which the webcam's point of origin in the lower bottom left corner of the black square within the city atlas map encompasses, in the link that takes the visitor directly to the TF1 webcam site which shows a snapshot of the Siene River in the forgraound and The Eiffel Tower in the background from the cam's permanent site.
Friday, July 2nd, 1999
° Finished off the translation work on my subburban web page THE EIFFEL TOWER: Paris's Monument Of Splendor, started on the changing of the fonts and points, mostly been busy all evening doing this, had to stop for a time when the same problem as yesterday reared its ugly head and I was denied access to my File Manager again. The only work left to do is a little tad more work on the fonts and points on GALLERY PAGE 5, add a French line to the Alert Bar JAVA Coding, and finishing off with the main title on GALLERY MAIN PAGE and adding in a French title to go along with the English one. At this time, the site is about 5/6 completed, just a bit more and it will be permanently done! WHEW! I have been putting it off and putting it off, but NOW it is finally going to be completed, at least one thing having all this time on my hands has given me, it has given me time to work on my web page. I still miss my lady love though, but it isn't my fault she went the direction she has gone on, I didn't twist her arm, this is her venture and hers alone she must confront, the good or the bad, she has to take the consequences. But I will wait as long as I can for her, hey! It's not like I'm going anywheres anyway.
Sunday, July 4th, 1999
Sorry no work these past few days til I am feeling better, experiencing health problems again due to humidity and heat, had to rest in bed most of the day today, I hate having these assorted illnesses, but nothing I can do about it. I thought I be kind and courteous and let you, my visitors know just why I haven't got back to the last chore I was doing on here. Will return when I am better and the heat and humity is gone, well at least the humidity, I am sweating so much because of it I'm losing weight, can't keep my food down, and just plain feeling sick BLAH! :-P, and besides it isn't good for computers because of added heat on the CPU which causes the processor to be prone to crashes a lot more, which is why I'm on during the early morning hours. Also been thinking of my lady love I lost a more than a week ago, and my spirits are down at the moment. I will try to return soon, promise.
Thursday, July 8th, 1999
° I'M BACK! YEA! The heat wave combo humidty is over, FOR NOW! Which allows me to get back into working on my home page and the last chore that I was doing, translating the English on the subburban web site THE EIFFEL TOWER: Paris's Monument Of Splendor and adding in the French text to companion the English text and make the site bilingual. Well the main titles are up on the GALLERY MAIN PAGE but I have to find something to separate them since they are the largest of the text fonts on the page, the new renovations to the site are roughly at about 95% completion. Added two national anthem midis and linked them to the Canadian and French flag pictures on the same page. Did a little more work on the BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH under "HOBBIES" and "FAVOURITE TELEVISION PROGRAMS".
Tuesday, July 13th, 1999
Been busy, busy, busy at home learning how to use two new graphic programs in the limited time in which the companies give you to evaluate them. :-P I hate that time limitation which they have on programs, the worse thing is that they are asking nearly $200.00 Canadian dollars for them (The programs are Paint Shop Professional 5.0 & Animation Shop 1.0), that's more than what Windows 98 costs and they are not even CAD programs either or word processors! YUCK! So I have been hard at work (HUFF! HUFF!) making tons of new gifs and animating them for future pages, and updating older ones, many on the pages already. NO! I haven't forgotten the work I was doing on THE EIFFEL TOWER: Paris's Monument Of Splendor, I'm just giving it a rest for a little while, besides I have to redo the French main title again, at least part of it (Luckily I did those main title font gifs in separate sections, or it could have been worse). But there ARE new additions to be found on my web page, so here are the updates.
° I changed the WebCam "OFF" status indicator static gif on GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW under the section NINJAWITCH - WebCAM, it's NOW animated and flashes colors and pulsates. Also, I pre-uploaded the alternate "ON" indicator animated companion gif ahead of time, and will be used once the webcam is fully operational and when I am "online". This section is done and completed, until the webcam finally comes on line, which will happen once I get to understand how to get pictures from my home to the website for you to see.
° On BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH I have updated the stats for "MY FAVOURITE TYPES OF FEMALES", "MY 10 MOST FAVOURITE PLACES THAT I WOULD LOVE TO LIVE MY LIFE IN", "MY 10 FAVOURITE MOVIES", "MY 20 FAVOURITE SONGS" and "DO I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND". On "MY 10 FAVOUTITE TYPES OF FEMALES" I debated for months on end, and still I couldn't decide if I prefered Hispanic females over Latina ones, I just could not make up my mind, for to me BOTH are so exceptionally beautiful and special in my eyes and thoughts that neither one was better over the other, so it was deemed a tie and placed that noticification under the section. I also added a new one to replace the single 2nd position that the Hispanic slot did take up near the end with Slavic females, and that 2nd position caused Japanese women to not only move up, but switch as well with what would have been vying for 2nd position, French females, now the placings are more accurate. After heavy thought I changed my tastes under "MY 10 MOST FAVOURITE PLACES THAT I WOULD LOVE TO LIVE MY LIFE IN" and I have decided that I love The Azores as a place to live in its entirety as a group of islands, and that it is just SO beautiful, that it can't just be limited to just the city of Angra Do Heroismo, Terceira, look for a link soon that represents the archipelago of islands belonging to The Azores. I used Angra Do Heroismo because I had a girlfriend that came from there once, saw pictures of her birth place and loved it, but I also used it as a main city reference point. I also changed the title from "MY 10 MOST FAVOURITE CITIES THAT I WOULD LOVE TO LIVE MY LIVE IN" to a more generalization of "MY 10 MOST FAVOURITE PLACES THAT I WOULD LOVE TO LIVE MY LIFE IN". Under "MY 10 FAVOURITE MOVIES" I replaced Flashdance with the (Tied) Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery and Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me. I fully replaced the old section under "DO I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND" to more accurately reflect my present social and dating status, there will ALSO be more updates to other sections on this webpage to better reflect the same status, and the lessons that I have learned and of my thoughts better clarified from that experience. Lastly, I added 5 more songs to the section under "MY 15 FAVOURITE SONGS", which now the side header is revised and is now called "MY 20 FAVOURITE SONGS", I am debating uping the total to 25 and renaming the section "MY ALL TIME TOP 25 FAVOURITE SONGS".
° Also on BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH, just under the Title Banner, I replaced the ninja and witch static gifs with spinning transparent animated gifs of the same gifs, just that they are animated, but the static ones are still up to service the Guestbooks. Also replaced the crow flying gif (seen nearby) that stopped flying after 5 times, and it now flies indefinately, I also fixed up the wings more to eliminate the see through portions within the joints when the crow flew and now made them opaque, and proper. Well that's the revisions and updates at this time, but look forward to me finishing up work on THE EIFFEL TOWER: Paris's Monument Of Splendor as well as much more renovations on BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH, and slight work on the main index page GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW in the days and weeks to come, as well as adding links to The Azores and other sections on BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH under "MY 10 MOST FAVOURITE PLACES THAT I WOULD LOVE TO LIVE MY LIVE IN". Catch you later people, have a safe summer and if your on holidays take care and enjoy yourself. BYE! :-()
Wednesday, July 14th, 1999
° I finally finished the translation work left to do with the JAVA Alert Bar (That is the area which you may see running along the bottom left menu in a marquee fashion, immediately above your Windows 95/98 task bar) for ALL the pages on THE EIFFEL TOWER: Paris's Monument Of Splendor, also I did replace the French main title with a properly spelled version, so that portion, as well as the general translation work is all finished and accomplished. YEA! As it stands now that entire section is completed and done. That is unless I may, at a future time, decide to replace any buttons for nicer, sleeker ones, I mean, I am trying very hard to do justice to that modern Wonder of the World which I wish I could see in my life time and is my favourite world site, so if I feel that it is needed, or an idea comes to my mind, THEN I will replace them, or I might also need to do some spelling corrections too, I am NOT that French literate after all and I tried really hard to get the spelling and sentence structures correct. Well that is it for a few days, weather reports are indicating that we are going to be visited with hot and humid weather, the worst type of weather for me since it saps my strength, so that means no work (I know don't be sad, I'll be back don't worry). When I return I will be going into the phase of adding in much more links to various sections on BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH, I'm also thinking very strongly of starting work on my separate "Guest WebCam" page too, which will be reached by either clicking on the static picture on my index page GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW, or by the standard non graphic text link under the graphic usually which I always try to accomodate along side the graphic link. Besides I only have so long to use those darn time limited graphic programs that I told you about and I listed above in yesterday's submission. See you ladies and gentlemen AFTER the bout of humidity and heat passes by. Chao Bellas!
Friday, July 16th, 1999
° It is still moderately hot and humid here :-P PANT PANT PUFF PUFF But I HAVE posted a brand new page, called my "Disclaimer" warning page for the future webcam web page. It can be found nicely tucked in between GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW and the actual webcam subburban web site, it can be accessed by clicking on my webcam still picture on the main index page under the section NINJAWITCH - WebCAM. Be aware that the link that takes you forward to the actual site is NOT active, and if clicked at this time will take you onwards to a YAHOO!GeoCities error page. Even when the actual site is up, I will STILL be troubled with the problem of getting my webcam actual real time images uploaded to the site, for this is not yet resolved. Well got to go, I'm going to watch a movie that I have been waiting for awhile to see that is premiering on our Movie Channel up here in Canada called "54" that stars sexy, sultry and hispanic actress - Salma Hayek. She is soooo lovely and delicious that I could spend all night kissing, hugging and dancing with her, and even much, mucho more! Especially since I saw a clip earlier of her taken from the movie that shows her wearing my favourite hair style, abit a shorter version of it. HUMMMMM! She is so simply adorable! BY THE GODS AND GODDESS I envy the main character Shame's relationship with Anita (Salma Hayek), but it is rumoured that drugs abound in the story, MASSIVE YUCK! :-< So much unlike me. Well off to see it, catch you later peoples.
° Updated the section under "SOCIAL STATUS" on BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH to reflect my being current state of being single and available. Most of the sections that are in need to show this will be also updated over the weeks to come, when I get around to them. Future comments will be presented as UPDATED: [ Name Of Section ], to save going on in long sentences. Saw the movie, talk about a dark version of "Saturday Night Fever" for the 90s WOW! Of course Salma Hayek was great and beautiful as always, so too was Mike Meyers's acting, hardly recognized him, the story wasn't bad, it really hit a deep thrust to my soul when the old lady Mona died taking cocaine while dancing on the floor. It sure was riveting and really shook me. See you maybe tomorrow. Chao Belles!
Saturday, July 17th, 1999
° Added two brand new high heel shoe pictures to the line up column, and included a new animated gif of a sexy female in a pink skin tight tube dress kicking up her heels which can be seen immedately under the main title on the subburban web page
MY FAVOURITE TYPES OF FEMALE FOOTWEAR which branches off from BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH. well that is it for the day, still sweating, got up real early to sneak in a little work, but it is starting to heat up again, and I an still a little tired. Take care people. Bye.
Wednesday, July 21st, 1999
° Upon advice from a regular lady visitor that has been trying to access my main webpage, but with great difficulty, I have taken her advice upon myself and totally removed two portions from ALL webpages that had them installed within their coding, certain JAVA scripts. The first one being the open window warning message that warned the visitor that the site is laiden with some JAVA scripts, YES! I know that it is ironic that a section warning about JAVA script codes would have to be written in JAVA in order to warn the visitor about the JAVA in use and IF they wanted to continue on to my site or not, but it seems that it might have been causing a serious problem with browsers (Which is something I do not wish to do and I thank her for telling me about the problem). NOW, the other problem was in the meta transitions effects coding, and thus they also were ALL totally removed, I was getting word from visitors between the two problems that these duel problems on the site were lagging down their browsers, even under Internet Explorer 4.00 and above,as well as Netscape. Well thanks for telling me about those problems and PLEASE be patient as I work out the kinks and get the problems fixed and resolved. Thanks guys and gals! Chao Bellas! SUPPLIMENTAL: Apparently, I am STILL having problems saving my work, what happens is that when I go to see the final results after saving the new work, I get the old coding back and the new work totally gone. Sometimes it saves and sometimes not, it is about a 50/50 split. I HAVE informed YAHOO!GeoCities of this problem last week, but since YAHOO! took over GeoCities their response time is attrocious! Oh well! Okay, this third time was the charm, the changes stuck! For now! I really do hope that the techies at YAHOO! now that they took over GeoCities get this PREVIEW/SAVE problem fixed soon, and I hope that they are not out to purposely out to destroy all the hard work and developments that GeoCities created as well as disillusion us citizens of GeoCities? Things that make you go--- HUMMMM!
Friday, July 23rd, 1999
° I doubled the text context in my welcome to the visitor mesage under the main title on MY FAVOURITE TYPES OF FEMALE FOOTWEAR that branches off from BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH and gave my reasons. Also worked out a scheme to simplify minor changes on this page, they will look like this from now on :
° MY FAVOURITE TYPES OF FEMALE FOOTWEAR Doubled text content in welcome message located under title.
° GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW Removed dedicated thanks and show of affections to my former girlfriend for helping me get the urge to start my own webpage, removed also associated wav files, seen at far bottom of the page.
Saturday, July 24th, 1999
° Sorry got on here real early (7:11 AM), feeling a little sick and exhausted thanks to my internal illness down below. MASSIVE YUCK! SNIFF On to the recent changes to the home page I guess.
Saw two movies of interest this week, on Tuesday saw a Canadian movie from 1996 called "Kissed" which is about a young woman (actress-Molly Parker) who becomes a mortian but develops intense relations with the men she treats on the job, ohhhh THAT one was so gothic oriented and morbid, hummmm, it was a fun drama. The other movie from 1988, I saw just a few hours ago, was called "She's Having My Baby" with actor Keven Bacon and actress Elizabeth McGovern which was about a young married man Bacon narrating a story about his new found couplehood, while facing the uncertainty of where the next chapter of his life was going and being plagued with insecurities about his marriage and fixated on those fears. Fun movie in a way, more drama than humour, but the high point of the film was when he confronts everything all at once and it becomes clear to him when he is told from a nurse that his baby, which they had a hard time conceiving, and his wife McGovern were in a breech delivery dilemma and he was facing the probability that he might lose the baby and maybe his wife in the process. THAT point moved me to a little tearing, I mean I just couldn't bare to lose my life mate or even the baby, especially in my case since love and relationships have ALWAYS missed finding me. Okay then.
° GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW Refined and added more text to the beginning welcome message.
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Starting fairly extensive changes to many sections as of today, I do not know when they will be done, nor how long it will take, I am doing this to bring all sections into line of my current single status.
Tuesday, August 3rd, 1999
° Well my friends, HELLO again! I have been real busy since the last status update, even though there have been no posting of messages on here, rest assure I HAVE been hard at work on the home page everyday, not only in the search and collection of many links, but also in adding them directly on to the page (WAY TOO MANY to list) as I find them, I have also expanded the text in about 90% of present sections, and I have also added several brand new sections (See Below For A Full Listing) all under my subburban web page BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH. I am also adding soon a second page called "VISAGES", which will essentially be a gallery of sorts and it will branch off from two places, one from the link under "NAME" on the BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH, but also from the NINJAWITCH - WebCAM page when it is up. I'm also doing this in case the JAVA that the picture I already have on the Main Page of BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH is obscured and unseen. Also, I have replaced a large portion of the static and animated gifs on ALL of the pages where I previously lacked the knowledge to undertake conversion of the backgrounds of said gif into transparencies, this now has been overcomed and I have mastered the understanding and practice of said ability, only about 3% of the gifs remaining are with a dark background now, and those I can't change without damaging the integrity of the entire gifs and effect. I have been working offline more on the subburban web page THE RAVEN'S NEST: Gothic City V''' '''V, which is becoming nearer to being ready to be posted on my site, but NOT ready yet to be seen or deemed by myself as all done and completed, I will no doubt have to fine tune that page before it is ready for final viewing. It seems that the problem that I had with the YAHOO!GeoCities PREVIEW/SAVE button and action is resolved, I hope it is fixed permanently, nothing is worse than losing all your work, EVEN when one presses the SAVE AND CONTINUE EDITING button. Thank you YAHOO!GeoCities.
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Progress update is roughly about 50% completed. Added these new sub sections.
Wednesday, August 4th, 1999
° THE EIFFEL TOWER: Paris's Monument Of Splendor Added a second picture of the Eiffel Tower and Seine River surrounding area of the city of Paris. Gracious thanks go out to TF1 for their kind permission ahead of time to allow me to use their webcam image pictures.
Sunday, August 8th, 1999
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Over the longest period of time I just whacked my brain and still could not figure out just where to place my love over the city of Corpus Christi, Texas, United States of America, but FINALLY I have included it under "MY 10 MOST FAVOURITE PLACES THAT I WOULD LOVE TO LIVE MY LIFE IN".
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Minor Modification: Gave examples of the exact type of race under "MY 10 FAVOURITE TYPES OF FEMALES".
Monday, August 9th, 1999
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Added these new sub sections.
Saturday, August 14th, 1999
° THE EIFFEL TOWER: Paris's Monument Of Splendor Added a third and final picture of the Eiffel Tower and Seine River surrounding area of the city of Paris on a beautiful sunny but cloudy day, again, my very gracious thanks go out to TF1 for their kind permission in permitting me, ahead of time, to use their webcam acquired picture images.
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Added this new sub section.
Saturday, August 21st, 1999
° MY FAVOURITE TYPES OF FEMALE FOOTWEAR Added another picture to the collage gallery of high heel female footwear.
° SALSA: Dancing Under A Latin Moon A BRAND NEW page that I have been working on most of this past week, it is basically about my impression of the dance phenom and is about ¾ finished. It will branch off from BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH from the topic "MY FAVOURITE TYPE OF INTERNATIONAL DANCE". Look for it very very soon to appear as a permanent cyber surburban webpage, it is NOT a full blown topic dedication, it is only just an editorial.
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Another international place of affection within my heart that was left out of the list, seen under the topic "MY 10 MOST FAVOURITE PLACES THAT I WOULD LOVE TO LIVE MY LIFE IN", was San Juan, Puerto Rico, United States of America, it is finally listed in its proper order.
Saturday, November 6th, 1999
° (Insert a very sheepish shy hello here) ¡Hola!, Olá! and greetings my friends and visitors to my web site! I'm extremely sorry for the nearly three month absence from work done on here, but since then I have been very busy, very down and very depressed.
Very busy, in the manner that since mid-September I have started two language classes - Portuguese and Spanish (Spanish I quit as of today since my female teacher is a taskmaster (I mean I gave it the old college try and fairness in letting her settle in and me settle into her way of teaching) but she has a bad habit of trying to stuff in way too much paper work and several topics in a three hour period [especially the tricky to understand reflective verbs of AR, ER and IR combined with SER vs. ESTOY] and then within a half hour expect you to create a perfect sentence from just put down flashcards with a picture of an object not yet known for many in the class like el perro (a dog) or la iglesia (a church) or she berates you, not only that she prefers to only speak in her native tongue, and if you speak Portuguese or French she gets snooty and says to take ONE language course not two.
Recently, as of last week, she tells us to study the numbers(numeros) from 1 to 30 and then next week suddenly asks us to count from zero (cero) to 70 (setenta) with perfect pronouncation.
But as for my Portuguese class I'm doing very well with an average of 87%, I have a young female teacher which is both attractive as well as someone I respect greatly in the way that she teaches, she makes it fun, she is serious yet playful, she doesn't over stress us and is very fair in tasks to do and the handouts she gives us. She is very helpful and doesn't make us feel uncomfortable when we give oral presentations of our work, generally the opposite of the other lady, she is amazing, and doesn't give us too much paper work either and is always open to many questions, especially from me. It is starting to make me wonder if Portuguese teachers are superior to Spanish ones (Smile & Grin). these past few years I have come to highly respect, amire and desire these Portuguese females (Than the disinformation which I learned throughout my very young life as a tot and later as a teenager and thinking that they were the dirtiest people on the face of the planet. They are very much quite the opposite and is far from the truth in which I was taught by unlearned friends and ignorant people, I am proud of these people). They certainly are not aggressive as Spanish females are, they are assertive and serious and don't take themselves seriously and well I hope if I find a female that is Portuguese again, I hope that this time she will give me a chance to bring me into her life as a mate.
Sorry, you have to experience the Portuguese position and presence to fully understand where I'm coming from, but DAMN they would make good family members and the females good mates, even more than my own females from my own Canadian English culture. I'm biased you say, well when you have seen ALL that I have in my years then you would take my position too.
It seems to me Portuguese highly value family and respect, and in that they to me are well ahead of us North Americans, and something I have been on a quest to find, which is also WHY I'm learning the latin languages, to better my chances with the course that my life and desire is taking me in my manifest destiny.
Now, I have been very down because of two things, but first because of my home page and my dissatisfication at the merged entity known as YAHOO!GeoCities, you see I know I praised them earlier, but that was when I felt they actually cared about the citizens of the neighbourhood and did something to fix problems when they came up like the old owners GeoCities, now can you say what a difference several months make??!! As your aware I had a problem before with YAHOO!GeoCities, well they didn't solve the problem, in fact it got worse, which leads me to the point of upset, while working on BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH when I saved the file, it in fact didn't properly save and the bottom half of the document html page failed to save and was totally lost (Only recently I found an earlier copy of the webpage prior to the then present damaged html time period saved version page. I found an earlier version, just prior to the time of the accident, it was found in a hidden folder in Internet Explorer, then through my html editor I then merged the two sections from each html page to restore about 96% of the original page's content, which is exceptional and darn well lucky by the grace of the lord and lady above, it is NOW been reposted and works fine), now that pain of upset has been largely alleviated, no thanks to YAHOO!GeoCities.
NOW!!!!! I am very leary of this new entity, they are doing everything counter opposite to their promises to us former GeoCities citizens, almost hell bent to destroy what GeoCities created, and on top of things the new propritors are now making demands and rules about who owns the content and property of the web pages ALL of us citizens created lovingly, not just the web page itself but photos, art, music, etc...the entire thing from gifs to concept and everything in between (Click this link TERMS OF SERVICE as well as this one A Geocities citizen's reply to TERMS OF SERVICE for details). Soon I will be adding a link on BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH, when I find the time, but the link above will fully explain the fear and problems that we citizens now have to endure from our new masters, and why so many are fleeing this draconian rule of thumb.
One more point of contention is soon after the web page saved problem came up, I had made a phone call to the company and left many e-mails to them, but not one single one was responded to, they simply abandoned me or didn't care...or both, and I came away with a pissy impression, I'm not the only one disgruntled at them, what is also very gulling of them is that we when initially signed up for our free web pages, the free space was promised as 25 megs with the condition that we except either a pop-up advert OR a banner guide (I have the banner guide to spare you guys visiting here from closing a pop-up windows upon each click towards a new web page refreshing), well the pop-up (Doesn't apply to me...YET!) comes up and then stays static in the top right-hand corner of the page blocking out any part of the page under it, even text or links, but the worse part is they cut back on the web space from 25 megs to 15 megs. Now add in the "TERMS OF SERVICE" and you get control freaks running mad at YAHOO!GeoCities.
Lastly, why I'm very depressed. This is one predicament that started more than three months ago actually, but only now I can say and confirm that it will NOT change for the better, for it is now a permanent personal acknowledgement and realization I have had to come to grips with. You see, at that time I had a special lady friend, we were close, she was very special to me, so much so that I bonded (A serious danger which I suffer from much more than most men do, for them breaking up is very easy to get over, but for me it is like ripping off my arm and burning out my eyes and it takes years before I can really recover from, and that combined with the fact that I lost both my mother and father in the past year is compounding and making things worse) but since then she has decided to pursue other ventures in the field of love, and well with my luck I lost her and haven't found another lady yet to replace her. She was a very special and endearing lady to me...she still is, and only now I have come to the conclusion that she will NOT be coming back, not only that, she rarely talks as a friend to me (Which she promised wouldn't change), is taking long to reply to e-mails, now these days she is way too busy, I assume maybe because of her new beau. I wish you all the luck in finding what you truely desire lovely angel, I hope he is what you have always wanted in your heart, mind and soul, but always remember should anything go wrong, or you need to talk to someone, I will be ready to listen and talk with you at the drop of a hat. Please also be aware lovely that I can NEVER EVER forget about you, you have come the furthest of all the loves of my past to the razors edge of my heart, to everything in a woman that I have always desired and searched for, and to me to lose that is like someone running towards a cliff and just missing grabbing the object of desire as he/she crashes to the ground far below. Beijos anjo!
On to another topic now, as of late, I have discovered that I have been suffering from several accelerated ailments, both stemming from my medical condition known as "Marfan's Syndrome", and it is now starting to effect my vision, audio and balance centers more than ever before.
Well, that's the updates to present and their reasons and mine for my tardiness. Now I can't promise that I will be able to make more regular updates and/or work upon this site, but with my Spanish class personally dropped I might now have more time opened up to come here and continue more work, but to tell the truth, I'm also leary because of our new web page owners, as I have little faith in the saving process of this own html online editor engine...but I will try to be more active here, so far things are saving okay (As he crosses his fingers and toes).
OH! yes, I am STILL working occasionally on SALSA: Dancing Under A Latin Moon it is coming along really well, but it is always in revision since the "Latin Explosion" has taken North America by storm (YIPPIE!), with the likes of Jennifer Lopez [¡Ay caramba!], Shakira, Ricky Martin, Marc Anthony, Joée, Santana, the resurgence of Selena, Enrique Inglesias, and even Excesso, sooner or later the Portuguese version of the Spice Girls known as "Antilook" will probably also make their North America debut too, this would be the best prime time for them to do so. While on the topic about the Spice Girls, ex-spicer Geri Halliwell has her own first hit with "Mi Chico Latino" (Translation: My young latin man), it too is in a psuedo salsa vein, so Latin dance and music is very music alive and well in vigor here in the Americas, as well as in Europe.
Lately, as well, I have been hard at work on the disclaimer leading into my webcam page (That disclaimer is totally done now, as well as my main NinjawitchCAM trademark logo is also posted on the same page) and it is also up and running, but the link that actually takes the visitor to the webcam main page is disabled until the NINJAWITCH - WebCAM page is finished (And NO I haven't figured out how to upload the picture stills yet [smile], but I'm about to get started on the page).
I have also finished two "animated" banners for my website (One is posted on the main page as an example), that is another thing that I have been busy with, learning to master how to animate any type of gif picture AND create and make animated banners (Boy that can be tough let me tell you at the start).
Now the movies of interest that I fully enjoyed since the last movie review, the first is called "Breaking Up" starring actor Russell Crowe and my very favourite actress Salma Hayek. Directed by Robert Greenwald in 1997 and running about an hour and a half, it is about a young but very passionate couple Crowe and Hayek who just can't seem to keep their relationship together dispite deep down they truely love each other, but yet their pride constantly get in the way of commitment with each other, and in addition Crowe's nightmares of his love Hayek cheating on him. It is both a serious drama but with snippets of humour layered throughout the film.
The second film is called "John Carpenter's VAMPIRES", it is also a 1997 film in the suspense/thriller genre by director Carpenter himself, hense his nom de plume in the title itself, it runs just over an hour and 45 minutes and NOT for the faint of heart, it is DEFINATELY going to be a classic goth flick, up there with "Army Of Darkness", it has the same feel, just not as much humour, and with scenes of nudity. Its two major stars are James Woods (I hope there is a sequel because Woods FINALLY has film that would make his in film character a cult favourite in the same breath as Bruce Campbell's character type seen in "Army Of Darkness".
Also, starring is Daniel Baldwin, the premise of the film is The Vatican secretly enlists teams of covert high tech vampire-hunters along with a padre (priest) to scour the world for vampires and their vampire masters, search them out where ever they may be hiding..and kill them. But a major problem comes up when the very first vampire lord comes out of hiding, where before he was merely a legend in Vatican history, the victim of a church ritual gone wrong, NOW he is out to claim "The Black Crucifx", a golden staff with a black cross on top of it that was used to originally make him a vampire, and brought him into the world, a being that became the source all those he infects with the vampire curse, and should he obtain the artifact then it would able him to walk the world at all times of the day or night, and thus make him absolutely unstopable along with his army from taking over the world. Almost the entire Vatican mercenary teams are wiped out except for three soldiers, and one female prostitute infected but not killed or "converted", the only connection at their disposal to track down this vile sinister force of evil before it is too late, and hell on earth begins with the coming of the vampire lord's reign.
Both these films are absolutely grand, both in my love of the goth, as too for my love of pure romance and attraction for the film works of Hayek herself.. I most highly recommend that if, and when you get a chance and like any of these movie themes, that you watch these films, both or separate, they are well done and have fast become favourites of mine, so much so that I have updated "MY 10 FAVOURITE MOVIES" on BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH to reflect my present favourite films. NICE! Well I shall say "hasta luego y adiós" (See you later and goodbye), "Até à próxima e adeus" (Until next time and goodbye) and in English, Goodbye til next update, take care of yourselves, behave and remember "Be nice!"
Saturday, November 13th, 1999
° NINJAWITCH - WebCAM Added background music as well as the accompanying musical acknowledgements, a picture mantle crest and my standard copyright line.
Saturday, November 20th, 1999
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Added these musicians {Jaci Valasquez and Diego Torres} to the section "FAVOURITE MUSIC GROUPS/SINGERS".
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Updated "AGE" to accurately reflect my present age (Hey this one slipped my mind, and even I forget at times that there is no such thing as automatic home page age counter progression for when people who run the web site pass their birthdays).
° GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW Modified the URL link under "LINKS TO PERSONAL WEB SITES OF MY FRIENDS" for "THE GOD OF BEARS", there is now two sites, one is {The Main Den} and the other {The Vacation Den}, which I named myself in keeping with my occasional poke at humour. Also, I am in need of someone to proof read and offer corrections to all the French transcription portions in which I tried to do on my sub-web page THE EIFFEL TOWER: Paris's Monument Of Splendor, if you can assist I would greatly appreciate it, and you can reach me at my e-mail at ninjawitch yahoo address, and if your a close friend of mine you can e-mail me at my prime address. I've also completed a very nice JAVA applet for the upcoming Christmas season, and it will be posted sometime in the middle of December, most likely the week of Christmas, on GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW, it is of my lady friend Manuela from the far away island of Terceira in the Azores archipelago, a principality under the Portuguese government, a group of islands that celebrates Christmas but doesn't get snow. I hope that she takes the graphic as a gesture of appreciation of season's greetings to her and she'll take it in the vein of friendship, but I also think that her browser might not be able to see it, but, hey lets see, maybe Santa will be nice to her and allow her stubborn computer to be able to see the nice greeting animation, it is my heart felt greeting to her yet with my flare intro using a wee tiny bit of humour. Outside of that, those are this weeks updates so (Sniff) until the next posting a warm goodbye, be well and behave and remember "Be nice!" (Or I'll send a deranged slobbering teddy bear after you ... ;-> ).
Sunday, November 21st, 1999
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Added these new sub sections :
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Re-added the sub section :
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Major Modification: Not only did I break the paragraphs up into smaller sentences, corrected slight placings of colons, but I have expanded text, updated other sections to bring them up to date, as well as re-worded others under these sections :
Thursday, November 25th, 1999
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Minor Modification: Expanded more text to these two sections :
Sunday, November 28th, 1999
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Minor Modification: Expanded still more text to these five sections :
Hi again, and welcome to my occasional posting and update on just what Ninjawitch has been up to, Now don't get the wrong idea, I'm not a trouble maker, I'm an ANGEL! (WINK). Well in my last test of Portuguese regular and irregular ER/IR verbs I got a 19 out of 20, I expected a perfect test score, but alas at least it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it might have been, shouldn't have I studied hard on it, only one other beat me with a perfect score, so I'm pretty lucky and I count my lucky stars.
Been busy writing and sending out Christmas cards, working on my home page as your see, working on my Portuguese papers and translating the text and converting it into understandable phonical English pronouncing text format so that I can get a better grip on the sounds of said words as they sound in English to my ears.
The movie of interest which I saw recently and that I love is an interesting blend of one quarter comedy, one quarter horror, one quarter drama and one quarter action/adventure, called "The Mummy" it's directed by Stephen Sommers and a symphonic movie score soundtrack by Jerry Goldsmith {Known for action scores like "Star Trek: The Wrath Of Kahn"} it is in the vein of the Indiana Jones series of movies (It actually supposedly did so well at the box office that it has a sequel planned).
The premise of the story is during 1290 B.C. in The City Of Kings: Thebes, Egypt during the rule of Ceti I: 2nd Pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty, his trusted High Priest Imhotep and his mistress Anck-su-namun (Played by a new "LATIN" actress named Patricia Velasquez [She is stunning in that kinda futuristic looking body adornment gold and black paint]) have been having a covert affair with each other, until Ceti I hears of it and goes to the sacred temple to confront his supposedly loyal priest by himself, while they are engaged the High Priest's lower priests try to keep out the king ... but fail.
The king sees the two together and he confronts Imhotep, while Anck-su-namun stabs him in the back, and then the High Priest joins in with Imhotep's priesthood watching from behind a thin veiled curtain backlit with multiple candlelight. In comes in the king's royal guards and arrests Imhotep and his priesthood and he vows to resurrect his lover, she with great confidence in him alerts the guards that she is no longer the king's "temple" and commits suicide.
After Imhotep and his priesthood is freed after awhile, they find the location of the tomb of Anck-su-namun and wisk her off, along with several canopic jars containing her heart, brain, and other vital organs to a secret city, called Hamunaptra: The City Of The Dead and he gets ahold of the sacred "Book Of The Dead" by stealth means, a book he needs to resurrect her. He nearly succeeds until the guardmen discover the location and prevents the process of resurrection from completing, and Imhotep and the priesthood is arrested again, but as punishment for attempting to bring back the dead traitor of the pharaoh, Imhotep's followers go through the process of mummification alive, Imhotep's tongue is removed, most of his organs, and he is placed alive into a specially designed sarcophagus with a encoded lock system along with several hundred flesh eatting scarabs, this is where the story in taken to the next scene, and is performed nicely through wonderful special effects throughout the film to Hamunaptra 1923
Where the decendants of the pharaoh's guards are still holding watch over "The Creature's" burial site, they are in battle with French soldiers and one lone American solider-of-fortune called O'Connell (Played by young actor Brendan Fraser, and I must say he plays the role nicely, I'm impressed, a very Indiana Jones feel but with better taste and not as much ego inflation as Harrison Ford developed later on over his famous character), he is the only one to escape the battle, but remembers the place where the lost tomb is, as well as possesses a device key that contains a map to the location of Hamunaptra.
The story progresses 3 more years to Cairo, Egypt where O 'Connell's fate is nearly sealed by a hanging, til a lovely young woman called Evalyn (Played by young actress Rachel Weisz and I must say she shows a fun style of behavour that I find especially invigourating in a woman, a form of free spiritedness with a dash of adventure and ladyship) who is a librarian in the Egyptology department in the Museum of Antiquity, who buys his freedom for the information he holds with the device key/map they took from him and the services as a soldier-of-fortune, with Evalyn only out to find the "Book Of The Dead" and "Book Of Mumra" (Used later in the story at a vital time, I won't tell you and ruin the story, NAH!).
So from here they find the lost, hidden city, with others also in search for it, and escaping the wrath of those tomb protector I told you about eariler, but soon the adventuring teams find themselves the hunted, by a resurrected Imhotep, a very powerful mystical being with great powers over the elements, insect creatures, and transportation just to name a few of his bag of tricks. Powers he uses to escape his imprisonment, hunt down all those who took his canopic jars, re-attain the "Book Of The Dead", which he needs to resurrect, for a second time, his lover ... Anck-su-namun, but he also needs a sacrifice, another female to serve as a lifeforce transference battery of sorts, and guess who is the lucky lottery winner! And this time NOTHING will get in Imhotep's way.
Over all they did a great benefit to the original "Mummy" story concept, a total and complete re-working of the classic, which I like!!! The original black and white was campy, considering the time it was made and the lack of proper story development, special effects and FX sound effects, this version is NOT like that version! Overall a great movie, I enjoyed watching it, and I highly recommend it, hey I don't write down here movie reviews for crappy movies, just exceptional ones.
So anyways, another session is over and it is time I bring this little fireside chat to a close, so take care people, and remember always behave and be nice to each other and those you meet, your never know, one day, one person just might be me (Smile). Chao everyone!
Saturday, December 4th, 1999
° GALLERY OF THE NINJAWITCH This is a brand new series of pages, four in all! Lookie! Lookie! Go and see!
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Minor Modification: Added this new sub section :
"MY APPEARANCE" (To accomodate as a companion to the new GALLERY OF THE NINJAWITCH page)
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Major Modification: Added assorted Wiccan explanation links and extended the text under the sub section :
° Major Modification: Added "CometZone Cursors" to ALL web pages, each page has a separate cursor now in line with the page's theme!
Bonjour! I'm back again for another week of work effort on my home page, but I'm also not feeling all that well outside of ANOTHER!!! (GASP!) big Portuguese test to study for this week (It's on past tense AR verbs, and let me tell you these AR, ER and IR verbs are tricky, especially when they are irregular verbs), but also not feeling emotional well because I have been hearing about some very bad news from both of my very close friends Monika and another lady close to my heart ... Manuela, I can't go into details about them here for those are private, but they have been heavily on my mind.
Also I got some real bad news about my neice from Toronto who is has been having a very serious medical problem for awhile, and now she is suddenly undergoing an operation, she has been going in and out of consciousness and her family are out of contact, they're in Florida!
So!!! I was called by her doctor and asked about details on her and all Thursday night I had to stay up into the wee hours, between giving information out on her and worrying, that caused me, in part, to miss a promised meeting with Manuela by our normal internet chat early that morning! I felt very upset about doing that to her.
I felt SO bad to let dear Manuela down that I called her long distance, to her home in the middle of the Atlantic, at 2 in the morning her time Friday night (Saturday morning her time), to let her know that I did care and that I was very sorry not to have appeared Friday morning as I said I would, but I also knew deep down that I did a bad thing psyching myself up for another reason (Which I will NOT go into) only to have one of my dreams dashed, so in effect I am to blame, and being very tired after staying up all night didn't help much, bad news comes in multiples with me I guess, and at the wrong time!
BUT! I WILL be there Monday morning to try and rectify that mistake with my dear friend, I owe her that much! I am not perfect, BUT I do honestly try hard to make ventures in order to correct mistakes that I am solely to blame with. Outside of that I have been somewhat upset, since it has almost been a year since the death of my father, second...the Christmas card I gave to my Portuguese teacher, well she never said a word about it, not even a smile, and last...this season itself, I have never been a fan of Christmas, to me it is the most dreadful time of the year for me, and not because I'm somewhat a goth by nature, but because for me it has ALWAYS been plagued with bad memories and even worse events that always have spoiled the holiday year after year for me, and not being in the middle-class of society and can afford this celebration doesn't help much either, let me tell you. (SIGH!!!!!)
But...I try very hard to gain the intestinal fortitude and pick myself up and march on, as much as I like to go to bed and sleep through this season, I still have to get myself involved. But Monday morning I will have someone very endearing to me to speak to again, she might be pissed at me, but in a sense I deserve it.
Anyways, should I not see you again before this season your know why ladies and gents, but I do plan on doing more work on the home page, I have lots more to add, but I also have lots of studying to do too, geez you think my teacher would give us students a break for Christmas. (Little smile)
OH!...Before I go...I wanted to say that last week at Portuguese language class us students went to the home of a Portuguese family here in Kitchener, they were originally from S. Miguel but 30 years ago they left the Azorian island, now S. Miguel is very near where Manuela my friend lives actually, so that was an interesting factoid. Anyways...The lady of the house invited us in to her living room where we saw this big model of her city where she used to live in S. Miguel on the floor of her living room (I forgot the name of the city), and everywhere there were fake snow on the ground, lighted churches, a fire house, a police station, a waterfall, moving skaters on an ice rink, a sty for where a pig was being slaughtered and farm animals were, and all the animals and people were toy figurines she collected and repaired over the years.
Her very young daughter painted the pictures on the wall from school, there were Christmas lights up on the ceiling to represent stars, the only figurines that were authentic were the band procession in the streets, they came from her home in S. Miguel, the rest were all from here and were improvised upon, you had to look into the scene closely to get a sense of what the city is like and forgive the little toy figure of "Woody" from the movie "Toy Story" or the reclining woman in a bikini and sombrero by the waterfall, she was trying to ultimately tell a story and she admitted she wasn't too rich either, but from a simple person like me I respected it, and I sensed the class did too, she was a nice lady, but the daughter was shy, but then again we were quite a crowd that appeared in her home. (Smile)
What was humourous was that the lady was so worried that I would bang my head on her very low ceiling and hurt myself and she also said, while we were leaving to go back to school, that most Portuguese are small people, I said "it's not a problem, I have made adaptions for low ceilings for years" and told her "not to worry about me"...I never did hit the ceiling during our field trip.
I did manage, in a polite way, to ask her "why was there snow on the ground in the model when in the Azores it never snows", she said "Good question, and your right!" She further explained that it was a form of what she experienced here and she then placed that in the scene, since she likes snow and kind of took liberty with the concept of snow in the Azores, but I thought "don't say that to Manuela, she doesn't like snow and cold temperatures". (BIG SMILE)
In two weeks our teacher will be taking us to a Portuguese restaurant to have a traditional Christmas dinner. Also, I found out that the traditional type of fish eatten in the Acores are codfish! I wonder if that will be at the dinner in two weeks??? (GRIN)
Well I better close this weekly chat with you guys up and get back to work, it is work that keeps my mind off the problems my dear friends and neice are going through without causing me to go too deeply depressed like I was early Friday morning, doesn't mean I'm ignoring them, just keeping myself from being too swamped with dark emotions. So you guys take care and behave, behave and oh yes...BEHAVE!
Monday, December 12th, 1999
° GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW Added the holiday greeting portion for the visitors under the sub section "MESSAGE OF THE WEEK" since both are there for a temporary time {After the new year it will be taken down}, also added was the promised seasonal good will JAVA applet for my lady friend Manuela.
° Major Modification: Added "White Ribbon Campaign" text/banner links near the end of ALL web pages {Only excluding any Wiccan pages created by my fellow Wiccan friend MagickSprite but modified by myself}. I've been meaning to do this for sometime now, finally this is accomplished. WHEW!!!
¡HOLA! HI! here I am again for another installment of "The Wild and Crazy Home Page Construction Adventures of Ninjawitch" (Say that five times fast!). Well first off let me say that I DID talk on the internet with my lady friend (NOT girlfriend people, unless she is interested? Humm... ¡MI CHICA! {BIG COYISH WINK} ) Manuela when I promised I would, to make up for my little mistake and postponment the prior Friday morning before. I volunteered to stay with her the entire morning and afternoon but she had work to do, oh well...I offered never-the-less.
What have I been up to since my Portuguese test this Thursday {quinta-feira}, well I've been working hard on more text lines to add and have wrote them down for further inclusion into the body of BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH, I've also found new pictures ready to add to the gallery of MY FAVOURITE TYPES OF FEMALE FOOTWEAR.
I also see that YAHOO!GeoCities have resolved the problem with saving our pages properly, which is a big relief, but that doesn't mean I'm secured and comforted over their policies in regards to our home pages though, until they better clarify their position and what it means to us or our rights as residents on the YAHOO!GeoCities neighbourhoods.
The movie of the week are two actually, the first one is called "The Border" a drama from 1982 and stars actor Jack Nicholson as a newly hired border patrol guard surrounded by other guards taking kickbacks along the border of a Texas town whose job is to keep out running immigrants from crossing the border and arresting those that deal in drugs, at all costs, but he ends up befriending and becoming attached (Sounds like the type of personality I am or the thing that I would do) to this young Mexican girl, who is with a new born baby and a brother.
She is trying to find a better home for herself if she isn't battling the perils of bordering crossing then it is forced prostitution, this in order to keep her baby and her very young brother who occasionally gets involved in crime and drugs to keep them surviving.
It is a somewhat dark piece of film, in the way of showing in a Hollywood sort of way, the kind of life being a disfortunate Mexican woman might go through, what can I say, breaks my heart! s Seriously! I say it is a okay piece of cinema, if you have nothing better with your time to do, then give it a look.
The second film is called Mister Holland's Opus, also a drama from 1995 with actor Richard Dreyfuss and actress Glenne Headly. The plot of this story chronicles the struggling bleak life of a dedicated high school music teacher who tries to inspire his students to greatness from within themselves all the while trying to manage his troubled home life, deal with a probamatic deaf son and deal with school politics and cutbacks but holding a dream of creating a musical masterpiece he and others can be proud of.
Also a so-so movie, not great but not so bad either, I rank it up there as in the previous movie, if you want to see a movie to just see a movie, then Mr. Holland's Opus is another title I can recommend.
Next week I "think" we classmates in Portuguese language class find out the marks on our project "Meu família" (My Family) and last Thursday's test, that is...unless our professora (Teacher or Professor) is too busy with us at the Portuguese restaurant that we are visiting instead of class work, she is doing this so that we can either get a taste of general Portuguese crusine, a Portuguese traditional Christmas dinner or a taste of a classic meal from the Azores {As with the last lady we visited the home of the week before, this couple is also from The Azores too, not sure where but I'll let you know if I find out next post. We here in the city have many Portuguese from mainland Portugal and many from the Azores). I decided to go with the Azorian meal instead, Manuela always talked to me about a dish called "bacalhau a bras" which is well known where she comes from so I decided that there is no better time to taste this food than now, so I am going for it!
Well another week has gone my friends, and another weekend day of the week spent on my ever growing page, slowly as it is coming together, anyways I shall have to take my leave my dear friends, and close the chapter on my journal book of my happenings and activities as they progress on here. Take care and peace! Of course a Merry Christmas, joyous New Year and Grand New Millenium for all of you should I fail to wish you the greetings ahead of time, and for my Pagan/Wiccan friends and visitors who celebrate eariler the holiday we call "Yule" on the 21st, then Great Blessings of harmony to you my grand ladies and lords. Fare thee well all, til next time, and as always BEHAVE and keep safe and happy this festive season...OKAY! (Smile)
Saturday, December 18th, 1999
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Minor Modification: Again, not only did I break up paragraphs into smaller sentences, corrected slight placings of colons, but I have expanded text on these titles :
"FAVOURITE MUSIC GROUPS/SINGERS" (Added Ivana Santilli/Bass Is Base)
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Added these new sub sections :
"THINGS THAT I HATE" (Still have to add sentences though)
¡HOLA! OLA! and HELLO! Ninjawitch here for more work on "The Homepage Of Ninjawitch". As you see I have been a little more busy than normal working on the page, and I've got news, nothing back on my project marks for "Mi Família" or the recent test I did, but, there is news on the Portuguese cruisine I had.
Well...we were at the Portuguese restaurant longer than expected, we were to be there for only an hour before we were scheduled to return by 8 in the evening to see a Christmas play put on by another 3rd year Portuguese class next to ours, and the time expanded until it became silently more than 2 and a half hours!, our meals were not ready when we got there, it was expected by our advanced orders from last week that they would have and avoided the slowup, it wasn't to be as planned.
The restaurant was called "Restaurant Tosca" and for my main meal I had something I told you about last week called "Bacalhau a Bras" {This was a very excellent meal, now I know what my friend Manuela said when she said "You got to try this", it is a very very beautiful dish, and not at all hard on my delicate stomach} it is seasoned potatoes with codfish and herbs mixed in, along with lovely seasoned oil on the lettice, tomatoes, thinly sliced carrots and I think a slice of red pepper and topped with Portuguese sweet black olives {Not the hard and tart Greek kind that I have experienced in the past}, these were so addicting that I ate more than was given to the rest of us at the table on our plates {There was a curtesy bowl for us before our main meal arrived}, as a drink I had a Portuguese imported beer called "Sagre" {Not sure of the spelling} but I liked it, it is just a little stronger than Canadian beer (5% alcohol), but only by .1%
For dessert I had Caramel Flan covered with melted brown sugar {I didn't like this too well, too sweet and it upset my stomach}, the lady of the restaurant told me that another traditonal Azorian dessert {Which I wanted to keep the theme of the dinner to} was something called a "molotov" {I wanted to say is it from Russia, hehehehehe and is an explosive or a brand name of a well known vodka liquor, hehehehehe but I resisted the urge} but over all I liked my first venture into Portuguese cruisine, me and the food largely should get along fine in the future (SMILE).
Outside of that, I've been invited to the home of my oldest brother again Christmas Eve and my neice the following Christmas Day so I will not be doing updates those days, probably the Sunday after. One thing of interest is that I would like to thank a young lady from Argentina called Silvana who found her way to my presently unlisted site purely by accident, she wrote in my guestbook and I thanked her for what she wrote down in the additional e-mail that she sent me and also thanked her for her picture, Silvana your a very lovely young woman, too bad you are involved and so far away (SIGH and SNIFF), but you keep up your English lessons, I do understand what your trying to say and in response to your question "No! I don't mind shy women in public and wild women in private" (Smile) and "Yes I would accept a woman of my race that was of my faith, but she would have to be a very exceptional lady, because as you know I have been disenchanted about most caucasian females, but I would never say never to finding one from my own area of the world". Merry Christmas and all the best m'lady, oh yes! you shouldn't have been so hard on my last lady that I was involved with, if she reads that she might become a little hurt, and Silvana, she left me for reasons only she truely knows about not because of me or something I did from what she says, but as long as I'm not involved with another lady in anyway, I will leave the light on for her should she wish to come back, I am known for my fairness and inability to hold a grudge unlike my elemental astrology rulings may say.
Well another week has passed and my time has come here has come to an end my friends, you make very sure your Christmas is very happy, joyous and you get what you desire, me I still hope and pray I get that one truth present that goes on and on, but for you as always BEHAVE and keep it safe okay. CHAO!
Monday, December 27th, 1999
° GALLERY OF THE NINJAWITCH Major Modification: Added four more pages and 20 new photos completing step one of the gallery, left to complete is phase 2, the webcam archives.
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Added many links to the sub section below, will DEFINATELY be adding more in the days to come but will not be making an entry until the entire catagory is finished :
¡HOLA! OLA! and HELLO! Ninjawitch reporting for another installment statis update of "The Homepage Of Ninjawitch". Still busy, busy, busy working off and on every few days on the homepage and collecting links and making sure established ones are working to snuff. Don't ask about how my Christmas went, both Christmas eve and Christmas day went badly for me.
Mainly I found out dreadful information from a close family member of mine that is the long term companion of one of my neices and is half Portuguese that all of my studies with Portuguese and before in Spanish might be all for naught and nullified as moot since Latin parents don't approve of their daughters dating, but seem more to restricting in them marrying men, outside of their own race even if they fully learn the language, in fact it might be a somewhat hidden and forbidden law or rule with these cultures, the only exception maybe if the male is somewhat wealthy, healthy and/or has a job and better yet owns his own house (He told me that having a house with well stocked, non cheap furniture is a status symbol that most Latin people strive for soon after leaving school and obtaining their first job, and that I have no place in the Latin version of their manifest destiny) But yet this same rule doesn't apply to their male offspring marrying caucasian women though.
Well, I am unsure if this is true or he was just pulling my leg, trying to make me feel bad that I have no female at the moment, or trying to disuade me completely, or if it is actually truth Latins keep to themselves as a private little community secret. As it stands now, I don't know the truth, but I have to admit I wonder why all my Latin teachers constantly wear Bill Blass winter coats, Calvin Klein purses, and Betsy Johnson shoes when even our middle class, not poor, middle class and upper middle class caucasians do not wear such extravagant designer clothing.
If this is the case, and Latins, Arabs, East Indians, Italians, Greeks, even Asians (For similar reasons) practice this sort of xenophobic avoidance of other caucasian races in seclusion from then it would turn all complaints of racial prejudice and intolerance upside down and in the face of socialital justice from immigrants complaining that it was us that practiced this behavour against them but in fact the same is also praticed more covertly from them and their races and thus equality is trampled and fairness is leveled and we would have to return the complaint and call them contradictory with the return of the same respect of total multicultural equality and equal treatment and rights from them as they wish to gain from us who are of the caucasian races.
All I can say is that I really really hope this isn't true, but if it is I doubt they would admit it if it was true because it would expose their own prejudices. All I can do is hope that this is just wrong information, but I also have my doubts too, I don't know what to think, I just hope that it is NOT true or my dream of marrying and having little ones and living happily ever after with a Latin or Asian female lifemate will be utterly and completely destroyed, besides it makes me feel very small knowing that if other races, which should know better holds the same views against another race, and if it is true then maybe these people are no better than my own in the practice of race discrimination!!!
Also it would prompt me to stop my studies of both the languages in their tracks since it would be a full waste of time to learn something that will NOT benefit my chances of sincerity of intent to commit in a relationship towards any Latin lady and her parents that I am somewhat worthy of marriage or dating material.
But I don't get it, I mean, that is narrow minded thinking that all happiness comes from Latin men in marriages and in being comfortable with wealth, not rich, but financially stable, I see in the headlines two of the world's most famous Latina superstars, Jennifer Lopez (Going with Puff "Daddy" Combs and Carmen Elektra (With Dennis Rodman) and both of those men are Ebonian coloured men, and both of them constantly in trouble with the law, even as of today in the case with Jennifer and Puff Daddy. So either somewhere the facts that I got are not fully accurate, or I just stepped into the twilight zone where Latins practice one code of traditional family regulations in regards to those of darker complexions but to caucasian men practice another much more restrictive rule.
I like to ask not just Latins, but others like Arabs and Asians, etc... what have my race done so much to make you write off us as marriage or simpler, dating material, remember I'm NOT accusing any particular race and I'm not a racist type of person, but I'm beginning to wonder if something is up, there just can't be so many of these people from differing races with the same avoidance of my kind, I hold no fear or prejudice of them, why hold it against me is what I ask, if the information I got from some people, even those from the races I have an attraction with all wrong? I do not know where I can go for the actual truth, but I'm very curious to get to the truth since it is in my nature to investigate things that don't appear to be cut and dry, and this is what I'm accomlishing by asking those that are of the Latin race who can tell me what is the actual truth and what is speculative over blown lies or disinformation from those not well knowledged on the Latin perspective.
Also Christmas Day I was teased by friends of my other niece (from another brother) whom I went over to have turkey with and whom she also invited other friends over (No problem with that), who by the end of the feast gave me the third degree on if I have/had children, if I have a girlfriend, if I am married/have a wife, how old I was, why was I disabled yet don't look like I was in the physical sense (I had to explain to them that not all disabilities in the world are so clear to be seen, for outside of disabilities being of a mental problem, there are many illnesses that are internal in nature and thus I had to explain what some of them were, and that yes I do look healthy, I can walk, etc... but sometimes I can't effectively treat my illness while battling the pains and problems that it brings upon me while still doing a good job {Which I'm expected to do, and in which my own honour permits me to perform under the terms of employment}, and handling a very bossy employer that will further agrrevate the situation worse than it needs to be by doing his rightful job), so again I had the same old same old Spanish Inquistition questions lobbed in my direction, some questions are okay to ask me, while others were getting a little too personal for them to be asking me, and when they found out I didn't have a female companion they would laugh and say "AT 37 you have no girlfriend or wife!!!!! still no female, no children, your not even married?!?!?!?!?", since when was I part of a race (Even though secretly I wished I was already married and starting a family (SMILE))?
I was made to feel small or lazy (If you got to know me, your SOON learn that I'm totally for the concept that if your healthy and not disabled enough to hamper your job, male or female, then you will get your B*** out and work), it was like I was on trial for murder or something, so simply put I just left, I refuse to get angry, and so I went home, my neice felt very bad about what happened and unpredicably placing me in that lion's den, but she didn't say a word either to stop it from going as far as it did either, for these were HER close friends, but anyways I won't be going there again for Christmas for awhile.
It's not my fault I do try finding ladies, not just Asians or Latins, generally any female of any race or one of my faith, it is just that I am unlucky finding any, and not only because I have a particular fondness of getting along with Latins and Asians best because they are close to my actual personality. I mean I could get any lady, but I am a very proper man, I like being a gentleman and treating a woman respectfully and waiting for the right lady with similar traits and values to come into my life, hey she might even end up a Catholic or Christian maybe, but in the end she'll hopefully will know how to raise herself well and know what she wants in a husband and a family future, but enough about my holiday. I just hope yours was all good and happy for you, and better than mine.
Other than that I got no presents except a gift certificate for the purchase of a computer game called "Sid Meyer's ALPHA CENTAURI", it's supposed to be very similar to "Civilization" series of games by the same author, that is all I got, and finally it snowed and it stayed on the ground.
Well I better be going my friends, I'm not really in the proper mood to chat more since the duel days of Christmas being so horrible for me (I'm starting to feel not celebrating Christmas anymore, since it seems to present only bad things or events happening to me), also it is one year ago that my father died and that is weighing heavily on my mind too, so I apologize in advance.
Well got to go, take care and you make sure you behave now! CHAO! ( Little :-) )
Monday, January 3rd, 2000
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Added many more links to :
"FAVOURITE TELEVISION PROGRAMS" the links under that sub-section are about 90% completed.
° Under MY FAVOURITE TYPES OF FEMALE FOOTWEAR, removed the Netscape warning text at the beginning of the page, that served as a notice to Netscape browser users on the possibility that they may NOT be able to view all of the pictures under their browser. Well I'm VERY VERY proud to announce that FINALLY those pictures that I also saw not appearing under Netscape Communicator Version 4.7 were indeed NOT showing to you guys, they have ALL now been fixed, and your able to see them as they were meant to be seen, and as I was only seeing under Internet Explorer Version 5, also I went to each and every page using Netscape and I cleared up some minor problems in HTML coding on ALL pages, also there were some complains about JAVA not being seen, but I saw not one error pop up and all JAVA scripts and applets worked 100% fine and A-OK, smoothly, but if your having problems still it could be with the version of Netscape Comminicator your using or you might have under "Preferences" all references to JAVA unchecked, that will cause some problems, or there might be errors in Netscape Communicator itself and it might have to be re-installed, I checked many times with both browsers and both shows JAVA scripts/applets with no problem, but there is one problem though ... there is no sound/music, the midi music I hear fine in the background under Internet Explorer is fine, but under Netscape Communicator it is not playing, I can't hear any music period on any page, my sound settings are fine and speakers are on, but why no music is coming through is beyond me, will have to investigate that to see if it is code or a fault of Netscape that it offers no sound.
Back on to MY FAVOURITE TYPES OF FEMALE FOOTWEAR, I replaced ALL the pictures from GIF format they were at, to the standard that pictures are normally shown on websites as ... JPG, also the pictures were reworked so that they were clearer and crisper when shown. Let me state that I corrected the problem with Netscape BEFORE I changed the format, so picture formatting was not the problem, I did it so to just make the pictures all one standard.
Hello again my friends! I've returned with another weekly installment working session on my home page. Well mucho, muito big New Years celebrations happened here across the street at Victoria Park here In Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, over 20,000 people, lots of music, loud music (SMILE) crowded the park field, and between looking out my window and enjoying the fireworks I also saw all the celebrations from completely around the world from the renamed Millennium Island in the South Pacific ending up with Hawaii, I must say that London, England won for the largest and best display and work, with Toronto, Ontario, Canada running a close second with 17 minutes and a mile long chain of fireworks, third up was Paris, France with what they did with the Eiffel Tower, next behind was Rio De Janeiro's celebrations, and up last was Las Vegas, Nevada, but an honurable mention goes to Lisbon, Portugal as a good 6th, I don't remember Spain even putting on an event and for that Portugal gets high marks.
Bringing up another topic I posed last week had me wondering, and in a sense worrying about my chaces at finding a Latin lady to call my own, with the questioned asked if Latin females and Caucasian males were allowed to marry and if class status had any bearing, well a very close friend of mine, who I forgot was part Portuguese and Ms. Silvana helped to clear up partly the misconception and impression that I was left with about Latin females only being permitted by their parents to date and/or marry Caucasians only if they are financially secure and have a job
Well they are permitted with some reasons and regrets by the parents but ultimately it is up to the female and what she wants but she will not be cast out if she married a poor man, what is important seems to be the mental state of mind of the man and if he is not going to harm her or use her, but also brought up was a very valid and actually logical point of context that just as there are rich Portuguese and poor Portuguese there are also poor Italians, Asians and Ebonians, etc... it is just that what I'm witnessed to that can play tricks on the perception of race and class status, it can be summed up as a matter of where they are grouped, what section of a city or in what part of the country and whether they practice common to all races, one in which they look down at the poor, so it isn't a matter of colour of skin but mentality of class placement and tolerance towards those of lesser incomes and the acceptance of some parents wishes balanced with the needs of the female who has found herself in love with the Caucasian man and/or if she has a need liek myself to find another not of her race that is paramount.
So I want to thank my friends and my two Portuguese teachers I talk with for straightening me out on that confusion that keeps bouncing up from time to time, just that so often I saw so many Latin women here wearing high class clothing that I was beginning to wonder if there was any such thing as a poor Latin woman, until the wise crack came up "Have you been to Mexico or Central South America lately Terry" came up and put that thought to bed. But I was actually wondering more about well known latin women in places like mainland Spain, Portugual, Brazil and Latins in the U.S.A. and Canada where the standard of living is high and employment isn't too much of a problem.
So anyways these past weeks, since I'm on a month break from my Portuguese language studies (Until the 13th of January when I go back) and which I don't like being off for so long since it has made me rusty in understanding the language all over again {I really wish it was a daily course!}, but while on holidays I have as you have seen checked my web site for broken links, added pages, checked the problem with Netscape and resolved it, and I might even be close to resolving the problem with the webcam not uploading pictures to the site, but I have completed all the graphics for the page, just got to get them all pulled together, shouldn't be too much problem, the problem lays with the software I use called ISPY, the version I had was real old and Version 1.41 is out and it supports Geocities uploads automatically, the problem is my original version 1.21 is not 1.41 and those features are only available with the registered version of Version 1.41 not the registered version of Version 1.21, my problem, getting a registered version of Version 1.41 and configuring the host name pathways properly.
Lastly, the Java applet I made as a Christmas greeting to my lady friend in the Acores/Azores on my Main Page of my web site is going to stay up for one more week to give her a chance to see it and circumvent any lingering problems with Y2K that might have plagued her over there on her computer.
Well another week of work, another entry in my online journal of changes and additions have gone by, but alas it is time for me to leave for another week, so you people take care, hope Santy Claus was good to you all and you didn't get too bombed out of your skulls during New Years Eve that you harmed yourselves or woke up with a massive hangover (GRIN), but if your ok then I'm okay, take care and as always BEHAVE! CHAO!
Thursday, March 23rd, 2000
Very many warm hellos, it's been a long while since I have done anything "directly" on my webpage, but I have, it's just that I haven't reported them all here. I've been so involved finding webpage sites to certain topics of interest and adding many links that apply to those topics, plus I have been doing offline graphic and HTML creation and editing work on several new pages and new animated and still graphics, which I've done several so far, they are expected to be added soon, I've also been involved composing new e-mail to gain permission to link URLs to other source sites, one big thank you to the co-founder of the "White Ribbon Campaign" for granting me the kind permission to not only permit me the permission to link to their site, but the option to use their logo. After they visited my site and in the end I was given their full stamp of approval and "Member In Good Standing" grantship as a female friendly site as it pertains to being a website that agrees and upholds a non-violence friendly site and a webpage dedicated to non aggressive forms of degrading wording of females. Thank you to all the staff of "White Ribbon Campaign" and the founders that have deemed me worthy of the stamp, I will try my utmost to uphold the integrity of the cause. I am also planing on working on composing a series of simple webpages that are oriented around the charter of the "White Ribbon Campaign" and the details of what it stands for (It is essentially the literature which they send to people when they request it by normal snail mail, my task is to transcribe it to an internet media html/htm format), but it will NOT be put up until I forward the page(s) for their approval and I receive permission.
Anyways, when my website is fully up and gone public to internet browsers like Yahoo, Alta Vista, etc..., then I hope to add it to the "White Ribbon Campaign" webring of friendly sites of other men in the cause of the defense of equal rights, proper treatment and behaviour towards women.
Another bit of work I have been undertaking is establishing the permission to use some pictures (In leu of the usage of her logo, providing a link to her webpage, and the promanent showing of her name as the creator of those pictures, even though they were modified by myself to fit into a new collage look on my webpage, over all they look real nice and she loves them as well, so everyone is happy) by a young lady photographer by the name of Natasha Epperson in the upcoming expansion of the web page MY FAVOURITE TYPES OF FEMALE FOOTWEAR, which a second page will most definately be added, and maybe a third so that I can keep down the loading down of the webpage from too many graphics per page. That work is VERY near to completion.
I have also finished an animated graphic to centerpiece a new mini webpage that is devoted to my specific article of faith that I wear around my neck ... my pentacle and all that it stands for and what it means. I have worked real hard on it and did many hours of study into the origins on this particular pentacle, and I ask here and now, IF you wish to use it in any way, then PLEASE ask for permission first from myself, or if you plan to use it to compliment your webpage as filler material, etc... like I do with other people webpages. I also state here, should I inadvertantly use YOUR site, graphic, picture, etc... without knowing, then PLEASE alert me to this s that we can work out details.
I'm the type of person that I like to generally do things "By The Book", and should something be overlooked, I like to be informed of it so that corrections can be made. Thank You!
I have also been going through the site scouring for broken and misplaced links, this is what presently I am doing.
I do also wish to give thanks to YAHOO!GeoCities not only have they stablized their "File Manager" area for their members when they save their pages after online editing (this was in prior months and postings a constant irritant to myself and a persistant problem) but I now have an easier to access URL address, before it was a long, extended address like this ( ) NOW it is ( ) THAT'S IT!, real simple, and with no charge. So as of right now, my beef with YAHOO!GeoCities is harmonized and worked out, and they also deserve an additional big thank you for giving me a simple and shortened URL address, and even a little more added web space, which was 13 Megs, now it is 15 Megs (This is given to all previous GeoCities webpage owners.
Now, talking about web space, that I am well aware that I need more space for the accomplishments I have yet to endeavour upon, and is another thing that I have been doing over these past two months, finding more sites that offer more space, I have found three so far PLUS my own online 25 Megs from my host ISP, so that is now reserved when the space on YAHOO!GeoCities is filled up.
In advance of this I have also been getting learned on the workings of ftp file loaders like "CUTEFTP", that allow me to upload html/htm pages and stuff to a site(s) that don't have "EZ UPLOAD" that is YAHOO!GeoCities brand loader (And what I also like for other reasons).
I also found out WHY I can't upload webcam pictures to my YAHOO!GeoCities webpage, it is the way that YAHOO!GeoCities organizes the master webpage listing of all files in the webpage and the user name/password to get there, that username/password is part of the problem but it is the following webpage that asks again if you wish edit the page gets in the way of the transfer, this isn't the case with standard ISPs, where ftp protocol transfers are allowed to past back and forth without constant needing of user names/passwords being asked and the clicking of a side page to final get to the master homepage file listing.
Outside of all that work, I have also bowed out of my Portuguese class, the teacher was pushing too much at the students in advance of the mid-term exam in March, and I was overwhelmed to say the least, and with too much to do at home, meant no time for myself, and you guessed it, no time to work on the home page and post regularly. I also left when the news hit me like a rock, news that hurt me and my dreamquest to eventually find a properly upstanding Latin woman who I wish very much in the future to marry.
It seems that I was right in part, it will be a very hard voyage that I'm on to find that goal, I finally found out that 90% of all the world's Latin's are Roman Catholic and they do not marry outside that religion, unless you coverted {Which I don't plan on doing, since I have had a very hard time as a child with the forcing of god upon me physically from neighbours and alternate temporary parents that I found my present faith based on the gentle nature of it. Besides there is too much controversy that still surrounds the Catholic faith, from Pope Pias XII and the situation of staying silent when Hitler was correling up the Jewish people, to the crimes of the medieval times and the sanctioning of witch burning and descrication of the temples, to not lifting the restriction of prosecution and right of those of the catholic faith to marry those of a Wiccan faith, and in the investigating of the facts as they pertain to our faith and separating the chaff from the wheat (Learning that we are NOT Satanists or into evil but are actually rangers in support of nature, believers in male and female duel deities, and practitioners of positive energies and behaviours)}, and that is why I left, no matter how well I became fluent and knowledgable in any Latin language, whether it be Spanish or Portuguese, I would NEVER be able to break that certain barrier, and no female of that faith that did fall in love with me would be strong enough to withstand the pressures of her church and her parents that brought her up to uphold the family honours and the honours raised by living under a Catholic upbringing to stay involved with a Wiccan, regardless married to one.
Not that I don't love Latin females, but the only thing that is a serious barrier is religion, and that is sad to find out, but I will continue to try, it isn't 100% but 90% of the Latins in the world, so there is still a chance that I can still find someone NOT Catholic BUT is morally upstanding.
Well, other things that I have been doing is trying to cut down and remove JAVA scripts and applets, that might complicate loading of webpages (I wanted to reduce too much JAVA usage for those Netscape users), they have been replaced with animated gif versions like on this page with the fireworks that I found and farther modified to make them spectacular looking, or even just adding a few more animated graphics on other pages (I like animated graphics and another reason I took long to do work here, takes time to use those programs and understand them), also I was busy avoiding a big fire near my place where I live that gutted 7 businesses in our downtown core, looking after my neice when she hurt her leg in the winter when she slipped on a metal grating covered by a light dusting of snow (Considering we had a very short winter, where this past month of March we have had temperatures of between 8-12 degrees Celsius, but February was fairly bad, snow wise not storm or ice wise, we almost have the exact temperatures as my female friend Manuela who lives in the Açores has year around, hehehehehe [Friendly humourous plug at her, she hates cold and snow]), and well just finishing up two of my computer games "Tomb Raider: The Lost Revelation" and "Thief: The Dark Project", and I did update the still webcam photo on the main page too. So outside of that, THAT is what I have been doing with myself, thanks for your patience I appraciate, so take care and be well, and I'll keep you updated here on what happens, promise! BEHAVE!
Saturday, March 25th, 2000
° GALLERY OF THE NINJAWITCH Major Addition: Added a new page called THE CHIVALRIC CELTIC PENTACLE: The Codes, but I'm still working on the animated graphic offline, will alert you when it is finished. The page can be found branching off from GALLERY 3 of GALLERY OF THE NINJAWITCH halfway down the page, and is basically a mini web page meant to suppliment the picture in the gallery but also to better explain in animation what each part of the religious piece of jewelry means.
The only bits of news that I have to report is that I have been working on some animated gifs to be put up in the soon to be renovated section MY FAVOURITE TYPES OF FEMALE FOOTWEAR, they will be a series of bars that will display what picture numbers are shown on that particular page, also each page will have six pictures per page to pace browsers so as NOT to overload them from downloading and displaying too many graphics/pictures and slowing the time before the whole page is displayed.
Well, got to go, want to get some more work in before the end of the evening, take care people and BEHAVE!
Monday, March 27th, 2000
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Added this new sub section :
Also fixed up certain wordings to bring into the present and did minor alterations of listings and ranks on other sections, and updated the population number under "MY CITY", nothing real major to report here otherwise.
Tuesday, March 28th, 2000
Hello again everyone, just did some more fixing up, this time around I added transition entering/leaving phases to all the webpages (Except the Wiccan text pages), and I spruced up the time and date JAVA line near the top of most of the web first pages ( Now shown to display "Time Of Day" greetings in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese ) and also added a (2000) supplimentary tag after the date since the display only shows a two digit "00" (nils).
The only other news that I have to report is that I FINALLY was able to speak to someone, by voice, high up and in charge at YAHOO!GeoCities, well I found out by them that there is indeed a problem with the links to the "GeoGuide File Manager" (The area we GeoSteaders use to elimnate those annoying popups normally seen in the top-right corner of any page, but some of us have the option to have a simple banner on the top or bottom of each of our pages, which is the cprice of having a free home page like this one, and which I have no problem with), also talked about things like my webcam problem, and the guy is going to get back to me on the FTP settings that I need to get the images in real-time transfered over to the right page, so I am working on that side problem too. &nsbp; Well got to go, have to eat so thanks for your patience and well I appreciate it.
Sunday, April 2nd, 2000
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Added this new sub section :
"SOME OTHER MISCELLANOUS MUSIC VIDEOS AND TASTES THAT I ALSO LIKE" along with an assortment of Real Audio full length music videos.
Saturday, April 8th, 2000
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Added these new sub sections :
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Major Modifications: Changed the title of two sections, these being
"MY 10 FAVOURITE TYPES OF FEMALES" and "MY 20 FAVOURITE SONGS", they are now renamed as "MY FAVOURITE TYPES OF FEMALES" (No more one to ten listing, but now an extended explanation type of layout, and the other is named to, "MY 25 FAVOURITE SONGS" to accomodate an expanded listing of my, well favourite songs to present. Very soon ALL the section topics pertaining to songs will be moved to a new webpage entirely, that will be called MUSCIAL TASTES OF THE NINJAWITCH, which I'm working on presently, and is almost done, on it will be many, many links to full length videos of my favourite songs and those that I generally like, I think there are about 70+ videos there.
I also continued fixing up some more spelling mistakes and miswordings, and fixed an outdated link for the section "You Don't Know Jack" under "FAVOURITE GAMES", and fixed the time to correct for Daylight Saving Time. Outside that, nothing much has been happening.
Monday, April 24th, 2000
° BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH Major Modifications: Changed the title of a section "MY 5 FAVOURITE PARTS ON A FEMALE" is now renamed as "MY FAVOURITE PART ON A LADY" (No more one to five listing, I felt uneasy for awhile over this title and concept section of the bio and how it would be perceived by females in the appeasement of macho males, and in a indirect way result in harming my integrity and insult females in general as just another man breaking down a female's form into just body parts (I even brought this up in a question with a friend of mine, a male, and asked him "What do you think, is it bad or good?") so I made a decision and just made a simple, honest and tasteful expression of my thought on the matter of physicality of the female form and stated just one blantant appreciation.
I also continued my fixing up some more spelling mistakes and miswordings, added more under "MY CITY", and other sections.
Hi again, been a little while since I have done updates, but offline I have been very busy every other day, first off I'm almost done an entirely new section (95% completed) it will officially be called MUSICAL TASTES OF THE NINJAWITCH and will feature many videos mostly RealPlayer and MediaPlayer formats, but there are a few Apple Quick Time formats too, I figure there are over 70+ videos that span 4 webpages, not including the index webpage. So be alert, I expect anytime to post it up, it will be both a separate page linked from the main website index page GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW and from within BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH (And will replace most all sections that pertain to music on the BIO page and be instead transfered over to the new section), at the moment I'm just finishing up finding a JAVA script linking navigation bar that will work without sending me errors, and ironing out a few linkage bugs to the remote website that is acting up and not showing the source graphic banner next to the video link, which works for both, just that the graphic will not appear (This should be resolved soon), outside of that most of the site and layouts are finished.
Also the section called MY FAVOURITE TYPES OF FEMALE FOOTWEAR will also be under going very intense renovations, I haven't started yet but have done a layout in my mind, but it will be very different and classier as I learn more about HTML and JAVA, what would be nice if I could learn more about Flash and Shockwave, but as it stands for now it will be a merge of a bit of Java, but mostly HTML. It will also undergo a complete name change, and also will be multi-linked from both GROVE Of The MOONLIGHT SHADOW and also from BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH, the offical name of that webpage will be called THE MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY FEMALE FASHION FOOTWEAR but will also be subtitled NINJAWITCH'S FAVOURITE TYPES OF FEMALE FOOTWEAR, it will layer much like MUSICAL TASTES OF THE NINJAWITCH it its presentation, so you can see where I'm going with the website webpages once you look at that page.
Also BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH will be split up into webpage partitions, two you have just been told, one is already known
GALLERY OF THE NINJAWITCH, the other three will be one revolving around the webcam webpage portion, the other two pendingly called THOUGHTS OF THE NINJAWITCH and NINJAWITCH PERSONALS (Where all the intimate details of my likes and dislikes will be going, and which also serves as a dossier of dating information for any future lady that might see it and want to get to know me in person), so most of what you see on BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH will be broken up into these pages, also it should reduce the loading time as well subsequently for each separate page.
Also some of you might be wondering by now and saying "why am I getting a webcam picture instead of a graphic of a pentacle on the webpage THE CHIVALRIC CELTIC PENTACLE: The Codes", WELLLL the graphic is DONE and posted, but at the moment I am searching for a JAVA script that WORKS and allows me to restrict right clicking on an image, and this also has applications on to THE MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY FEMALE FASHION FOOTWEAR as well as probably other webpages that are on other pages. So once I find and incorporate it THEN I will post it up (Hey I worked for a week on it at 6 hours a day, and I'm not saying anything about the research I did on it, so I deserve a right to protect my creative property)
Lastly, but NOT AT ALL in the very least, I have been a very busy boy, I've been searching the internet for pictures of female footwear They are somewhat rare to track down), some I still am very eager to find like those oriented around teenage female black, heavy tread street platform shoes, but I have also had success, I have established many sources for images and in return for their granting of permission to use them and their blessing by law I will honorably present links and mention of store links and names of the image archivers, I start here beginning with a snippet of that respectful return of thanks from myself to them.
I wish to gratefully thank all these people and companies for their kind permission, assistance and access to their archive for images :
° PLATFORM DIVA: A HISTORY OF THE PLATFORM SHOE (Another proud YAHOO!/Geocities Neighbourhood)
° J&N INTERNATIONAL INC., / JandN online,
Well that's it for this update, I try as always to make regular updates, but I only have so many hours in a day to do things, and it is an effort to be creative and think out how a site should go as I mentally map out and then layout within my mind, then draw those thoughts out to the physical and in HTML coding to reality. But I will try to keep you very patient visitors updated as much as I can. CHAO! and take care and play safe this up coming summer okay!
Sunday, April 30th, 2000
Greetings everyone to another weekly update, I'll make this quick since I want to get back to work on the finishing touches on MUSICAL TASTES OF THE NINJAWITCH, found out the source graphic banner that didn't pop up isn't my fault, but when their site is down on their end, the banners go blank to signify the server is down, so that is resolved. Also was working last night on it, found some great graphics artwork for the links graphic section (E-mail, home, next page, etc..), I'm considering very highly to convert some of the other pages both made and posted here already and those still in development to them, they are very well done, very exceptional! But I am very near finishing up the entire section and all webpages stemming off the index to MUSICAL TASTES OF THE NINJAWITCH, posting is nearing completion.
But there is a devil that has reared it's wicked head into the garden here and has invaded the circle of stones. I have gotten my very first "tagging" from a very thoughtless, narrowminded person polluting my guestbook with a URL directing me to some gay porn site.
If you see it your see they are not conducive to what I stand for, not that I'm against those that are homosexual, I do have friends! Sorry to burden you with all that negativity everyone, but I always keep my fans, friends and viewers kept up to date on new things in my life, and this involved the site not my personal life so it was valid, at least I believe it is warrented since it might affect the site, or my repuation as being chivalrous and virtuous.
If you wish to correspond with me don't do it in this negative manner, even if you arrive by accident, be they good people or bad, and if you have a statement to make or a complaint about my website or any of the webpages contained within it then I ask that you PLEASE give a reason for your stressed condition and back up your reasons that stress you out with facts and valid explanations, and if you wish to "tag" the guestbook area please don't, also I don't take kindly to being ordered about, insulted or attempts to have my dignity shreded into little pieces, etc... (To those that might possibly conduct themselves in such a malicious manner now or in the future).
If you have a problem with me or my site, or those that visit here then explain why and conduct yourself maturely and kindly, and consider that we are all equals in life and have to live on this earth together and get along, and if there are maybe some that don't like Wiccans and still believe in the medieval thinking manner that they are really Satanists (When the two relgions are as different as apples and oranges), or feel that my love of female footwear is a travesty of justice against women (Which your see I post images that are tasteful here and show no questionable skin nor nudity, and also consider that most of these fashions we can't prevent ourselves seeing in public or on television anyways, also seem to have the permission of the White Ribbon Campaign as a female friendly site, or else I wouldn't be allowed to proudly fly their banner flag, and yet my site still maintains a masculine flavour to it too!) or with me presenting myself describing myself in the bio portion (Which now a days most webcam sites, 95% commonly do anyways in the same manner as I do, just that I also incorporate my dating stats within for those lovely young ladies out there on the world wide web and around the world that might generally want to get to know me and might also desire me, nothing that you see anyways in the bio stats isn't anything that you wouldn't see in extended format in the personals area of your local newspaper, and if it is anything questionable I wrestle with the idea in my consciousness on whether or not to include it, change it or get rid of it all together if it is a little riskie, I do monitor myself so give me a little credit okay) and so in that I don't tell you what to do (Other than contact and interaction with me) please don't tell me what to do (Unless I am blanantly committing a crime or debasing people, etc... Then I expect to be criticized).
And IF my site is visted by a staunch Catholic or Christian person that has a problem with my particular faith or expression of that faith, well let me simply nip this problem here and now, I don't tolerate religious prejudice here, nor in my life nor do I practice it to others (Even if my wife and/or children were Catholic or Christian, and I hope they if that was the case they also would do likewise!).
Which brings me to the possibility of those that purposely stir up trouble on behalf of a faith like Fundamentalists who preach hate against Wiccans, well that is precisely WHY I am Wiccan, I don't take kindly to organized faiths that try to dominate and indoctrinate their wills and faiths and views on what is deemed right as viewed through their eyes behind their "rose colored glasses" or from their congregational "Rose colored lens" upon the rest of the world not belonging of their faith, to express in any manner the proper way to act, behave or think like as humans as they personally feel should conduct themselves like, now I'm well aware that there are MANY of these faiths that know the real truth of their faiths, its tolerances, their Catholic/Christian God, Jesus, Virgin Mary, etc... and behave themselves very well and still belong to their faith and some of these are my friends too and I still love them very much, but there are also those out there that have been mentally poisoned to a warp sense of religious bent reality that they have become knights of God and personally believe that they are on a contemporary crusade to rid the world of any and all forms of evil or what they perceive as such without investigating the facts in some cases, in such ways as eradicating homosexuals to eliminating all thoughts not divinely pure, ro those that don't honor the "One True God".
Ultimately you can not wipe out what was originally created from said creator(s)(ess), and that being the oringal sin called human nature, it was what was created absolutely first within all of us humans and it is there for a purpose and it is still practiced, and will continue to be done so, and if it was meant to be eliminated in any form or degree then God(ess) would have eliminated any wrongful usage of it long ago, but we are still here, be it seen by any faith, we are still here and not punished for it.
I state my opinion on this topic or anything contraversal that might pop up just in case, and to express my views as it pertains to this website and webpages, how I conduct this hobby of mine of maintaining and working upon it, and to those that are interested in my opinion on this area. NOW it might make me enemies or it might make me friends, but regardless of the result this is who I am, I am a very religiously open person, to ALL faiths, as long as they show the same open liberal mentalities to me, so if your a Muslem interested in my faith talk with me politely and I will give you the facts to learn more about my faith and I learn about yours, if your a Catholic lady that might like me and doesn't care about my faith, let us chat and be friends, I wouldn't hold your faith against you as long as mine isn't held in contempt against me.
WHEW! Well gotta go, I want to get a few hours work in on finishing up the music page, but you guys and gals take care, behave and I'll try to be regular in the updates, and well hopefully this bad snake in the garden will behave and not bite again, or others that may come in harbouring simular bents, he/she is welcome here as long as he/she behaves, I don't condone violence, especially in the garden grove (Besides I could expect that type of literature from someone like that if I ran a webcam site that had me starkers all the time and taking in money, but this website is not that type PERIOD, nor will it EVER be, I don't conudct that style of life nor website! I'm too shy for that to happen online :-] [Really big shy SMILE]).
Back to our little defamer of guestbooks, the problem is to them, is that they greatly underestimate the mentality levels of those that are of a more mature mind set that read such trash, hense they are only preaching to a void, most people are not brainless enough to believe in teenage pranks of such under developed minds writing words on the sides of buildings in life other than the "tagging" being an annoyance, I seriously doubt any mature person would also give a second thought to "taggers" that defame website guestbooks, nor have any sympathy for them or take what they write with any serious validity, so I suggest you end your mindless expressionisms and get a life, and stop hounding, harassing and showing people what little you possess in brain power okay. Chao everyone!
Thursday, May 4th, 2000
Bonjour everyone to yet another weekly update, well to start off I have totally replaced the Guestbook, it still looks the same as before, but it is a brand new book. As your aware, when last I posted I had alerted you, after I found out, that a certain little snake polluted my guestbook area with a gay porn URL site, well with the new book I regained full control over my guestbook, the old book controls he had locked me out of due to his tampering, well it is a new book, new password and his message is deleted, and in the future they will be deleted as I see fit, I have also laid down the rules in the guestbook area as to what few things I will not permit to be proper for the area, see the guestbook for those rules.
I want to let all those that signed the book originally that all of their messages were transfered over to the new book, but because of the date stamping they will have a date as of today, but I have inserted an original posting comment line to show when they made their original comment, also all links that did point to the old guestbook sign and view URLs are also changed over on all of the pages. Outside of that, that problem is solved.
Work on MUSICAL TASTES OF THE NINJAWITCH is finished, just have to find the time to post it up to the site, also have to update the guestbook links there too, so expect the next series of pages to be this section and expect it real soon, as I have been saying, there will be five pages in all comprising 90 singers/bands/groups and over 260+ music videos in the collection, oh yes, almost forgot I still have to work on making a tag button to link it from the bio page.
Changed ALL "Comet Cursor" icons on ALL PAGES to the newer, refined JAVA coding, also replaced a few icons with another thanks to improved archive cursors coming online at "Live Cursors" website, also added several new ones that more define the page theme that were without an icon or had one not really with the spirit of what the page conveys.
Also implimented on ALL PAGES JAVA encription coding for the security of the site and the images that are or will soon be seen on here in the footwear museum section. Also find posted FINALLY the graphic of the pentacle that I wear around my neck on the webpage THE CHIVALRIC CELTIC PENTACLE: The Codes
Well, I better be going my friends, it is nearing 3 in the morning here and I have been really busy most of this evening, and this puppy is getting a tad tired, so take care and as always BE-HAVE! (Smile)
Sunday, March 19th, 2001
So much for a "WEEKLY" update!!!!! Sorry for the lack of posting those updates on here, but I have been very busy this past year.
To start off I have been dating off and on but no such luck in finding the right lady which I would like to settle down with, several have been real clinkers. I have added a new friend and re-formed and salvaged an older one, I have been spending one day a week going to a private Spanish teacher, and I do homework on Sundays relating to that class.
Also off and on I have been in the hospital as well, BUT I have been doing much on my webpage, just haven't logged in and described all the changes, and there have been many let me assure you.
To start off, I have been working offline in "FULLY" revamping the entire BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH section, for instead of one massive page there will be 5 pages, probably 6 which will include a page dedicated to links, these are being worked on offline at this point in time and will be posted when they are all done along with the proper BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH index JAVA page.
As of tonight the older, extensive Bio is gone and is replaced with one of those permanent single pages which is temporarily serving as the new Bio page for now, it is called THE NINJAWITCH PERSONALS - Profile Dossier and it is originally meant to be a run down of who I am, BUT also combines to serve as an online database which I give out its URL address to those which I respond to in online personal ads or as printed on my profile teaser business cards.
Also added tonight is a totally new web page called HOROSCOPE NATAL CHART Of The NINJAWITCH, it has never been seen before and this is its premier!
Lastly, is another new page, which takes the form of online greeting card for those ladies who have read my Profile Dossier and may wish to directly write to me, bypassing the Yahoo e-mail service ... call it the express line into my home and the swiftest, it is called STARKNIGHT PERSONAL AD RESPONSE : LADY ANGEL ... Where Are You?.
Oh yeah! I got rid of ALL those comet cursors because they were slowing down browsers, and others complained of having to download stuff on to their computers, which in turn slowed them down.
Also I know I promised to upload the other new page that has been in suspension MUSICAL TASTES OF THE NINJAWITCH but I have been also busy tracking down links for the bands and singers I likes, and sites that video host, so that I can have videos that YOU can see online, so that launch has been held back til all the links are gathered, the new JAVA command ops have been perfected and I get free time.
Well I better be going, and I'm very sorry about not posting often, I sometimes get so busy with my life, studies and work online and such, that I sometimes forget to document all changes in my online journal here.
Wednesday, April 25th, 2001
Hello again! :-) Let me start off by saying that over the space of the past few weeks (Over which I have some time off from my Spanish class) I have been working offline on new pages and WELL...they are FINALLY finished and have already been posted.
These new pages branch off from the webpage THE NINJAWITCH PERSONALS - Profile Dossier
under the section "MY APPEARANCE : ( HEIGHT / WEIGHT / BODY TYPE ) ~ MORE PHOTOS OF ME". This new sub-section of webpages are called WEBCAM GALLERY OF THE NINJAWITCH and they contain an archive of webcam shots of moi, pets, visitors and general surroundings.
As a followup update to last my last posting alert, YES!!!!...I'm STILL working on the webpage MUSICAL TASTES OF THE NINJAWITCH and my worldwide search for links is bearing fruit, and I'm happy to say that all the links are nearly in place, and, as far as tracking down and installing the links, that portion is about 85% completed, but there were SO many that I will be giving them their own pages and will be alphabetized and divided up into 4 sections.
SO!...In finishing up, those links will be the best source around without going through page after page of browser searches involving those bands and singers which I have grown fond of over the space of my life, it was very exhausting but the link search is nearing its end, now to work on their specilized pages which will link off of MUSICAL TASTES OF THE NINJAWITCH. Yes the video part of MUSICAL TASTES OF THE NINJAWITCH is finished, but every now and then I add more new videos and re-check links to them since the original host website constantly alters the URLs to them.
Also of note, I have been observing a very bad omen and trend happening all over the Internet since the battle between the RIAA [ Recording Industry Association of America ] and Napster, and that is a backlash of the abuse of power from the RIAA or other associated powers to be since they won against Napster, but also it is a direct threat to democracy everywhere and to every single webpage and website creator, operator or owner and that is that the music industry has been harassing and bullying their way into demanding that those that created webpages/websites and use MIDI sound interludes playing in the background (I don't mean WAVs or controversal MP3s format, I mean simple done at home reproduction user created MIDI versions of songs) are being forced to remove all MIDIs from their sites.
NOW!...This is ONLY an observation NOT a comfirmation. Since in my search for new MIDIs to include on to my webpages, which you know I'm quite fond of placing up for your listening pleasure, while your viewing my webpages, I have come across many sites that have been shut down, some going as far as giving a warning to those that visit a reason as to why and listing the source of that forced site removal, sites which purely caters to lovers of songs done into computer generated MIDI versions.
So far...I have seen websites that are dedicated to MIDIs being shut down NOT individual homepages created by the general populace to compliment their own homely homepage websites. It could be that maybe some of these websites are being shut down for the reason of selling MIDIs, or maybe solely because they just have MIDIs period and to the RIAA or other parties they constitute the right to be shut down cause of the same legal problems that have plagued MP3s as of late...I do not know the answer to the mysterious attack upon MIDIs and MIDI websites who are up as a internet archive to everyone and their dogs access to user created MIDIs because they may lack the talent to make their own and who may want to spruce up their own webpages...again, like moi!
BUT!...If this trend starts to creep into the bullying rights of the general populace and music industry stormtroopers take up the role of enforcers, well I don't need to say this, but, this would be a VERY serious death kneel to them and give GREAT power to the argument of Napster supporters as well as show to the world and courts that the RIAA and those involved are drunk on power, lost their reasoning and hungry from all costs.
If you personally have a webpage of your own on places or hostsites like FortuneCity and YAHOO!GeoCities, etc... please don't blame them, because they themselves might be having the proverbal thumbscrews placed upon them by the music industry and those that represent them to delete your website or remove your MIDIs. Nor am I trying to scare you, might never be approached to remove your MIDIs (Should you use them online) and the issue might only be related to MIDIs archive sites at this point in time, or simply to those that feel that they can charge for MIDIs and have been reported by upset persons to the host websites...but until the dust starts to settle in the battle of the MP3 opponents, the RIAA and Napster, and the sudden removal of MIDI websites, I can't tell you what exactly is happening until the RIAA and United States of America court system makes a public statement on where the current state of online music is at.
Well that is the current affairs update as it pertains to my website here on YAHOO!GeoCities, thanks for coming here, to both this current events webpage and to my website in particular.
Saturday, April 28th, 2001
HI!!!! Ninjawitch here!...To make another report, eariler than I expected let me tell you! Well I have been VERY busy tonight backing up every single graphic, class, music file that composes this website of mine after reading through my daily news from the internet newsgroups, and I have to report that there is still yet MORE intrigue happening in the life of the internet, this time with news coming out of the alt.binaries newsgroups, but in particular alt.homepages.geocities
Apparently!...word is starting to spread that this hostsite for my website, YAHOO!GeoCities is going to be closing down VERY VERY SOON, and that those that have webpages on YAHOO!GeoCities, like myself, will have find another hostsite and move all the files to another hostsite, this as being told by YAHOO!GeoCities by e-mail to those that have given their e-mail adresses to Yahoo and have websites listed with them.
Let me point out that I wouldn't be at all surprised, and that I definately saw this one coming in the wind ever since YAHOO! absorbed and assimilated the former GeoCities more than a year ago, then listening to the financial news recently that this year saw YAHOO! reporting lower than expected (ahem!) "PROFITS".
WELL!...If YAHOO! weren't so busy acting like children looking into candy stores with eyes bigger than their stomachs and over diversifying and enlarging their kingdom, then they wouldn't have ended up in such a dire position and looking in a contemporary manner repeating the mistakes of the Roman Empire...over extending themselves due to corporate takeovers and causing internal financial pains and not pacing themselves via bank investments should the market switch from a bull marketplace to a bear marketplace.
Oh well!...No one ever said business persons were gifted with wisdom and intuition. SURE!...they have financial macro-economic savvy, but they seriously lack micro-economic sense, like you and I, I mean...would you go out and buy a second and then a third house not so soon after without thinking, and not thinking about where your financial house will be in a few years or would you buy just the second one and slowly grow???.
And would you buy those properties and hire people to run them not knowing if you can financially be secure in the support structure of running said properties??? And would you buy said properites for the sole purpose of turning them into money factories and put all your eggs in that basket, without making the first investment self sustaining outside of your main financial castle persay??? i.e. Making sure your original house is in good order, before expanding into another financial risk venture.
The way to financial salvation YAHOO! is NOT to chop off your nose in spite of your face, what you need to do is called belt tighting and saving up for rainy days, preparing to ride out the hurricane instead of destroying your house before the storm even arrives, meaning stop buying up companies like GeoCities, and other dotcoms if you can't prepare for riding out the crest when times are tight.
Buying out companies doesn't increase profits but it growing slowly and wisely does, as well as investing small profits from slow growth into abank, and keeping companies and not brainwash yourself into expecting very high profit margins all thew time, but instead keep to a plan of steady growth while investing half of the small profit margins into simply money growth via bank interests not investment into other companies which drains your resources, is risky depending upon market forces and possible recessionary activities and ends up leaving nothing in the bank to cover the hard times.
Buy less, save more and your win out in the end, and that way you don't make the consumer of your product like us YAHOO!GeoCities neighborhood citizens suffer because of "your" bad financial and political business choices, for we have worked real hard on our websites, all of us in all the communities in the old GeoCities neighborhood...I mean do you tear up a mass amount of blocks within a city, tell everyone within to move all based on problems created by "you" making bad investments, failed to put money in the bank for interest investments, flooded your minds with higher than reality profit expectations and purchasing dotcom companies not as great as you with only increased profits for year after year flittering through your minds, and if the companies don't perform to "your" expectations, you pull up stakes and gut the company dry, like a corporate raider?
IF this rumour IS true, YAHOO!GeoCities you are making a VERY BAD mistake, one that will haunt you, in very much the same way as the subject of my last post, the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America). I implore you to back down on your decision to close YAHOO!GeoCities down, for this community is known the internet wide as being a shining jewel on the internet and one of the few success stories that have come out of the early dawn of the internet, it would be akin to tearing down the Statue of Liberty or the Great Wall of China, do you want to be known for that as far as internet history goes YAHOO!GeoCities??? Please! Think long and hard about that decision which your pondering, will the ends justify the means?
Sorry everyone, it is NOT my intention of turning this webpage into a ranting and raving podium of politics, whatever regions that might encompasses, or!...this page is solely one that is meant to keep you all abreast to happenings on this website and in my life, not as a soapbox and me as a pundit. It is just that, when as far as MIDIs and the home of this webpage is threatened, then that makes a direct threat to the website existance and/or its functionality and THAT qualifies as a reason to bring the two topics up. Again...I am sorry, I hope that in YAHOO!GeoCities infinate wisdom, they will remove the perilous sword of Damocles that hangs above each and every YAHOO!GeoCities citizen.
Sunday, April 29th, 2001
Bonjour! Just got done Saturday evening getting backup webhost sites ready in case YAHOO!GeoCities does the most backward and unwise decision in their life and ends up closing down all of YAHOO!GeoCities and the associated neighborhoods.
In fact I found three websites, one that offers 6o Megs without NO banners (This being my own ISP that unknown to me at the time offers to all of it's cable modem members free webpage space), and the other two offering over 100Megs+ separate hostspace which makes YAHOO!GeoCities look SICK with their paltry 15 Megs to members even with the banners (The other sites, like YAHOO!GeoCities ask for members to place a banner on their pages too). The only difference is the additional 85+ more in webspace!
NOW!...I would prefer staying with YAHOO!GeoCities, I am a diehard fan of this neighborhood and would prefer YAHOO!GeoCities to be my core webhost site as it has been, but it isn't my call, it is totally that of YAHOO!GeoCities that brings my choice and the future of this website at YAHOO!GeoCities in jeopardy, but the site WILL live on, just if it has to move it will be in another place, a bigger place with more room to expand.
Sunday, April 29th, 2001 (Supplimentary)
Here is the article which I read and tracked down.
this may be a false alarm but...
found on anther n/g
posting as many places as I can.
Geocities is Closing!?!?!?!
Group: Date: Fri, Apr 27,
2001, 4:02pm From: (Kamirakîî)
I got this in my email today. I'm not sure if its true or not, but just
in case SAVE YOUR SITES!!! Other wise we're going to have another
disaster like with tripod.
From: (Dawn Elston) Date: Fri, Apr 27, 2001, 4:59pm
(EDT-1) To: (Dawn's Site of the Year Vote Reminder)
Subject: Geocities CLOSING!!!! Reply to: Just
thought I'd forward this and let you know. I am forwarding this to
everyone in my address book. It may or may not be but if you have your
site at Geocities or any files there or know of anyone who does, it
might be a good suggestion to save your site down as quickly as possible
or any files you may have there!! Never hurts to be safe, and I've never
seen this email before so it could well be true. Take heed before you
lost your sites!! wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Well the good news is that maybe the site fights will be coming up
soon I hope. But the reason for this email today is because there are
several of you that have Geocities as your web hosting and I received
this from one of my supporters and thought it worthwhile to pass it on,
some of you may already vote exchange with her and know of this already,
but for those who don't, you really need to read this, as it could mean
the salvation of your site.
Subject: GEOCITIES IS CLOSING...not a joke
As you all know, my hubby is a Community Leader for Geocities. He just got
this in his email today. Geocities WILL BE CLOSING! All the websites will
be DELETED and CLOSED! They will be NO WARNING as usual, that's just the
way Yahoo works.
So, if any of you want to keep your website, you will have to back it up
and save it, and move it to a new web hosting place. This is not a internet
hoax, my husband got this from his boss, it could happen in a week, it could
happen in about a month.
My hubby said to tell as many people as I can, so that you will not lose
your site, and so you can be ready to move it to another place. :o(
Monday, April 30th, 2001
Here is yet another article in the mysterious and sudden bizarre behavour shown by YAHOO!GeoCities which I found on alt.homepages.geocities. I MUST say that I am baffled, this is so unlike YAHOO!GeoCities to behave in this manner, I for one try very hard NOT, I repeat NOT break any of their laws but this one I don't understand about remote linking, if that is the case then my upcoming webpage MUSICAL TASTES OF THE NINJAWITCH will automatically never see the light of day, or in its original unaltered form, because in order to use the videos from thost video websites most of those that do use the video link MUST place up a banner and link, this is also the case with those photographers, models and stores which I have worked hard over the year to gain permission from to use their pictures under my upcoming and updated THE MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY FEMALE FASHION FOOTWEAR which I promised them that I would use banners, links and/or credits in leu of payment made to them.
In these days and times, in order for a general hobbiest web designer, in order to prevent their page from looking too boring and lacking luster, or those that can't design portions of their own pages right from the graphic up and who use remote links will be in deep trouble...If this is what YAHOO!GeoCities is so upset about. Like I said...I try very hard NOT to upset those at YAHOO!GeoCities, be it their rules, or out of common respect of not using profanity or overly suggestive adult topics.
As for pictures...I don't post nudes, porn or sexually degrading photos...NEVER HAVE, and NEVER WILL...NOW!...Some pictures might have had their origins from a picture like that, BUT!...I don't post models if at all posible especially in any state of undress, unless they are a small gif and are tasteful, but in general I chop photos down to remove a model or questionable areas
IF!...for instance I get a shoe photo from a picture that originally was a larger photo and was of an adult taste, I chop most of the model out and focus on the shoe, the centerpiece of the topic of the webpage, and if the model and photographer or source of the photo is known I give credit where it is due, UNLESS that site hosts porn, which could get me into trouble and thus I will not link to them.
Now!...onto that new link posted in the alt.homepage.geocities newsgroup tonight :
User Alert!
GeoCities 'TOS Sweep' Shutting Down Hundreds of Sites
By Net4TV Voice Staff
(February 19, 2000)
Tuesday, May 1st, 2001
Well HELLO and greetings! I have an update on the biggest thing hitting both the Internet and general media, and now has been dubbed "The Yahoo!Geocities Is Closing HOAX", yes HOAX!
Below is the newest
bit of news being run on this story as it develops, now whether it is a "real" story leaked to the media by a disgruntled or concerned employee or "former" employee of YAHOO!GeoCities who are now in turn doing serious spin doctoring and repair work to cover up a surely "embarassing" and potentially damaging exposure is beyond me.
OR!...Is it a "hoax" and YAHOO!GeoCities is trying to sooth and straighten out the furior that has erupted over this news, but they are doing a bad job, because NONE of us that has websites on YAHOO!GeoCities have NOT been told of this news error or "hoax" is either "true" or "false" in writing yet, nor has it hit the news media and YAHOO!GeoCities have presented their offical statement on this topic, things are still as of yet ... unclear! So until the media centers like ABC, NBC, CNN, etc...are informed by the head of YAHOO!GeoCities and we YAHOO!GeoCities homepage subscribers and owners, so until we all hear it from the proverbal "horse's mouth" this matter will still be considered classified and its case file listed as "Un-resolved".
Here is the most recent news on this topic.
Thursday, May 3rd, 2001
Hello once again mon amis! goes!...I placed a call to YAHOO!GeoCities CANADA on Tuesday, May 1st, 2001, in which a very high ranking offical got back to me yesterday afternoon, and the first thing that he said, while my answering machine was engaging and I was in the middle of picking up the phone was that "YAHOO!GeoCities WAS NOT CLOSING in America nor in Canada"
He did admit that there was an issue with remote linking and there ARE problems recently of having music files like WAVs, MP3s or MIDIs not being played on some websites but they are currently working on that problem. As far as remote linking was concerned, they mean, if YAHOO!GeoCities citizens and neighbourhoods use their granted webspace just for only storing files like MP3s, pirated software or links to them, photo albums and such solely and not having a complete website, he states that is what YAHOO! briefcase and he agreed with me about "X-Drive" is for (except for pirated software which is illegal), and I have to agree with him on this, also remote linkage is also about a site that has one sole page up and all that is on that page are links upon links upon links, no graphics, or a homey house neighbourhood like feel to it, and not just one singular page made solely up of text links, I told him that some of my pages have links to music stars and artists and television programs, but he says those are okay because it is a page off of several, and not just one singular page.
Also MIDI music formats ARE perfectly safe, but FULL MP3s of Whitney Houston or Ricky Martin songs etc... aren't allowed, so okay, as far as YAHOO!GeoCities and MIDIs are concerned they are fine with them, as far as the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) the jury is still out!.
So there you have it YAHOO!GeoCities isn't closing (But I informed the gentleman that while he is telling me this, what about the world and those people with webpages on YAHOO!GeoCities neighbourhoods? I told him to please get after the head of YAHOO!GeoCities to make an offical public statement to alevate fears, he assured me that he would), also as far as MIDIs on YAHOO!GeoCities they are fine but MP3s are being watched, unless you have offical permission from the artist to have them on the site and that to direct link to the song that a banner or text link to said artist is posted as well as a page showing the e-mail that grants you permission to use said song nearby the credits.
Well I'm going to be away for a undetermined amount of time, recently I have been having a multitude of personal problems along with having a nasty accident this morning that saw me falling down a long flight of stairs and it has rather hurt my chest and lower back and it makes sitting at the desk or standing hard to do for a long period of time. Also I had to permamently cancel out of my Spanish language class yesterday too, so much is on my mind, so much that I will also not be doing any offline webpage work either, plus in the middle of the month I have to go to my neice's wedding, which I'm still debating going...Lucky Girl! I can't wait til one day I finally marry!
So forgive me for not being on here as often, as some of you regular visitors already know, I'm alot like Halley's comet, I'm irregular in my postings on here, but at least YAHOO!GeoCities will still be here....I hope (Fingers crossed).
Tuesday, July 3rd, 2001
First off ... Some silence for the anniversary of the death of singer-poet Jim Morrison of The Doors, his music is one part from many that has inspired me, I dispised his dependance on drugs and his wild life, but he was a poet, although a strange one and I feel it is proper to pay him due respects ... wherever he may be.
HELLO! it's been a little while since I last posted on here or did work and I have a good reason, I had no computer!!!
The system I originally had was a AMD K6/2 - 400 MHz CPU coupled with a DFI motherboard, well a part on the motherboard, namely a power rectifier surged and burned out around the beginning of may, it was a big section on the motherboard too, and it partly damaged the CPU which made it run flakey, damaged the only hard drive (Which I later found out was damaged) and recently this last week I lost my Sound Blaster LIVE sound card due to damages it sustained!
Well...I replaced the motherboard and the CPU with a new one, a AMD Duron 850MHz and an ASUS Model A7V133A, tomorrow I pick up my Creative Sound Blaster LIVE sound card, and this is a bonus I get the new Version 2 with Digital Out! I was told the old Version 1 had had a minor defect. WOOHOO! I tell you it has been agony having no sound, can't play any music nor my games, going out of my skull here, but the good part is I re-discovered chat rooms again, I'm on Excite Chat rooms alot since the system went down and met some interesting people. Now I'm starting to get addicted like you now Elaine! (Close lady friend of mine, not a girl friend)
Hi ya Innocent SIN, QT Kate and Saphire and a few others I can't remember, met so many ladies none that are single like me and looking hehehehe, was invided to go to a VP (Virtual Program) party at our local social club called Sammies, but not sure if I'll go, spent so much money replacing my computer parts that I have very little money left for social entertainment for a long while! SIGH!
So if you visitors wondered WHY my webpage wasn't updated since Cinco de Mayo, that was the reason why, but things are getting back to normal now, well nearly I now have to replace my answering machine since yesterday's wind storm knocked a tree branch on some wires on to a hydro pole and we had power spikes when it happened and my machine was old anyways, this event killed it, luckily it wasn't my computer again, but whenever a storm is expected to hit I unplug the computer from the wall. So I'm saving to get a new answering machine, but knowing how cheap they are that shouldn't take too long.
Well peoples ... That's what has been happening with me as of late so see you next post and as I always say take care! Oh yeah! Before I go, I had to take down my webcam because it was interfering with my keyboard, those with a Creative WebCam will understand what I mean, the WebCam links to BOTH the printer port AND the keyboard port, but I am in the finalizations of working on getting a used but damaged video camcorder, can't get it yet, but visuals should be better and streaming capabilities, it records too but the only thing wrong with it is that you can't see through the eye piece but you can get a video transmission fine, shouldn't cost me much, seen it work already and I know the owner of the store real well, beats buying another WebCam, and when I get my next video card for the computer I'll make sure to get a VIVO feature (Video In-Video Out).
Lastly ... the YAHOO!GeoCities fianco was that, a tasteless bad joke and hoax, if it was true, WELL NOW MY WEBSITE WOULDN'T BE HERE!
Sunday, August 19th, 2001
Finally finished up long over due work on summerizing ALL information on BIO OF THE NINJAWITCH THE NINJAWITCH PERSONALS - Profile Dossier, all done!
Friday, September 14th, 2001

First off! I would like to thank ALL who have decided to come to this current events webpage of mine, and for allowing me to voice myself over the horrific events which happened on the morning of the 11th of September, 2001 in New York City, NY, U.S.A. to the landmark, the WORLD TRADE CENTER and those within, to the aircraft involved and passengers and crew contained on them, to The Pentagon and all personel and citizens within, as well as to all innocent citizens and emergency staff caught and/or lost in the assistance of getting as many people to safety as possible or the rescue of those trapped in the rumble or caught up in the maelstrom of the collapse of the twin towers!.
This WILL be an event that will be forever etched in the hearts, minds, souls and emotions of every citizen present at this time in history, on this planet, not just Americans, and an event that shows the depths that another human being can stoop to do against their fellow man, woman and child. An event so shameful and dishonorable, an incomprehensable cowardly terrorist act, an act that shows the pure evil and dread another human can force upon another, but which is turned around and gives everyone the resolve to pursue and vanquish terrorism all around the world, whereever it may be, wherever it may hide ... An act that is now in the process of creating an international MEGAFORCE to take out these hives, cells and concaves of protection who harbor them and to those that do said acts, whoever they may be, be it for personal diabolical reasons or those driven by religious fervor. To forever remain ever vigilant against this type of sinister mindset and action for all time, never allowing it to stain this planet with anymore needless blood, heartache or fear ever again!
I'm barely able to type much less concentrate, I'm largely very sick and not eatting. I'm under a great amount of stress, but I also feel that I must let my profound feelings be known to all involved or those that have come to listen, especially to Americans who live on this blue ball called planet Earth to the south of my own country, and to others in this sphere, and to assure them that my heart and soul are with each and everyone of you, especially to the families of those who have have loved ones who have been ripped from them for all time, people who have lost so much, so quickly and without no logical reason because of this highly despicable act of hate and violence!
So in closing... I want to give my heartfelt feelings, love and warmth to all Americans who are grieving in America and all around the world, to all the world's citizens also grieving.
Wednesday, October 17th, 2001

1970 - 2001
Dear Keriwyn / Jade / BeWytchin
On the day of Monday, October 8th, 2001 the world already hurt from recent events over the disaster in NYC is again weeping ever more deeper, harsher and longer ... For it was on that day that a lady of highest grace, love, warmth and caring left this world along with her son Geoff. A lady, and a fellow Wiccan, who of grand style and great prestige was taken from her closest and honored friends and from myself, a lady who at times I didn't fully understand her motives for extreme privacy or her manner of her keeping her interpersonal relations severely restricted, but I learned to honor and respect her reasons once I knew parts of her background
Taken in a violent car accident on the afternoon of October 8th on a rain slicked road on a coastal highway in Croatia, Europe ... We who knew you deeply and lovingly will never forget you Keri, for you are entrenched far too deep into our memories and feelings, and in mine as well --- for you knew I loved you, and in your way, you felt as passionately for me, but that recipical love was hampered by fear and uncertainty. NOT because you didn't try to love and to open yourself up to romance but because it solely was from the actions by malicious people that you feared were out to break us up in the chat room where we first met on, but also, WORSE ... from your divorced ex of ten years.
It was what you read in my Bio, from a line in my online chat room profile program which caused you to seek me out then become romantically linked to me yet not public knowledge. Apparently ... I was the type of man you strongly desired and searched for most of your life, we were birds of a feather, but you also were too afraid to fully fall into love ... least I be killed by that highly possessive monster.
You were a highly intelligent lady and cleaver in business skills, both which I admired highly! You fashioned financial security for yourself and your son that I can only wish I could attain! Nor did you condemn me for my station in life ... in fact you wanted to lift me out of poverty not of my doing and provide a better life for myself ... for us!
As much as I fell in love with you, you always were not too sure to do likewise in return to me, least it endanger me due to your former ex stalking you around the world, trying to hurt you, your son and all those associated at the time with you. This causing your greatest wishes --- peace and home security always to be at risk and driving you to mistrust people most of the time, keeping relationships and love always ever distant to you ... which you did not wish to have happen, but you felt you knew you were never to obtain no matter what you did, because of HIM!
Forced with progressive disabilities, brought on by years of violent abuse from him and the newly dianosed spinal cancer that was quickly taking your life and sadly your mobility, in losing friends to him by those that came across his path or friends stolen by demented terrorists that deviously masterminded the disaster in NYC and took the World Trade Center from all on the planet and and placed a scar in human history.
But also from on going hurt that you were sufering from malice minded chat room persons that were solely out to hurt people and play games on you that caused you permanently withdrew from the world, from me and from all of your dear and honorable friends.
I would like to say that whereever you and your son Geoff may be, whether that be Summerland or the Elysian Fields or even reincarnated I want to fully stress very strongly and lovingly that I very much hope you are BOTH at total and final peace and that you are watched over and if reincarnated, given much better odds and easily find a much happier solitude and that the peace that you searched so long and hard to find comes to you, but in this life was always wrongfully denied you.
Wherever you and your son Geoff are I do hope so very, very, VERY much that you are happy and at peace finally! With ABSOLUTE LOVE I send my blessings, love and warm thoughts to you Keri.
Please know that I am not again without someone to love... I DO have a beautiful and young lady. Know that I have listened to what you asked in our last phone discussion and email, and that I have found another young lady to love and cherish. Thanks to the Lord and Lady she DOES make me happy and not feel so much ... ALONE! Like you, I have left my destiny in her hands ... I hope she accepts me as her own ... as her husband, like you wanted to do to make me, yourself and Geoff a happy family. So while I'm here on this planet I can continue onward in my personal search to be happy and wanted, like you also searched for until you were taken from all of us.
I DO strongly love and cherish this new lady and my life is NOW with her to adore and carry on with to be fair to her, but I leave this lasting eulogy to you so you will NEVER forget I cared about you and that you WILL occupy and hold a special place in my heart from now on. BLESS IT BE, MERRY PART AND MERRY MEET AGAIN AND BRIGHT BLESSINGS LADY KERIWYN JADE MACDONALD ... WHEREEVER YOU MAY BE!
Thursday, April 17th, 2003
I KNOW, I KNOW! WOW! You took a long time to re-post! :-) Good reason is that much has happened to me!.
I've got a new girlfriend and already visited her in the states and she done likewise with me here. Luckily she has a car and she was able to pick me up and take me to where she lives, met her friends and took a tour of her city. I rather enjoyed that, as well as loved being with her.
Little lady was that determined to get me. LOL
In that time I've also moved, changed ISP providers, user name, visited Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana, but the worse thing, and recently too, I was the victim of a MVA (Motor Vehicle Accident) and at present recovering slowly with physio/occupational therapy.
I suffered numerous fractures, all I'm recovering from nicely due to my tenacious willpower and driveness. If it wasn't for my martial arts I be dead or worse bound to a wheelchair for the rest of my life. I'll walk again, pretty soon in fact because my progress is brisk but complicated due to surgeon over compensating with hardware. Therapy will be extensive and will last about a year they suspect.
I'll be back to my good old self by that time.
I'll be doing little on the site as I'll be turning my efforts and attention to therapy for the time being, but have lots of ideas I want to do on the site. Funny how being cooped up in a hospital makes one forced to think of things to ward of bordom. LOL
I'm seriously thinking of going the blogging way, so look forward to that concept being introduced, and up to the point of the accident I've been doing photo work for another portion of the website involving my love of ladies and the footwear they endue. THAT! Will be highly modified, as will work continue to currently reflect my social life.
One thing I have found that has been very disturbing, are segments of my website are being duplicated onto other hosting page sites and being altered to make me look bizarre, wacko and a totally disfunctional person counter-opposite to who and what I am and how I generally conduct myself under the morals I live with. I've done a google search and up comes my website name but instead of the friendly welcome to my page, instead the topic is about female genital warts. (Rolls eyes towards the ceiling). Yes! I love women, but I don't have a fetishism towards warts LOL. So I'm asking those who play these little internet pranks to cease, to me it's amusing your so obsessed with trying to hurt me with jokes and such, it doesn't hurt me but your hacking is illegal and your actions are not appreciated. I'm sure the bulk of internet savy people are smart enough to not believe in such fantastical stories of what your trying to force on a public I feel are much smarter than what your trying to make them out to be involving my character and your efforts to assassinate it.
Let me assure the public who happens upon that rogue site that this is NOT from my own activity but I highly suspect from certain individuals with script kiddie skills and malace reasoning on their little minds.
In the past, I used to use an internet chat program called "Excite" (Which has folded a long while ago), within that program were "rooms" which people who had a common interest chatted, mine was Wicca. Well I met good people there, and bad people, and some posing as good. I developed a form of relationship with one lady, or what I thought was one, for somehow I got dragged into socio-obsessive politics between herself, her friends and her enemies, which somehow didn't like me and targeted me for humiliation tactics and antics.
Some blamed me wrongfully for her death (Which neither of us never did meet, and rarely talked via phone), many over dramatised the actual truth about us and over laid a conspirational fantasy of what really happened, and in such created people hell bent to antagonize my life even after the closing up of Excite or the death of that lady by a car accident.
If there was any relationship I regret being a part of it was this one. If you ever had heard of the term emotional baggage, WELL... This one firmly is classified as mental baggage. If I knew what was to be in awaiting for me, I would never have opened my heart to this person knowing the devils in the dark that awaited me.
some of these individuals I feel have no scrupples that they would be the types of mindsets that would gleefully break any and all sorts of laws. One day I hope they are caught by the law and authorities of their country and punished for the sorts of crimes they commit towards civil respectabilities.
Well, I best be going, I've got physio to do and it is exhausting BUT it has to be done! :-) Take care and be well, and of course...BEHAVE!
Tuesday, July 1st, 2003
Well another posting. I've been VERY busy with physiotherapy these days still, along with getting up to speed with unpacking since friends helped me move which happened WHILE I was in the hospital. Finally I'm on a cane (since the end of May) and walking pretty good with it, nearly able to walk unassisted outdoors without the need of that mobility assisted device, fairly okay indoors with a little bit of a limp or lurch (Known as the trundelenburg lurch in physio terminology) but that is due to weak muscles, namely in the greater trochanter regional muscles (i.e. hip area) and because of healing still, even after all this time. No one ever told me that working muscles would be so hard to move after being bed ridden for so many months. Word of advice, don't get hit by a car it hurts REAAAAL bad and takes months to recover (Not that I purposely set out to be hit by a car, it actually hit me!)
Other things to list here is that after a few months of waiting and wondering if my new girlfriend would call me back on the phone after the one time she did when I was discharged from the hospital and all my phone calls to her and reaching her answering machine, I have taken her actions (or lack of them) and not calling me back to mean that she is silently dumping me as her boyfriend and thus offically declare to all single lasses out there in cyberspace who may be curious to learn that again that YES I am again single and available --- well it seems to have been since about the month of May officially thereabouts, around November unofficially since after the accident she turned cold and distant on me. Not that I like being single, I actually prefer being part of a couplehood, but I'll have to forge on and will forge on, I KNOW there are other women out there with profound integrity to stand by their man. It's too bad that she couldn't bring herself to control her inner demons which are threatening her long term happiness and any relationships she did and may embark upon, but maybe one day she will find the peace she is looking for. I tried so very super hard to make the relationship work Sheila, but it takes two to love and I'm not interested in a one-sided relationship especially one neglicted and not told the statis of said relationship. I will not bend to being a phone stalker or pest or such, that's not what I'm about or how I conduct my life.
I just wish you are honest with yourself. But...Ultimately I want you to know from the time we spent together in person to when I travelled with you to the U.S. to visit your home in Racine, WI to the present that I truely and deeply cared for you and had every intention to stand by you while you battled your problems, I just wish you were standing by me when I accidentally got hit by a car. I NEVER in my life felt so abandoned, but I forced myself to return to walk again one because my ambulatory state was stolen from me but largely because I didn't want to leave you alone in this world, so I fought to return.
All my hard work paid off, I'm now on the cane but I'm so sad because throughout the hospital stay and my recovery at home you never called me, not even on my birthday and when I called you and left messages on your answering machine you never replied not even once, even after I said I would pay for the call. When I called your office you always rushed me off the phone saying "Your busy", I felt like an old doll tossed into a corner, but a doll that still deeply loved you and wanted to be with you for life if it came to that. But I guess it is not to be. SIGH
I'm not sure to blame the accident which within yourself compounded the problem of you fearing you would lose me and it in turn allowed and let your depression to run rampant, or, if I should blame simple bad luck. I just wish it never turned out that way, I miss you! That's my problem I have to deal with, I love my companions too much that I set myself up for a deep fall when they change their mind. I just wish there was a woman out there for me who truely and honestly stands by her man, like I stand by my companion. I'll just have to hope and pray she still exists!
Other than that HAPPY CANADA DAY for those out there reading this that are Canadian. Okay gonna go and do more physio, as I always say to you guys and gals BEHAVE or at least be kind to one another. OKAY Promise me that! :-)
Sunday, September 21st, 2003
Welcome back to another irregular update to my website, it's progress and my present recovery from my car accident OOPS I mean Motor Vehicle Accident. As much as I like to tell you details, I am under oath of law not to discuss them or even summerized accounts due to pending court procedings --- Which might take anywhere from a year to two. GROAN!
As you can easily tell, if your a regular visitor here, that no progress has been made to my website. This is because I'm doing roughly 2 and a half to 3 and a half hours per day of physiotherapy home exercises per day and I get tired, but my stamina is far better than it was in July. To those single women out there wondering if I'm still single. YES I am, but many women seem to still be too shy to email me these days. Come on pretty ladies don't be shy, I'm NOT going to be permanently disabled or spend my life emulating Quasimodo. :-)
Improvements in my life have seen me transition from the cane to solitary walking unassisted without any walking aids WOOHOO! Meaning I'm, as of this past week have been slowly weening myself OFF the cane and walking on my own, with a slight 10% trendelenburg gait BUT getting better from the 100% lurching I was doing in July. Therapists say I'm about 4 months ahead of normal recovery. GREAT! Talk about retrometabolism regenerative praise. :-) A schedule they have given me is IF I keep up the labourous taskmaster focus that I have done with myself so far, that within two months I'll be walking normally again. COOL!
I'm able to jump on the spot and bounce back and forth so any fear of never walking again or abnormally is now behind me. I feared I might never walk again when about a few months ago I fell a little down the stairs because I was then worried about why my then girlfriend decided to cold turkey like drop me from her life and set me adrift, but I recovered from that by spending a weekend solidly sleeping through it, and woke up all healed from bruises. Luckily no damage happened to me in the long term, except to my feelings of being abandoned.
Also I'm able to run up and down stairs again, and walk two steps at a time up but not down without a little shin pain in the left leg. Once I start walking, running is just a short leap for me then, from what the PT tells me (PT = Physiotherapist). Everyone is amazed at my recovery, the surgeon said I should have been in a bed the rest of my life, I told him "Sorry not an option! I took too much martial arts to JUST give in, and I have a woman that loves me that needs me next to her". Of course, that later statement was made when I assumed I was still in a relationship, but apparently the doctor is listing me as a medical enigma of sorts.
The way I see it, once all the physio is out of the way I'll have a normal life again, but until then, and until I can get my computer stabilized to let me re-install my graphic and FTP programs and my home page maker, much can't be done on my webpage. What I have been doing, as far as a normal life in going outdoors is recently, on the 20th of this month I went to the Royal Medieval Faire ( in Waterloo Park in Waterloo, Ontario {Our sister city} and completely enjoyed myself. It's a yearly event but I'm afraid not a very accurate depiction of medieval life or culture, but it was just a light hearted daytime event not a grand SCA (SCA = Society of Creative Anachronism) depiction. Overall I came away with some business cards of some merchants I want to contact in later months, one before christmas because I want to start to knit chain mail together and make up some ideas floating around in my head of some unique chain mail fashions for the head, hands, neck, gown and bikini. Shouldn't take me long to lock down the skill, and gives me something to do while I'm having down time.
Wish my computer was 100% working and not buggy, else I would be busy and making up the rest of my home pages! :-< Hell! I wish I had another lady to cherish and love again for all that matter
Anyways I've got to go, but please keep wishing the best for me and send all your healing energies towards me. Thanks!
Thursday, October 2nd, 2003
Hi again peoples! :-)
WELL! Tonight saw the end of 8 years of mean spirited and arrogant rule in my home province of Ontario. Tonight, saw the end of what was seen by many in class structures below affluent and upper middle class on down as the end of dictatorial rule! Tonight ... the end of Tory Conservative rule came to a crashing end!
WooHoo! No more Tory party and their 'Common Sense Revolution' which ultimately only really benefited only those in higher income brackets with two government terms that brought them tax breaks while services like education, health care and social services for the common folk were gutted and mamed. Water became tainted in Walkerton, Ontario which people got sick and have long-term health problems, we had a blackout due to Tory mismanagement of energy programs and the lack of hydro electric grid backups, we encountered tainted meat to the snubbing of the disabled on government disability programs ... NOW all that has ended, and the pain of provincial tyranical rule is finally over!
What started with then Tory Leader-Mike Harris then later passing the baton on to his then Finance Minister-Ernie Eves (When Harris a year ago decided to leave politics) which his time in the seat of power ultimately failed due to Eves very negative election campaign against the provincial party elected tonight and its leader. A party that YES, I voted for! That party, The Liberals and leader-Dalton McGuinty (, saw not only success in tossing out the Tories, but saw them come on like gang busters taking 72 out of a total of 103 provincial seats this evening (With a majority government declared normally at 56). So NOW the new party has a mandate from the people of Ontario, for the next 4 years to govern, which I hope wisely, but if not, then at least it will not be a so distant and cruel government as the Tories were.
Unfortunately, here in my own riding of Kitchener-Waterloo we didn't see a Liberal candidate get in but a Tory favourite, Miss. Elizabeth Witmer, but she barely squeaked by with a few hundred seats, but she was one of the few Tory success stories in the entire province. Which shows just how bad of dire straits that the Tories ultimately saw their end served up and the corner they painted themselves into! It's true that Eves saw himself get elected in his riding near Peterborough, Ontario but his pride seems to have been smashed and he is talking already of resigning from the Tory party.
Largely I'm very happy, NOT overly joyed because I would have liked my provincial regional ward would have gone Liberal too and the cold ice queen Elizabeth Witmer vanquished. But at least I'm breathing a big sigh of relief, now that a kinder and gentler leader and government is now in power at Queen's Park (Our provincial seat of power found at the center of Toronto, Ontario, Canada).
Tuesday, February 15th, 2005
Well, Well WELLLLL I'm back people, but ONLY temporary just so as to let you know that the link on my main page which took visitors to my shrine on the Effiel Tower has been removed due to copyright reasons I've heard are now being placed and prosecuted on ANY images of the French landmark posted on the Internet in which they deem it a trademark in much the same manner as Mickey Mouse or the Microsoft logo is, so I have voluntarily removed these images so as not to conflict with any laws regarding its image.
OH WELL! I'm so sorry everyone. But until the French government and those involved reverse their decision, then I have no recourse BUT I have to keep them offline, even though I don't see the logic here in that I'm not gaining income from them, nor are the owners of the C.N. Tower, the Statue Of Liberty or the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt aren't pursuing people in the courts that take snaps and pics of them. But alas, I am a person that obeys the law, even when they are stupid, lame or both.
Other minor changes I've done today to my website is that I updated ALL my own copyright dates on my website to 2005 and removed ALL links and references on my webpages that refer to and link to ICQ chat programs and online tracking when I'm on IRC.
Where ever you see this symbol on my pages it represents the
this is a serious cause that I stand up for

Special thanks to the composer of this midi file, as well as to the original lyricist
JAN HAMMER for this song "Crockett's Theme" from the "Miami Vice Soundtrack"
which you are listening to in the background (If you have speakers that is)
ALL web site contents, concept and design
Copyright — 1998, 2005
by Terry Haehnel
Duplication and distribution prohibited