Nicole's Cyberquarium

*under construction*
Welcome to my very first homepage. I'm sure many of you have pets, but how many of you have cyber pets??? Cyber pets are really cool!(especially mine!) Well If you want to add some life to your page, then what are you waiting for?? Click on a link and adopt some. Even cyber pets hate to be alone, so you must have a web page for them to live on.


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Gabreial The Angel



Princess, my very elegant cat. Isnt she pretty??

Oscar is my bug. He had the glasses when I adopted him.

This is Barbie

Click here to

get these cuties

These are my DCHAMPS

Mommy Dchamp(she's worried)

Two Dchamps that just won lotto

He jumps all day, but never gets tired

Baby Dchamp

This is my dog Ruffinmuffin. He isn't a cyberpet he's a virtual pet. He was adopted at When you start this virtual dog game, you choose from 26 different breeds of dogs. Then they give you a password to access your pet. You and your dog live in an "apartment". You can go out side and down the street to buy pet food, toys, treats and other stuff a dog might need. You can go to to the wake where your dog can swim. You can also take your dog to the vet and to the park to play fetch. You deal with real life problems like your dog running away or have the cops on your back for unpaid traffic tickets. Virtual dog is fun for all ages. It's also FREE and only works with Netscape Nagivator.

Virtual dog.

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This is my mouse house you get around it by clicking on doors and windows.

Here is a list of where to click:


right green window = the den, visit my links here

front door = living room, meet my mouse family

left red window = kitchen, learn how to make smileys


flower balcony = Pooh's balcony garden

left green window = the poohpad, pooh all the way through

right green window = catz room

right pink window = restroom, this is where you chat

[The den] [Mouse family][Smileys][Chatroom][catz][Guestbook] [front door]

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