Brownies - This Is What We Do! | |
Girl Scout Promise On my honor, i will try to serve god and my country, to help people at all times and to live by the girl scout law. Girl Scout Law I will do my best to be honest and fair, Along with practicing the Girl Scout Promise we attempt to earn Try It's. Try It's This is the first Try It we earned. Amanda read us the Brownie Story. We practiced our Girl Scout Promise. Robin made us cards with the promise on them and Ken laminated them so we could keep them with us. At one meeting we all made sit upons from table cloths. We learned how to do a friendship circle. The last thing we did was we made a big bon fire at Robin and Ken's house. Our families joined us. We roasted hot dogs in the fire and at the end we made s'mores. We all go a swap hat and swaps. We are working on this now. We meet at Robin's house and used her computer. We learned how to turn the computer on and off. We looked at pictures taken of us on a digital camera. The pictures were on a 3.5 floppy disk instead of a roll of film. We could do funny things to the pictures like turn them sideways and upside down. We learned how ti go out on the internet and search for other Girl Scout sites. We visited a troop's site in Hawaii. We printed out coloring pages of the Hawaiian flag at their web site. We decided that we too wanted a web page. Through the generosity of several people we can do a web page. At our last meeting Kelli Turner of Kelli Turner Advertising came and talked to us about creating a web page. She gave us the guidelines to go by and agreed to do the design and get us up and running. Special Patches Each year the Commonwealth of Virginia Girl Scout Council does a collection drive for the Goodwill. We put posters at the local schools, grocery stores and libraries. Then the first Saturday in November each service unit sets up a drop location for collections. We help people unload their donations and put them in a big trailer. This year we also donated school supplies and put kits together to to the flood victims of Franklin County. Other Activities This year we went to the fall festival at Crump Park. We went into the petting zoo and played with the animals. We participated in a sack race. Each of us got to make a scarecrow for Halloween. We had fresh apple cider and strung apples to hang in our kitchens. The bees kept chasing our apples so one mom volunteered to take the apples. Somehow none of the apples made it home. (Thank You Mom) We also made turkeys from pine cones. At the end of the day, two of the moms bought us ice cream. We really had a great time. Check out some of the pictures from the day on the troop photo album page. |