Claire Rosemary Jane,  Children's Author.
I am the author of "Carol Corsa and Mickey Morgan", a book for children about the two cars of the title and the family who own them.
I live in Somerset in the West Country of the United Kingdom, which is a beautiful and much visited part of England.
But I spent most of my childhood in Malvern, in Worcestershire, famous for its beautiful hills, some of which you can see in this website, if you allow sufficient time for the background to download. And so it was in the Malvern area that I chose to set the first of the stories about "Carol Corsa and Mickey Morgan".
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Ditto, Newspaper  format.

The Malvern Hills

People and Places


Riding a mule
into the
Grand Canyon

It should go without saying that I enjoy reading!  My peak childhood reading was between the ages of eight and twelve.  I combed through the local library, (Malvern Library ) for every single Enid Blyton  Secret Seven, Famous Five and Adventure Series book that I could lay my hands on.   Later on, I went on to read such books as "Lorna Doone", by R.D. Blackmore, which is set in Exmoor, not so far from where I now live.  Thus began my interest in fictional stories that are set in actual places that can be visited.
Later I discovered the books of Laura Ingalls Wilder, and Arthur Ransome, both of whom wrote stories based in actual places, although Laura Ingalls Wilder's stories were not fiction, and Arthur Ransome altered some of the geography around for the stories which he set in the Lake District, to suit the requirements of the stories. 
My other big interest is contemporary music, and I listen to it constantly when I am not reading.  I became interested in American music, as well as English contemporary music, at a very young age.  When I am not writing, I spend my time teaching music.
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The Lutterworth Press

The Morgan Motor Company.

The National Motor Museum.

Kids on the Net

Live Literature Network

De Grummond collection.

Haemi Balgassi

Open Directory Project
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