L.O.R.E. We are Legends of Reality Enacted.
Graphics Intense! Throughout this site...we feel you'll enjoy the outcome, so it's worth the wait.
"In a mystic grove, a silvery-white unicorn laps from a sacred pond that a druid has purified. A nearby elven archer stands ready to protect his magical charge. Lithe faeries dance about in an enchanted ring of mushrooms as the Sidhe silently trek by. The unicorn looks up suddenly, as it catches a glimpse of a magnificent red dragon soaring up through fleecy clouds...
Do you believe, deep in your heart, that these creatures
were once real? That by keeping these myths, and legends alive
through role-playing, story telling, writing, music, dance,
costuming, art, and other activities is important? Do you long
for kindred spirits who believe as you do, and would share
in these dreams? Who seek kinship in an extended family?
Then your quest has ended!
WELCOME, We will be bringing you stories, songs, dances, and the creativity of many of the fae folk we encounter.
If you DARE, Look into the eyes of the dragon and tell us what you think.
We will be updating this site all of the time. so check back with us for Honor is found in Clan Lore.