Last Update:
April 18, 2001
Thanks for stopping by my place.
My name is Drew and I am 11 years old. I am in fifth grade. My favorite subjects are math, computer lab, and reading. We are learning lots of things about science this year too. My Mom and Dad take me to the Omniplex for science field trips.
It is like one giant room with lots of hands-on science experiements for kids to do.
It is one of my favorite places to go and I wish we had science there every day.
I have lots of friends and like to do lots of fun things. My grandpa is my best buddy.
We like to go fishing and camping together. When I go to his house for a visit he always
lets me drive his tractor. He has a cool van with a TV in the back and I love to ride in
it and watch videos. He always lets me do that as long as I wear the headphones.
My site is about things I like. Some of these things are: fishing, bowling, cartoons,
movies, and Christmas (my favorite holiday). It is also going to be about things I do
with my grandpa.
Some of my favorite cartoons are the Nick cartoons. I especially love Rugrats and CatDog.
My dad loves CatDog too and we watch it together all the time. I also love to watch some
cartoons on Disney. My favorite one there is Gummi Bears. My mom loves that one too, and
we have been watching it together for as long as I can remember.
I like to watch movies too. My favorites are Titanic, October Sky, Star Wars: The Phantom
Menace and all of the other Star Wars movies too.
Please come back soon and visit me.
Here is a poem my mom wrote for me.
My Bright And Shining Star
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