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Bears Unlimited your online store for Beanie Babies and more

 Bongo say's Welcome  

Welcome to
Bongo's Ring of Beanie Babies & Collectibles

What is a WebRing?
A WebRing is a way to group sites of similar interest together in a "Ring" links on each page allow you to move from one site to the next, eventually traveling the entire Ring to end up where you started.

If you have a Beanie Babies or collectibles website, you are welcome to join Bongo's Ring of Beanie Babies & Collectibles.

Qualifications for joining the ring: You must have a website. Your site must be about Beanie Babies or Collectibles. The WebRing HTML code must be on the page you submit.

Joining is easy, To join Bongo's Ring of Beanie Babies & Collectibles CLICK HERE

After joining Bongo's Ring of Beanie Babies & Collectibles you will receive an email with the HTML code for the ring. Copy and paste this code onto the webpage you submitted than email me at and I will check your site and if the HTML code is on your site you will be added to the ring.

Example of how the HTML code should look

Bongo's new code

Bongo's old code

Bongo's Ring of Beanie Babies & Collectibles

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 Bongo the monkey
Bongo the monkey
Date of Birth: August 17, 1995
Bongo the monkey lives in a tree
The happiest monkey you'll ever see
In his spare time he plays the guitar
One of these days he will be a big star!

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Emil me

Beanie Group, join us now at AdArcher

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