Monday, June 1, 1998 - Kevin's first week of treatments have gone well....he goes in the office, signs himself in and tells them he is ready to go to the back. The way I figure, knowing Kevin, he will be running the place by the time he is through with his treatments!!
Saturday, June 6, - We are so lucky to live in a caring community like Caddo Mills. The folks here, most of whom we did not know, decided to put together a benefit for Kevin. The benefit consisted of a talent show and an auction. Items were donated from all over Texas which ranged anywhere from koozies to Dallas Cowboys memorabilia. There were also baked goods....one cake sold for $100.00!! Hope it was a good one!! There were about 250 people in attendance at the Caddo Mills High School Gym. The benefit was a huge success and everyone had a marvelous time! There are no words to describe how touched we were by all who participated and it is heart warming to know that some high school kids would give up their Saturday night to do something to benefit someone else.
Sunday, June 7 - Kevin got to fly his remote control airplane in the Metro East Fun Fly! He has only flown his plane about 6 times and now is already landing it in the grass. He won a first place ribbon for being the youngest pilot. He was real excited when another young pilot won a flight box, and gave it to Kevin....
His cousin came to visit and got him started on yet another hobby....collecting baseball/football/hockey/racing cards...!! He has a good start on them too!!
Monday, June 15 - Kevin has completed 15 of his 30 radiation treatments. To celebrate, he had to bake Winnie the Pooh cookies for everyone at the treatment center! He is tolerating them well and has not had any side effects as yet. He is beginning to lose a little bit of his hair, but it is not real noticeable. He is still as active and busy as ever....swimming every day!
June 1998 part 2.
He went to practice for the All Star Baseball team this evening. He got to play a little 3rd base and ran the bases with his team. Although he cannot play in the games, he still wants to practice with them (wearing a helmet, of course) and support them from the dugout.
Kevin has had a lot of company this summer - which is good....keeps him busy! He has become the Nintendo wizard and has really been enjoying his summer so far - despite having to go to his treatment each day.