
About me....

airplane Kevin Scott Till was born on Saturday, December 14, 1990 at Methodist Hospital of Dallas. He weighed 8 lbs 14 oz. and was 21 1/2 inches long. His first home was on Bluebell drive in Rowlett Texas.

He is a quick learner always wanting to help and do whatever the grown ups are doing. He is always singing a song of some sort which his first songs were not nursery rhymes, but “Achey Breaky Heart” by Billy Ray Cyrus and his most favorite was “Friends in Low Places” by Garth Brooks. At the tender age of 3, he was already winning hearts by singing these songs for people.

He learned to play golf at the age of 4, watching his Dad’s every move and he is pretty good too! He loved to watch the Texas Rangers play baseball. He would even sit through a Rangers game at the ballpark!

At 5 years old, he became a big Dallas Cowboys fan and that year dressed up as Troy Aikman for Halloween. To date, he is still a big Dallas Cowboys fan.

At 6 years old, he began playing baseball. He was on the Caddo Mills T-ball team and was voted the one most improved over the season.. Kindergarten was a new experience for him, trying to make the switch from the daycare scene to real school.

Now being 7 years old and in the first grade at Caddo Mills Elementary, he has made the daycare/school transition nicely. His hobbies now include, listening to music (Garth Brooks, his favorite), riding his bike, playing baseball and watching his favorite NASCAR driver Jeff Gordon race. This year he will be learning to fly his Remote Control airplane which he has been waiting to do since he was 3 years old!

In summary, Kevin is a fun loving kid who loves doing everything. He loves helping others and giving things to people. He loves to learn new things and is very inquisitive when he is not quite sure. how something works.

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kevin's story

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Click for "September thru December 1998 Updates".

"Friends In Low Places"
Click "Garth" to play

Best heard with "Crescendo".

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