If you are a dreamer, come in,
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer...
If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!
Shel Silverstein Where the Sidewalk EndsWelcome To My World Of Magic!!
Close your eyes on all that is logical and explainable. Forget reason. Think fantasy and beauty. Breathe dreams and magic. And most important...

Come and dance with the fairies!
But beware....for those who chose to dance in the ring of the fairies may think they have only spent a few hours among the fae, but return to their homes only to find that years have passed and that all they knew is long gone. Others may believe they have lived among the fae for a year only to learn that they were gone but a few moments...
But first!! You must believe!!
"Every time a child says
'I don't believe in fairies,'
there is a little fairy somewhere
falls down dead."
-Sir James Matthews Barrie (author of Peter Pan)
Do YOU believe in the wonder of fairies?
Do you know any fairies? You probably do. Fairies can easily hide from normal humans, for only those who believe and want to see will see. If you know someone with a special twinkle in their eyes, someone whose laughter is the light of your day as it echoes on in your mind, someone whose tears can make you want to turn the world around, someone who dares to find the bad in you and turn it to good, someone who's in harmony with the world's animals, someone who makes you believe just by looking into your eyes, maybe you know a fairy.
Now this site isn't all about fairies, but they're here to welcome you, and remind you that imagination is beyond limit. They're also hidden a bit everywhere on these pages... just like real fairies... just when you think you've seen the last of them POOF and they're back again. Never take a fairy for granted, for they need to be needed. Never say that you don't believe in fairies, because that would be the death of a fairy. What is a fairy?
Hi! My name is Micol.
This page is always under construction, because I am forever adding and removing to it. This has changed a lot since the beginning, and it will change some more, because I am learning as I go along.If you wanna know something about me, well here goes:
I am a university freshman. I'm doing Polytechnics (for you twits, that's basically engineering and computer science). I am a girl, for goodness' sake!! Micol is a girl name. What else? I just turned eighteen, I walked on my brother's toys today and split open my foot, and last week I went to Polytech's masked ball and was dressed as a (you guessed it) fairy. No one noticed though (I told you only believers can see). That's all I can think of at the top of my head. If you want to know even more about me, click here.
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So, how's my wonderful web page? Got any suggestions? I'd love to hear'em!!
If you wanna reach me, here's where: micol@somewhere.com
I got this from a friend!