Hello! Thanks so much for stopping by our playhouse! Our mommy put this all together for us because we are too young to do it by ourselves. By the way, we are Ashley and Travis. We each have our own little corner of the playhouse. We try to stay out of each other's hair, but you know how big sisters/baby brothers can be. We sure hope you will take a look around. We have lots of cool stuff. Don't forget to sign our guestbook!
This way to Ashley's Dalmation Room
E-mail us at grigskids@yahoo.com!
You are visitor # **All images on this page were made especially for Travis and Ashley by their mother! Please do not take them without permission!
Or this way to Trav's Elmo Room
Links to other sites on the Web
Our Mommy's Page
Our Aunt Monica's Craft Page
to visit us so far!
We signed up 5/12/98!