Journal and Stories
This is my page of stories. Whether it be fiction or non fiction, if I write it, you will probably find it here, but only the good stuff, none of that other junk you may have read, this is the real thing.
Just so you all know, the journal part of this page is ment for when I go to Italy. To avoid having to write zillions of letters to y'all, I probably going to make weekly journal entries (sutable for the internet) for all of my friends to read. I'll still write letters of course, but this will save some of my time. So, I hope you all will enjoy this feature when I get it started.
Okay, just so you know, these stories are all stories that I wrote at one time or another. I encourage you to e-mail me and tell me what you think. But, please do not take these stories from my page without my concent, and don't use them for any other purpose but just reading them. I'm just kinda paranoid about people taking my work. I hope you understand.
Also, I don't show these strories to just anyone, so if you're here, that probably means that you know me personally. But, still, I'm kinda embarressed to show them to people (don't ask, that's just the way that I am), so yeah. Enjoy, and tell me what you think, I really would love to hear your oppinon.
Sorry, none yet. Ha! I had you going there for a while, huh!
Look these are funny e-mails that I have been sent!
1. This is something that one of my friends, Colleen sent to me. There are more than a few that I personally found to be true.
2. Okay, if you go to Aptos High School, then you will definatly know who this is. He he he. I didn't actually write this, one of my friends forwarded it to me. I don't know where he got it.
3. This is a poem that one of my good friends, Jake Meltzer wrote. You might find it to be very, very true.
4. These little messages are from real letters. Thanks Zamani for this lovely e-mail! Oh, this isn't by Zamani, it was only forwarded by Zamani. I don't know who the original source is, but whoever they are, they are cool man!
All information on these pages is copyright Julie Grantz.