Rocket's Blue's Clues Wavs

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Here are the .wav files of Blue's Clues that I have. If you wish to save these on your on computer, click your right mouse button over the wav's link and a dialog box will appear. Depending on your browser, click on the save option (or Save Target As). But remember where you saved it :-) Enjoy.

There it is. One of Blue's Clues. (66,000 bytes)
A soft bark by Blue (21,000 bytes)
Mails here, mails in (70,000 bytes)
The sound of Blue walking (46,692 bytes)
Blue barking (58,000 bytes)
Blue's skidooed, we can too (441,000 bytes)
A clue, a clue (65,000 bytes)
Blue going into a picture (184,000 bytes)
A clue, a clue. My shoe? No its a clue. (218,000 bytes)
We just got a letter (291,000 bytes)
Here's the mail... (215,000 bytes)
Our handy dandy notebook. (157,000 bytes)
The ending song for Blue's Clues. (734,000 bytes)
OK. We'll play Blue's Clues to figure out what Blue wants to do in the snow today. I love Blue's Clues. (384,000 bytes)

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