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The oldest reference to the name Cole can be found as far back as the 13th Century where can be found a Robertus Filis Cole mentioned on the Assize Rolls of Lincolnshire in 1206AD.

Later reference found a Johannes Cole who was recorded in the Poll Tax of Yorkshire in 1379.

In more recent history there is reference to an Elizabeth Cole, a milliner, aged 20 being transported to Australia with the First Fleet, which arrived in New South Wales in 1788.

History also records that there was a William Cole on board the Bounty and was set adrift with Captain Bligh in a small open boat, who survived the 7000 klms voyage and returned to England...where trace thereof has not been established.

There has not been any direct link to the above established and information provided is of historic purpose into the name Cole .

On going research continues and will be added to this Family Tree once proven to be as correct as possible.





Colehill, Wimborne Minster

exhibited and proved the 21st February 1785 by Mary Curtis, widow/daughter

and sole Executrix of the deceased on oath by

Richard Austen, Register

" In the name of God Amen, I William Cole of Colehill in the parish of Wimborne Minster in the county of Dorset, a broom-maker and being old and infirm in body but of sound and disposing mind and memory do hereby make my last will and testament in form and manner following, that is to say, First I desire to be buried in the Churchyard of Wimborne Minster aforesaid by the side of my wife. Secondly I give to my daughter Mary Curtis widow my leasehold house or cottage and about fourscore lugg of ground therewith belonging with a little house or cottage lately built thereon all which premises are situate lying and being at Colehill in the parish of Wimborne Minster aforesaid and now in my own possession and which I hold my lease under Henry Bankes of Kingston Hall in the parish aforesaid Esqr and my wish and desire is that my said daughter Mary Curtis may have hold and enjoy the said house and outhouses garden and plot of ground thereunto belonging during her natural life and also I give to my said daughter Mary all my house hold goods and chattels whatsoever and wheresoever that I leave at the time of my decease unless the bed which I now lye on which I give to my grandson William Curtis and my wish and desire is that my grandson William Curtis may have the house or cottage garden and plot of ground after his mother's decease and in case he should die I desire my grandson Thomas Curtis may have the same premises during their natural lives successively one after the other during the term now to come of my said lease. Lastly I constitute and appoint my said daughter Mary Curtis my whole and sole Executrix to this my last will and testament declaring this and this only to be my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all other will or wills heretofore made by me at any time in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty two in the twenty second year of the reign of our sovereign Lord King George the third.

William Cole....his mark

Signed sealed published and declared by the above named William Cole as his last will and testament in the presence of us who have subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence and at the request of the said Testator.


Elizabeth Anne Denham

Mary Denham

21 February 1785 the above named Mary Curtis widow was sworn sole executrix to the above will of her late father William Cole deceased before me James Mayo Surrogate

The within named Mary Curtis widow was sworn Executrix of the within will of her late father William Cole deceased the 21 day February in the year of our Lord 1785 by the Revd. James Mayo, Clerk Surrogate of the Reverend Charles Russell

Richard Austen , Registrar


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