(Me and my mom at my Homecoming dance. Isn't she cute? =Þ)
Hi! My name is Hilary Patrick! I am 14 years old and I am going to be in the 9th grade at the Wellston High School. I love playing sports, it is so fun. I play volleyball, basketball, softball, and track. I am getting ready to start softball games very soon. This summer the girls basketball team is going to be running, weightlifting, and going to South Carolina for a camp down there. Our girls basketball team is going to be really good next year and I can't wait until that and volleyball starts. I am also in the band. I play the drums. In my spare time I like to spend time with my friends. I have so many that I can't list them all, but some of them are: Becky Burroughs, Amanda Rainey, Kimmy Cremeans, Kristin Davis, Heather Whiting, Amanda Napper, Erica McManaway, and many, many more!! We do a lot of things together.My parents are Larry and Kristy Patrick (my dad has his own web-site so you should check it out, it is about the (Patrick Family History) and I have one brother, Clint. I also enjoy listening to and playing music. My favortie groups are: NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, 98 degrees, Youngstown, LFO, and I like just about any kind of music. My favorite colors are blue and orange. I am on student council and the National Honors Society. I am also active in my youth group at the Frist Baptist Church of Wellston. It is a very fun thing to be in. We meet every Sunday at 6:30 to 8:00. Well thats enough about me now here are some things about some of my friends.
Becky-Always remember:Who's that hottie!!! It's the attack of the waterballons!AHHH! Italian Stallions 4-life! Big-Horned Sheep! Don't steal shopping carts from Foodland, you could get pulled over by the police! My big hair! HEHEE You are one of my best friends! Don't change ever!!
Kimmy-I'm with stupid!! Remember you toe-touches? Those are the best!! I was like "Amelio"! "Jupiter"! HEHE You are so funny, don't ever change!
Amanda R-Fishwoman for life! Bleakin!! Konck out hilarious! You are the coolest! Don't ever change!
Kristin Davis-You are the ultimate cool cousin! Hoover, Nobody.......Does It Like You!!! HAHA That is soo funny! HEHE
Erica- Don't use the stove after midnight or after your mom goes to bed or when your mo isn't home,or... how about we just not use it at all!!HEHE Jumping on my trampoline at 1:00 at night! Now thats what I call fun! HEHE You are the coolest neighbor! Stay the same!
Jessica Veach-You are the craziest chick from Jackson!!
Andrea Courts- Do you remember them Super Size Happy Meals? That was soo funny!
Hilary King-I live "up north" right? =Þ Remember Marcus? HAHA
A peice of advice to the 8th grade girls basketball team:Don't spit in the hallways!!! HeHeHeHe
Noodle-I love your row row row your boat song! America's Funniest Home Videos!
Matt-Your big beast orange truck is the coolest!!
Phillip- You are pretty cool!
Josh a.k.a CHUBBY-Hey! You are my brother!!
Russell-Ohh no! The penguins are coming after you! Watch out! HEHE
Colin- You are the coolest! Pretty pretty panda!!! HEHEE
Well those were just a few of my friends. There are a lot more, so here is a big HEY to all of those people. Now on to some pictures! And people, please sign my guestbook telling what you think of my page! THANKS!
1999 8th grade Volleyball
Capital Basketball Camp - 1999
1999-2000 8th grade Basketball
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