What is 'x' ?

Ever wondered when you'll ever need to use algebra, geometry or

statistics in the real world? Or just need to practice your 

math to improve your grades? This page will provide

a wide range of useful links that will-:

                                               Show how Math is used effectively in the real world

                                               Provide opportunities to use Math within the community

                                               Give you the opportunity to practice your Math online!


Real Life Applications-:

http://library.thinkquest.org/4116/            See how we use math in a range of disciplines like music and science.

http://www.k12.hi.us/~mathappl/                 Great site that shows how math is used in many applications.

http://www.ams.org/careers/mathapps.html            See how major companies use Math.

http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr148.shtml        Answers the question of "Why do I need math?"

http://www.learner.org/exhibits/dailymath/                        A look into Math in everyday life.


Community Math-:

http://mathforum.org/                See how math helps the community at the math forum.

http://www.teachervision.fen.com/math/lesson-plan/8592.html        Huge resource of math problems.

http://www.math.cornell.edu/Community/community.html       See how schools can help the community with Math.

http://www.tki.org.nz/e/community/maths/            A resource of math community projects from New Zealand.

Interactive Online Math-:

http://library.thinkquest.org/2647/                    Great website that allows practice your skills in geometry and algebra.

http://www.k111.k12.il.us/King/math.htm        MASSIVE math resource!!

http://harcourtschool.com/glossary/math_advantage/glossary1.html       Online Math dictionary.

http://mathforum.org/dr.math/                    Got a question?? Ask Dr. Math

http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/mathsfile/index.shtml      Interactive math from the BBC.

http://www.funbrain.com/kidscenter.html            Math games and puzzles from FunBrain.


