Samantha My dearest Samantha, The one that I love. I have to tell you some news, It is not very good. There used to be a special man in my life, But now he is gone. He was your father, He loved the both of us very much. He died before you were born, When you get older hopefully you won't mourn. He was so sweet and so kind, He was also very handsome in my mind. He wants you to be be a cheerleader just like him, No matter if you were a her or a him. But luckliy you were a her. You will hear very much of him. Hear of his ways he did a lot of good, And also some bad. But he was only human. You'll learn to enjoy what he did, Not just for me but also for you. too. AmandaK |
Where's Daddy Daddy you said you would stay, Daddy you said you would not go. Where are you daddy? I can't find you daddy, Please don't play daddy. Why can't I find you daddy? This isn't a game daddy, Come out, come out, wherever you are. Why aren't you coming out daddy? Your scaring me daddy, You promised you wouldn't go. Help me mommy, Help me find daddy. Daddy's gone Honey, He's gone forever. AmandaK |
My Daughter She's the girl who has everything, So they say. The girl who need nothing, So they think. No one understands the truth. She is missing something, Something that means everything to you. A daddy, A daddy that's true. She does not have everything, She does need something, She needs her daddy. Then she would have everything, And she would truly need nothing. AmandaK |
Sami You Samantha are my world, Even though you do not know' I do love you so. You are too young to understand, Who I really am. One day you will find out the truth, And that is when you will, Want to be loose. AmandaK |