
Could It Be?
What do I do?
One week passed,
Now it turned into two.
Now it is three,
Oh my me.
Could I be pregnant?
Or could it be just my nerves?
Could it be my body just doesn't want to start?
I will find out in two more weeks from my heart.
It will tell me to be true,
Not only to me but to also to you.
If I ended up pregnant what would you do?
We would end-up disagreeing,
But then we would have to come to a conclusion.
Abortion is out of the question,
Adoption is an option,
But keeping the baby would be the best solution.
We made it,
So we bathe it.
You will be busy with your business.
You would worry that I'd be a high-school drop-out.
But let's not worry too much,
We haven't even found out.
So don't pout!   

Feenin' makes her want more and more,
Then after a while it makes her sound like a whore.
But for him, all he has to do,
Is just go to a bar or two.
All she does is sit and wait,
Just worrying about her aweful mate.
She wouldn't be so worried,
'Cause it won't be her body being buried.
Since he might soon be saying goodbye,
Then he will be able to think good in the sky,
About all the wrong things he had done while alive.
She has so many mixed feelings inside,
She wouldn't know what to do if he died.
What would she do with the baby inside?
In a few months she will be born.
But she can only do the best she can,
And raise her to be a loyal woman.
But she shouldn't be the one to be scorn,
she was the one that had control over herself in the early morn.
While he couldn't control the thing in his pants,
Since he always had to have the last dance,
No matter what was in their pants.
He doesn't understand there is no second chance,
Not even to take a quick glance.
So she is not going to take the chance,
Not even for one last dance.
'Cause she don't know what he might be carrying'
She would rather choose to keep feenin'
Over dying.
She hopes one day to stop crying,
Or her baby might soon start dying.

Oh No, Not Me!
Nobody ever though it would be me,
I am just as sweet and innocent as can be.
Now they will have to realize,
That was only in their eyes.
Hardly anyone believes me when I say I am,
Just because the way I stand.
I am in the house all day long,
Just waiting for a pretty song.
But at night everything changes,
That is when we are no longer strangers.
As they say age is only a number,
And that is what we believe,
We are as serious as we can be.

Fear & Commitment
He is always so worried,
He worries enough for the both of them.
She tries to tell him everything is alright,
But he doesn't want to listen.
He gets upset over little but big things.
Even though she has taken care of the situation.
She covers up so many things,
So that he wont find out and worry.
She likes it that he worries about her.
But she wishes that they could to commit to each other,
And not have to hide all the time.
The biggest fear he has is getting caught.
She cares less abotu what people say,
It is her life not other peoples.
She hopes that he will wait,
And not search for another mate.
The way he acts it seems like he loves her,
But he won't admit it.
That's okay though,
Because if he does he will admit it one day.
She will always remember him,
No matter what happenes between them.

Making Changes
Whoever thought it would come to this?
Wow, what a great big mess!
It gets calmer as time passes by,
Soon we will think we can fly.
Things will have to be bought,
We will also have many new thoughts.
In about seven months our two will turn into three.
Getting up in the middle of the night,
Changing diapers and making bottles just right.
Tired as we will be,
Two will never be as good as three.

She Cries
She cries to the world,
I'm too young.
But she know what to do,
For what she's done.
She's scared he'll be in denile,
For she is the one carring his child.
What will he do?
What will he say?
What ever, she's keeping it anyway.
Her mother asks do you love him?
She does not say yes,
Doesn't say no.
She does, but does not let it show.

She cries to the world,
I'm too young.
Please God say I'm not alone,
Not the only one.
I'm scared no one will listen to me,
Believe me or not,
Im having a baby.
When it's born,
When it cries,
When it's time,
Will he say goodbye?
I ask myself,
Do I need him?
Will he stay?
Will he leave?
Will he love me and the baby?

All I want to do now,
Is break down and cry.
Why can't we give it one more try?
One more chance is all I want.
Not for for you or me,
But for our little baby.
All we are doing is causing each other pain,
Not thinking about the baby in the rain.
I just want to forget you,
And just think about the baby or two.
You got school and I do too.
But we can do it,
We won't know until we try to,
And thast's about the best we can do.

You wouldn't hurt me,
So you promised.
You wouldn't leave,
So you made me think.
You were the right guy,
So you made me believe.
You weren't like anyother guy,
So you said.
Why live a lie?
You were not a dream come true,
You were a nightmare waiting to happen.


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