My Daddy Gilbert

January 22,1972~July 22, 1995

Eventhough you are not here,
I'm glad it wasen't because that shitty ass beer.
I know we were in a big affair,
But you and I didn't really care.
I know we didn't say,
"I Love You"
But you and I showed it.
"I Love You" is just three little words,
That you and I rarely heard.
We were scared just a bit,
That our parents would have a great big fit.
Time passed,
Months went by,
Then we had to finally say good-bye,
Not only to you,
But to your dad, too.
Then a couple months later,
I got to meet her,
She did not laugh,
She did not cry,
I thought she was a goner,
Just like you.
She visited you for a while,
Then she came back to me with a smile.
I held her as tightly as I could,
And then I knew everything was all good.
I still wish you were here,
To smell your nasty ass beer,
That would be the best thing of the year.
To have you hold me just as tight as you could,
Would make me feel so good.
But wishing and hoping will do no good,
Because those are things that will never be "could."
You live on the only way you can,
Just in our little girl named Samantha Monique,
Just as you named her that cold winter day.
She will learn to love you,
She will know who you are,
Eventhough you will never give her a car.
She will always be what you wanted her to be.
Eventhough we will always want you,
Wanting and getting you,
Are two different things,
I hope you will always stay in our dreams.  

Gilbert was born on January 22, 1972. He lived in Mexico before coming to the United States. As he grew up here he met many pepople and made many new friends. One of his best friends was my big brother. He and my brother did everyhting together and even got into trouble together. Through High School he was a football player. He injured his knee so he could no longer enjoy playing. Then he became the assistant coach for the football team. As a Senior in High School he became a cheerleader. He continued to be a cheerleader once he got into college. He eventually moved away to LA to go to College but then returned home. He spent the Summer of 94 in Germany. When he returned from LA he continued to be a cheerleader for the College. With cheerleading he traveled to many places such as Euro-Disney and Hawaii to compete to play in the Probowl. At the time he was in Hawaii was when I found out I was pregnant with our daughter. He was never able to see her but he had the chance to name her. Many people ask why I didn't choose another name for her since he was gone. I felt that was something that could never change, and that he had given her. He died July 22, 1995. That was just 6 months to the day after his 23rd birthday. He died while coming home from cheerleading practice. He was driving a motorcycle, the night he died. He flew off of an overpass, when somehow he got distracted. His helmet flew off somehow, that is still unknown of how it became of it rolling down the overpass. He Landed in a empty field. I was told that all you could see was the outlining of his body from where he laid. Many didn't want to tell me much since I was preganat and almost due. I live each day looking at him through our daughters eyes. She is everything we expected her to be and more. She has his personality, eventhough they never met. I have told her about her daddy Gilbert and she can tell you how he died. I enocourage her to never forget about him.  Yet he is gone his memory will forever live on.

Past The Pain
I'm past the hurt,
I'm past the pain.
But I feel I'm still in the rain.
Knowing you've been gone so long
Makes me wonder what i did wrong
I know I've done some good
Doing the best I can
To raise her to be a good woman
Eventhough she does not speak
She will not grow-up to be weak
A little one she is
Our little Samantha Monique

Time and Hopes
Another day,
Another year has gone by.
Will I ever find it in my heart to say good-bye?
I know its time to let go,
Five years will never turn into zero.
Eventhough in our daughter's eyes,
You will always be a hero.
Not for what you have done,
But for one day what she'll become.
Living out the dreams you had for her,
Even one day becoming a Cheerleader.


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