My Pride & Joy
Samantha Monique
Please look at the links @ bottom of the page :o)
5 Hours
3 Months
6 Weeks
6 Months
18 Months
9 Months
1 Year 15 Months
21 Months
30 Months
2 Years 27 Months
4 1/2 yrs
3 Years 4 Years
4 Years
3 1/2  Years
Hello, my name is Samantha, which is the name my daddy choose when mommy was just 3 months pregnant. I was born on September 8, 1995, on my grandpa's and aunt's birhtday. My mommy's doctor said I was going to be a preemie when I was born, I fooled him. I weighed 7 lbs 10 oz., which is the normal average size of a newborn. About 7 weeks before I arrived, my daddy died in a motorcycle accident. So when I came into this world all I had was my mommy. I know that if he was here I would be a "daddy's girl." As I'm growing up I'm noticing all my friends have a daddy, but I don't. It's a little hard for me at times so mommy sits down with me and tells me stories of him, all good of course. She tells me he is in heaven with my grandpa, who died in April 1995. That they are both with Jesus. My mommy is doing the best job that she can alone. My grandma helps out taking care of me too, I love her a lot too. I always know that if mommy says "no" I can always turn to my grandma she always says "yes." I am now 4 years old. I like to play sports like soccer and t-ball, but I enjoy soccer more. I also like to dance and swim which I love to do a lot. My favorite color is purple. My favorite food is spaghetti and chicken.
My dream is to one day go to Disneyland and meet Mickey Mouse and all his friends and get all their autographs. I also want to play professional soccer one day, when I'm older.
My mommy did this site all by herself for me. She loves me a lot, and think's the whole world should be able to see how precious life is and that it could change in an instant.
In Loving Memory of my Daddy Gilbert
January 22, 1972 to July 22, 1995
Without him I would have never been put on this earth.
About My Daddy My 1st Trip to Pismo
Poems Written For Me Clip Art Angels By Samantha
My Accomplishments of 2000
Me In My School Uniforms
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Spirit Week @ School
COMING SOON! About My Mommy :o)
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