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The No Smoking Process

Desparetly wanting to stop smoking?

Order your Book:

No Smoking Process and Cassette now for only 12.95 plus 2.00 shipping and handling, send check or money order and allow 4 weeks for delivery.

Send your order to:

Linda Berdeski

720 Green Valley Rd.

Leicester, North Carolina 28748


Linda Berdeski

You have nothing to lose except smoking.

Stop Smoking

is a process and we now have the opportunity to learn to:

Consciously Direct,

Consciously Undertake

Consciously Organize

our experience.
    Anyone can stop smoking Now.

    Just ask yourself,

    "What will happen when I stop smoking Now?"

    then ask,

    "What will happen if I don't stop smoking Now?"

This focus will assist us in understanding and controling the direction of our communication, behavior and feelings. Your success in stopping smoking is guaranteed, should you want to stop smoking Now. These facts are the leading-edge technologies for change in our reality, or the way we experience our life's given moments. Understanding that we are "relationship" and how what we are interacts between the body, mind, emotions and actions is where it is at. We can begin to experience what we want in every area of our lives. It is as simple as going from a dark room, into a lit room. In the dark room it is impossible to see what is there and so we stumble and fall, in the room full of light we can relax and be self assured that what we see is really there.

The Power of Belief Needs To Be Fully Recognized
You Will Learn How To:
  • Recognize beliefs that create darkness and beliefs that are in the light.
  • Values that bring nothing (except what you don't want) and those values that movitate you to experience happiness.
  • Understand the power of decision and when you are making a decision that works against your present desire to be a non-smoker.
  • Create a present Past that you will love.
  • Remove the blocks to your awareness of present abundance.

    Through the use of PRESENT MEMORY
  • Create a healing remedy for your own personal use.
  • You might ask why should we look at beliefs, how they are formed and what they do? In exploring our beliefs, we find the very ideas that create the reality we experience, we can learn what to change, how to change and experience what we want to have happen now.

    Order your No Smoking Process and Cassette now for only 18.95 plus 2.00 shipping and handling, send check or money order and allow 4 weeks for delivery.

    Send order to: Linda Berdeski

    720 Green Valley Rd.

    Leicester, North Carolina 28748

    or call 828-683-2418

    Linda Berdeski

    COPYRIGHT 1997-200?/Linda Berdeski
    I don't know where you are going to go, yet, I know you are going to go here are our GOALS


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