Flare2000s Flame Pokeball
Home of the Flareons


Hello. I am Flare2000, the flareon gardian. My flareon friends will lead you around. I will be working on this newly remodeled site often. I hope it goes better than it used to.

Hi! I have remodeled the old site and have made this one. I hope you enjoy it. <^-^> Flare2000
You may not use the picture up there without Kyle Carrozzas permission. He gave me permission to use it. Ok? You may not use that pic.

Click this flareon to go to Poke-Tales

Click this flareon to go to my quiz


Click this Flareon to go to the fanart section


Click this flareon to go to the adoptoin section

Cick this flareon to go to the links section


Click this flareon to go to the pokedex


Click Banjo and Kazooie to go to the Banjo-Kazooie section


Click this flareon to see the awards I have won

Click on this flareon to see my award


Click on this flareon to go to the PokePark


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