Bear with me this page takes a few minutes
to load because it has quite a few graphics
on it! But because I am a spirit fairy myself
I have tried to make their job a little bit
easier and put all the graphics that they need
to check on the front page and an easy link
to my other pages!


Hello my name is Callie but I go
by Fairy Aeval or Mckenna on here so
that is probably what you know me as!
Congrats to you cause you made
it here! Where is here you ask?
Well this is my fairyland!
It is always under construction!
So bookmark us and come back again!
I am a spirit fairy for the Powerfull Pirates!
And I also fight in The Sight Fights for the
Mystical Warriors!!!!


Vote did you say vote?
Would you like to vote for me?
Cause I sure would like for you too *giggles*!
If you would click here and you will be swept
away to the Tailltiu Camp where you can vote for my site!
Or you can go with the other option and click
on the graphic below and it will take you to the same
place! But please only vote once a day! You may think
that you are helping by voting more than once
but you are not. Only vote once a day on your computer
anything more than that is frowned on in The Site Fights!
And you could get me thrown out all together by doing so
So remember ONCE a day!!!!!

Vote for me here!


Would you like to support Aeval's Fairyland
in the site fights click below for a daily reminder
or weekly reminder to vote! Please specify which
you would like and
write "add me" in the subject header!

Be a supporter!


click here to go to friendship pages

I am not really happy about
the way Peter is doing this,
but do me a favor and close
your eyes so he can sprinkle
you with some fairy dust.
Cause when you click you
will be entering my friendship
pages! And since you don't
have wings, the dust will help
you fly around!


click here to go meet the family

Catch us if you can! We want you to meet the family!


click here to go to gifts

My beautiful gifts!
This is a thank you to all of
those people who have given me
wonderful gifts! Go ahead and
take a look around!


click here to go to my awards

My awards!
*S* I am very proud of these!


click here to go to my spirit pages

My Spirit Pages!
*S* See my warrior and pirate spirit!
And see my cheers!


All of these graphics were made
from premade tubes using Paint Shop Pro!
The page listing all the links to the tubes
can be found here. If you would like
to use any of these graphics please
email me first and let me know the
you website address! And provide a link
back here!


A very special thank you
to Crystal Blue Fairy and Fairy Grrrl!
Click on their names to go to their pages!
They helped me with the html and are
teaching me to do my own graphics!

email me next

Graphics by Fairy Aeval

sign Guestbook view

The music playing is "U Can Fly"
from Peter Pan.
You can download this and other
Disney songs at Disney Midis & Nick Jr. Midis & Wavs
A special Thank you to
Ilovemylittlegirl for finding this page
for me!

Site Fights Spirit Counter

I was approved!!