Hi, everyone back in North Carolina! I just wanted to say hello to some of the great people I have met!

G-- Wow, what can I say, you mean more to me than you'll ever know, you have helped me in so many ways by just being my friend. It has been great! I will always cherish the memories that we have made! And there are plenty! You'll never know the deepness of my love! Thank you!

Anna Jo-- Sis, I love you! I am glad that we are living together so that we can take care of each other! You are #1!!!!!

Anni-- What up, CU?? It's cool that we are working together now! We have had so many great times! Don't get lost in the mountains, lol!

Chris Hare & Matthew Buckner-- I love you boys!

Melinda-- Watch out Yesterdays!!!

Deana Rutherford & Susan (Q) Pope-- Word up, dis dat n' all! Wanna play UNO?

Tonya Ballard & Lisa Archer-- Hey!

Cheri Mayo-- UNC WILMINGTON CLASS OF 2003! I am so proud of you! I'm on my way to the beach to celebrate!!!!

Judy & Grady-- I love you both! I am sorry for all the trouble you all have to go through!

Katie Rhoney-- You may be gone, but you are not forgotten! Miss ya!

Samantha Sheets-- I love you baby girl! You look just like your Auntie Jeana! You know she'd kill me if she knew I said that!

Doober-- You're a wild child, but I love ya!!

There use to be a whole lot more people on this list, but you always find out who your true friends are.... To everyone who has betrayed me or lied to me, SCREW YOU!!!

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