Name: Lisa Marie Varney
Age: 27
Female (If you didn't already know)
Hair: Dark Blonde/ Light Brown
Eyes: Blue
Born to: Father, Joe Dale
Mother, Wanda
Siblings: Sister, Anna Jo
I am not married and I have no children.
My Story
I was born at the Pikeville Methodist Hospital in
Kentucky May 1, 1979. I lived in Canada,
Kentucky for 19 years of my life. Canada is the city
I went to Bevins Grade School, Belfry High School,
and SWVCC. I majored in Office Information Technology, Medical Option!
8 years ago I moved to Hickory, North Carolina.
I work at City Electric Supply as the office manager!

And, now I am into Day's of Our Lives! I love my soaps!
If I am online, I am either talking to my mama or working on my homepages! I just recently started my own graphic
center so most of
my time goes to it. I enjoy web design, it's
the best! I love making my own graphics and I can't
wait to see my items on others pages through
out the net!
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