Welcome to my new page!! (Updated 8-8-2000) I don't have much on here as of yet , but I did add something to my writing section and I'm thinking about a banner. I will work on this page as much as possible, but do keep in mind I do have that other page to manage as well... ^-^
Picture Gallery
Woah, look! It's my little "Thank You" page that I did at around three o'clock in the morning 'cause I was bored. Marvel at it's dorkiness!!!!
Do you like music? So do I!! Here are a few anime songs you can download...
Please come back soon 'cause you ain't seen nothin' yet!
Lookie!!! I adopted ChuChu!!! You should adopt something, too!!!
E-mail me, Kay? ^-^
My other pages!!
Hoppi's Psycho Insomnia Shagri-La!!
Celeste's Tribute to the Tavern!!
And, finally, if you have some time on your hands, please go to my links page to find some fun GAMES!!
I'm watching you...