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Basic information

The leopard's scientific name is Panthera pardus.Its family is Felidae, and its order is Carnivora. It is about eight  feet in length from head to tail. It weighs about 150-300 lbs. The leopard has 1-6 young at a time. It lives to be about 15 years old.

Physical Appearance

Leopards have the classic rosette pattern with dark brown or black rosettes against a tan or golden background, with spots on the tail and head. Melanistic leopards, more commonly known as black panthers, are frequently born, often in the same litter as spotted cubs The leopard is a slender, long - bodied cat, with a partially smaller head, sturdy legs, and a long tail.


Among the big cats, the leopard is considered the most intelligent and crafty. It prefers to hunt solitarily and by night. Sometimes leopards drop down from trees on unsuspecting prey. Sometimes it sneaks up, then attacks its kill. It bites its prey on the neck to suffocate it. Leopards usually drag their prey into trees, so they can eat in peace. They are capable of carrying three times their own weight.

