<BGSOUND SRC="roar2.wav">


Basic Information

The jaguar's scientific name is Panthera Onca. It's order is Carnivora, and it's family is Felidae. A male jaguar may reach 8 feet from head to tail, and may weigh up to 400 pounds. It's gestation period is four months, and it has 1-4 young at a time. It lives to be about 15 years old.

Physical Appearance

Black-coated jaguars are frequent, and can occur in the same litter as spotted cubs.
The jaguar's big bones, heavy chest, and well-muscled forelegs make it heavier and more powerful.

The coat of a jaguar ranges from yellow to tawny with whitish underparts. It is spotted in black on the head, neck, and limbs, and patterned with rossettes with spots inside them on their sides. There is often a solid line of black along the spine, and rings on the tail.

