The First Six Months!!!

The Christmas Page

The Next Six Months

One Year Old

 This page was created to celebrate our son Parker. Parker Stratton Chauvin was born on Sunday May 31st 1998 at 2:23 am. He weighed 6 lbs and 7 ozs and was 18 1/2" long. As of August 7th 1998 he weighs 11 lbs 12 ozs and is 23 1/4" long. Parker is a very active and alert baby boy. He doesn't think much of laying still at all. He is a constant source of amazement and joy for his Mommy and Daddy and he brightens the day of everyone who knows him. Here we will be sharing stories and pictures of Parker with all of you. Be sure to check back soon for anything new!

 September 14 1998

Time for a Parker update! We have reached the three month marker and are still alive to talk about it.  Parker now and for the past month or so has been sleeping through the night. The little darling lets Mommy sleep until 8 am most days.  His Daddy is proud to report he had not been pee'd on in three days!!!!  Parker loves bath time, his  Jolly Jumper and Exersaucer.  He can lift his head up to a full 90 degrees when on his tummy.  Next doctor's appointment is in October so we will have weight and height then.

October 06 1998

Parker was to see the doctor on Friday for his four month needle.  He once again impressed his doctor with all that he can do.  He has no trouble grabbing objects, and of course putting them right into his mouth! He is gabbing up a storm these days, we have no idea what exactly he is saying but it sounds pretty happy.  Parker lights up our eyes and puts a smile on our faces each time he laughs his adorable little laugh. Well, we react like that to pretty much anything he does!!! Parker now weighs 14 lbs 2 oz and is 25 1/2" long.

  October 17 1998

At last! Solid food!!!! Parker very much enjoyed his first taste of cereal yesterday.  He tried to feed himself too.  He hit his eyes and nose but never his mouth!  A couple of discoveries have been made the past week or two, his thumb found its way into his mouth and he has become very skilful at the fine art of splashing!!!  Parker is getting very frustrated at the fact that he can not yet sit up.  He is now pulling himself about half way up when he is lying on his back and boy, does he ever want to conquer that last half!

November 09 1998

It's a girl!!!! On November 4th Parker became big cousin to Regan Marie.  She is healthy, beautiful and what a head of hair!!  But wait, more good news .....Parker can sit up! On November first he decided he had had enough of this laying down business so he put an end to it.  And what a Halloween we had!! I have to say, and I am sure you will agree with me, that Parker was the best looking pumpkin I have ever seen.  Be sure and check out those and other new pictures below.

UPDATE - November 25 1998

He sits and now he rolls over too!!! Parker is rolling from his tummy to his back all by himself now.  And boy does he ever want to get up and move.  We have a sneaking suspicion he may go right to walking and by pass crawling all together.  Parker has also graduated to baths in the big tub.  He was just splashing way too much to be in the baby tub any longer.  No teeth yet, but lots of drool!

Click on the thumbnail to see a larger image.

  A Few Hours Old

Five Days Old

A Week Old

Month and a Half Old


Three Months Old

4 Months Old

Five Months Old

Happy Halloween!!!




Could these women possibly be grand-mothers?

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