My name is Kalista Maharani
Kalista means Heavenly and Maharani means The Great Queen
So for the whole name, it means "The Queen who has a heavenly attitude"
I was born in Jakarta, Indonesia at October 8, 1997
as a little tiny baby... Yes, my weight was only 2950 gram and my length was 47 cm at that time
But, I've grown up since then and I'm a big girl now :-)
I live with my family in Vancouver, Canada
But, it just only for a while
After my Dad graduate from the school he takes here, we'll move back to Indonesia
I like singing very much
Everynight either my Dad or my Mom always sing together with me before I go to bed,
otherwise I can't fall a sleep
So I collect all my favourite songs in my jukebox
Well, I like drawing,too
Please get into my galery for seeing my 'art'
Let me know you've been here by visiting my guestbook
My Family Album
My Family
My Galery
My Jukebox
My Favourite