My name is Kalista Maharani
Kalista means Heavenly and Maharani means The Great Queen
So for the whole name, it means "The Queen who has a heavenly attitude"

I was born in Jakarta, Indonesia at October 8, 1997
as a little tiny baby... Yes, my weight was only 2950 gram and my length was 47 cm at that time
But, I've grown up since then and I'm a big girl now :-)

I live with my family in Vancouver, Canada
But, it just only for a while
After my Dad graduate from the school he takes here, we'll move back to Indonesia

I like singing very much
Everynight either my Dad or my Mom always sing together with me before I go to bed,
otherwise I can't fall a sleep
So I collect all my favourite songs in my jukebox

Well, I like drawing,too
Please get into my galery for seeing my 'art'

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