Our Adoption Journey - page 2

November 4, 1999 - We're really uncomfortable with the way Aaron Andrei is acting is this video. He doesn't seem able to hold his head very well - it begins to bob after a few minutes. I talked to Debbie and she's going to request a Denver Developmental Screening, which should be done next week. She also gave me his latest measurements - he weighs 15 lbs and is 25" long.
November 5, 1999 - I got an e-mail from Debbie - repartition happened! And our dossier appears before the local committee on November 16 :) Wow, things are starting to move now!!!
November 10, 1999 - We got the results of the Denver screening! It was done November 8 - his development in personal/social skills is "perfect", he passes all fine motor-adaptive skills for his age, his language skills for a 5 month old are "perfect". He had some problems in the gross motor skills section - he can push up with his arms while on his tummy and he rolls over! But when sitting (supported) his head does begin to bob, which is what worried us. His head also fell back (instead of staying even with his shoulders) when pulled into a sitting position. It's not considered a fail, but a caution. The doctor offered suggestions to the caregiver to improve his gross motor skills. We think his head control problems are related to him laying on his back in his crib a lot. We are very relieved!
November 24, 1999 - OH MY GOSH!!!!! We have a court date!!! It's December 6!!!! I can't believe it. When things started moving, they really started moving! It doesn't seem like it was that long ago that we started out.
December 8, 1999 - Court went great! We are officially new parents!!!! I guess the decree was written, his name is Andrei Witzig now - but there is a 20 day waiting period before the judge signs it. We're not getting much information on when we'll travel. The embassy is closed for holidays and Y2K precautions from December 22 to January 17. I guess the foundation waits until after the waiting period to make the embassy appointment, so we won't know for a few more weeks.
December 10, 1999 - We got a new video!!! I was so surprised. I was wondering why we hadn't received one yet, and I called the agency - they hadn't received one from the foundation and weren't expecting one. So this was a huge surprise - and a huge relief. Aaron A looks wonderful! He is smiling and holding his head up so well - his foster mother has really been working with him :) He looks so big, he almost looks like a toddler! And they cut his hair, which makes him look grown up. I'll have prints made soon.
December 14, 1999 - I've been bugging the agency a lot. We're really anxious to find out when we travel. It's even harder waiting now that we know he is ours. We've decided to have another Christmas once he's home, so the tree will stay up for a long time....We're hoping to travel the 3rd week in January. Meanwhile, I did get some measurements - at 6 months old, he weighs 16.314 lbs and is 27.16" long. And here are the pictures! The video was so good and he was so full of smiles that I had 4 prints made!
December, 1999 - Ok, I've given up. We're not going to know before Christmas when we're traveling. I'm going to let it go. I'll enjoy Christmas, and not expect a travel date until sometime in January.
Our Adoption Journey
Pics -Feb - April 2000
April - June 2000 pics
July - Sep 2000 pics
Sep & Oct pics