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If you are want to become a first year at Hogwarts school there is one thing you need to have, EDUCATION. You must take this test to see if you are the ideal wizard. If you get 7 or more on the test you become a 1st year, if not fail and can't join. E-mail the answers to Me. The headmaster Mr.Wesk at craigsp11@yahoo.com.
1.Who does Harry dislike from the very beginning of the Sorcerer's Stone?
2.Who discovered the Sorcerer's Stone with Prof.Dumbledore?
3.What pesision does Harry Potter play?
4.Who is the teacher of Transfiguration in Hogwarts?
5.When did Malfoy and Harry first start hating each other?
6.What house did the sorting hat think Harry would at first do well in?
7.What does Squib mean?
8.Where does the book take place?
9.Describe the creature that was guarding the Trap door to the Socerer's Stone?What is it's name?
10.If you pass this test what character would you like to be and make up a character. |