Welcome to my home page

Hello to my page, my name is Paul, married 20 years to Fran. We have three kids, Laurena 19, Paul 14. and Chrissy 12.
Thats me on the left and fran on the right
Paul is on the left Chrissy on the right.
These are some pages I have made, one of them. A firemans tribute is in memory of the Worcester, MA firefighters that gave their lives in the line of duty. I could only imagine the pain the families went through the several days it took to recover their loved ones. This is my way of saying thanks to the men and woman whom we never seem to think about until we need them.
This poem, brought tears to many people. Barbara and Bill knew each other for 38 years. On the night Drs. told them there was nothing more to do, Barbara, knowing she would soon be called to God, gave Bill this poem. (author unknown) Hoping it would ease his pain. They loved each other as much as they did when they started dating back in 1962. She a sophmore, he a senior. She a cheerleader, he, captain of the basketball team. Take time to read Tomorrow, a story of true love. If anyone knows the name of the author I would appreciate it so I can give proper credit.
This page I made is a story my sister-in-law Laura wrote. It is about her cousin Paul, who after many years, found each other again. They both knew his time on earth was limited, but somehow feed off each others strength. I hope you take time to read The Rainbow
This poem was written by my daughter Laurena, a remarkable young lady who at 14 was diagnosed with Adenoid Cystic Carcenoma in her eye. Its called Angel