Zone | /Loc # | Description |
Kelethin | Soulbinder Oakstout -345, -365 |
Up newbie lift, take left rope bridge, go up left ramp |
Felwithle | Soulbinder Elendalira -7, -216 |
In front of paladin guild hall when you cross the first "bridge" upon entering the zone |
OverThere | +3070, +2775 | Inbetween 2 piers at the out post |
Rivervale | Soulbinder Hoggle Grubbyto 120.79, -80 |
Zone in from Misty, take a left, building on left |
Firona Vie | |
Freeport | |
Ak'Anon | Soulbinder Toglonoit 496, 32 |
follow first tunnel down to green wall of water/liquid. At this intersection were you would go right and see Priest of Discord, you want to go left to see the Soulbinder. |
Grobb | |
Halas | |
Neriak | |
Oggok | |
Qeynos | |
Surefall Glades | |
Kaladim | Soulbinder Torvald 209, 214 |
At first intersection, go left. Go past the Bard-mail quest NPC. After the first building on the right, go right. You will see a tunnel/doorway/arch. The Soulbinder is in there. |
Cabilis | |
Erudin | |
/shrug I couldn't find one |
Paineel | |
Shadowhaven | |
Plane of Knowledge | ||
Last update: 01-18-2002 |
Lords of Drakova logo was created and given as a gift by Oeda from Circle of Companions in 1999 and is copywrited by her.