Troop 2700's Home Page

We are a Girl Scout Troop in Concord, MA.  There are nine girls in our troop.  Our troop members go to the Concord Middle Schools and Nashoba Brooks (the private school).  We are in 7th and 8th grade.  Our members are Ellie, Amanda, Alyssa, Tiea, Maya, Caroline, Kathleen, Meghan and McCurdy.

We have a co-operative Cadet Troop.  Our troop was started as a Brownie Troop.  We were a big troop until we started the 5th grade.  We went from sixteen girls to nine girls.  In spring 1999 we bridged to Cadets and we had to start all over again with a new sash and achieving all new patches. 

We are a co-operative troop, which means all of our mothers and fathers help with the meetings.  We, the girls, get to chose our patches/badges ande then the parents help us achieve them.  We have a meeting once a month and we have homework to do to get our patches.  (We have learned that Cadet patches are much harder than Junior patches.)

We sell cookies every year and we are very competative.  We do many events four our town because we are one of the oldest troops. age wise.  There are only three Cadet troops in our town and we are proud that we have lasted this long.

What Badges We have Accomplished:
-Wild life
-Horse Lovers 
-Roller Skating
-Community Service
-Square Dance
-Cookie Sales
-First Aid

Cookie Booth Sale!!!!!

The sale will take place on Febuary 25, 2000 from 10thirty to 2 o'clock. It will be on the Bentley College campus in Waltham, Mass. We will be selling the cookies for the standard $3 and unlike the door-to-door sales, you get instant gratification and can take your cookies home with you...NOW!!!!!!!!

The Things that we like to do as a Troop:
We love to go on Battle Ship sleepovers.
Shopping at the Mall.
Earn award patchs.
Roller Skating.
Throw dances and parties.
Take Pictures.
"Girls Just wanna have fun."

We are working very hard to acheive our Silver Award.  In order to acomplish our award we are throwing a dance.  It will be in the winter of 2001.  There will be tickets on sale at the middle schools a few weeks in advance.  We will post more information as it becomes available.

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