The Aardwolf Hunny Pot

This is Pooh Bear's Aardwolf MUD Homepage, with the requisite speedwalks(SWs) and area information, but also with many tips on questing, raiding, clans, spells, classes, and equipment.

Myself, I'm a retired 5-time remort Superhero (obviously named Poohbear :) in Hook clan, as well as an ex-Helper, way back in the Version 1 (or whatever you call the pre-V2) days, when 7 classes was as high as you could go.... boy I miss those days, and most of all my friends and Imms...

Well, I guess it's time for the younger generation to take over... hopefully this outdated site is of some use. Enjoy!!

Speedwalks & Areas
Wol's Words of Wisdom
(speedwalks & area information)
Newbies, Superheros, Classes, Races, Levelling, Spells, Skills, Clans, PK and More!
Sweet Aard Wolf tidbits
(classes,races,levelling,spells & clans)
(Raiders and defending)
Pooh's Ego Trip
Pooh's Ego Is Growing!
(Pooh's Past and Egotrip)

A word from Pooh (29 Dec 2003):
  • I've graduated and am really busy with work these days...
    ...I guess this is one of those "has-been" sites now. ;)
  • No longer playing, or even keeping my account alive...
    ...Thanks for all the good times, 'ol friends!!

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