Our Child of God

Alexis Morgan Bonilla was born on August 12, 1998. She was diagnosed with Trisomy 18 just a few days later. Lexi was an inspiration to all those who knew her. Her daily struggle for survival was hard on all those she came in contact with. She left footprints on all those who met her. Even if they only saw her once or twice.

Alexis had a home care nurse who was truly a blessing to not only Lexi but to our family. Nora loved her little fuzzy hair girl unconditionally. It was because of that love that Lexi was able to accomplish the few things she did. Alexis loved her Nora and we still do too. Nora will always remain a true friend to our family. Nora had only been with Alexis for one and a half months before she passed away. Yet the love and compassion for our Lexi still shows.

God Bless our little teeter bug until we meet again.

Dear Lexi,

You came to us one morn
Without a breath or cry.
They took you from me frown and scorn
Not letting me say hi.
They stood around you whispering
"Come here, come look at this."
I never heard such murmuring
I wanted to give you a kiss.
Rushing to give you life with air
Not knowing what else to do.
Daddy held me, playing with my hair
Both longing to hold you.
It seemed like days had passed by now
With not one answer given.
Then they finally told us how
You would go straight to Heaven.
Your body was not ready for this Earth
With so many things gone wrong.
Not holding you so long since birth
I quietly sang you a song.
You held on for a little while
Much pain you were in.
I was comforted with your crooked smile
Big brother with your grin.
We shared so many things together
Never being far apart.
No matter what the time or weather
I held you close to my heart.
I knew your life was ending now
Not wanting to say good-bye.
I wondered if we would remember how
To let you go- - not cry.
You fell asleep in your favorite swing
No more sounds to hear.
No more songs for me to sing
I held your body near.
So many friends and family came
To bless and honor you.
Though nothing ever seems the same
We finally made it through.
Dear Lexi, many months have passed
Some days easier than others.
It seems to have happened way too fast.
No longer tucking you under the covers.
I look back now with no regret
The short time we had with you.
Those memories I will not forget
It's all that gets me through.

September 17, 1999
Written for my Angel Baby
Alexis Morgan Bonilla
Aug. 12, 1998 - Jan. 27, 1999

We wanted so much to keep you.
We watched you day by day,
Until we saw you slip away,

God had watched you suffer and He
Knew you had your share,
So He closed your weary eyes,
And took you into His care.

Your memory is our keepsake,
With that we will never part.
God has you in His keeping,
We have you in our heart.

To us you are something special.
God must have thought so too,
For nothing is more beautiful