Our Family Web Gallery
Here is all the latest news and updates on our family!

June 2005:
Busy was the word of the month!
Alexa graduated from Grade 6! On to middle school next year. She did great despite having a crumby teacher. She was very involved in her school and other activities! Alexa was a hot lunch helper, on the Student Leadership Team as well as sports. She has made some really good friends this year!
Jake had a great year in Grade 1! His teacher was wonderful and he excelled in many subjects!
Kailyn was glad to have her many activities (and Mom's) end this month! She was wonderful in her ballet recital!
I have been keeping super busy volunteering at the school and chauffering the kids around. I (with the help of my good friend Beverly) worked on the hot lunch program, started and lead the Student Leadership program and the school, organized the school wide, water olympics, attended grade 6 camp and hosted a grad party for all the grade sixes! I was hardly ever at home the whole month!

July 2005:
We headed out on our family vacation June 29th. First stop was Chilliwack for one night. The next day was off to Kelowna. We were supposed to head from there to Edmonton, but stayed in Kelowna a couple extra days to help friends with renovations. After that it wa one night in Calgary and then on to Saskatoon.
We spend a few days in 'Toon Town, reliving the old days with our good friends.
Next on the tour was Regina. We spent 5 days in Regina catching up with friends and family. What a great time!
Then we left for home one kid short (Alexa stayed for a few days).
We drove Regina to Golden all in one shot (took like 12 hours!) then back to Kelowna. We did make a few stops along the way to visit the Enchanted Forest and to rent a SeaDoo for the day!
One night in Kelowna and FINALLY we made it back home!

Since our trip we have been painting our bedroom (Shrek Green) and hanging out with friends! It is amazing to live 10 min from the ocean and 15 min from a beautiful lake (actually a few lakes are near by)!

Next up:
Not much, lazing around, soaking up the sun, yard work... Ah the tough life!
Canada Day 2005
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contact us
Name: The Nottebrocks
Email: Carol-LynnN@telus.net