Welcome to the Jon Zielinski web site!!
There are many things that I enjoy doing in my spare time. Whether I am running, playing games,
listening to music, hanging with friends, or what ever, I am always doing something to keep
myself entertained.
Not many people know much about me. Well, I am a junior at Kaneland High School. I enjoy running
so I have joined the greatest sport ever, cross country. I also participate in track in the
spring. That is pretty much it for school.
People say that I have a large family. Well, decide for yourself. I grew up in a house with both
of my parents, two brothers, and four sisters. I am the fourth child, that means that I am right
smack dab in the middle. It stinks. Right now one of my brothers is going to college so he is
living on campus. My other brother had just moved out of the house last spring. That means that
I am the only male still living at home, except for my dad but he doesn't count.I also have a dog,
and three cats. We have also gone through a series of goldfish, hamsters, gerbals, and one bird.
That is my family.